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White Residue Post-Faceup Removal?

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Hi all, sorry for immediately rushing to the forum when something goes odd with my first vinyl, but I'm a bit puzzled. I got an Imomodoll Canis head in tan secondhand, and it came with a faceup already applied. I removed the faceup with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol, but the alcohol left behind a sort of....powdery pale finish onto the vinyl? It goes away temporarily with water, only to show again when the head dries. This isn't my customizing rodeo, but I'm used to playline fashion dolls and acetone, so I'm a bit puzzled. Should I try another round with acetone to remove it, or am I missing something?



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It is residue, so it does not warrant acetone use.
Try going over it again (on those areas) with a melamine sponge/magic eraser (and alcohol).

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The issue appears to be caused by the evaporation of the rubbing alcohol causing this pale residue. While magic eraser helps a little, it seems adding more alcohol just adds more residue onto the surface? Has anyone else had this issue before?


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It is common with isopropyl... And key is to scrub it off.
If the surface isn't sufficiently cleaned, the alcohol will "cake onto", in this case, the sealant.
For this stubborn head, I'd suggest washing it with a bit of dish-soap (you can generally feel where the "dirty" areas are with your fingers - smooth=clean, rough=not clean) and then back at it with the alcohol and eraser.

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I tend to find this happens when I use weaker IPA, so I try to stick with 99% or higher. Scrubbing with a soft bristle toothbrush works decently well at getting it off in my experience.

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Instances similar to this do happen occasionally with the 91% IPA i get from WALMART.

Wiping affected areas down with a Water-Dampened Washcloth seems to always solve the problem for me...

Edited by Tasuke






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Looks exactly like leftover sealant to me, my girl is also a tan imomo and she flaked up like this like CRAZY the first time I wiped her. On the brightside, it meant I was absolutely sure I'd gotten it all off by the end! I use 99% isopropyl alcohol diluted slightly with water, paper towels, and melamine sponge. Scrub scrub scrub!

Edited by honooko

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