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Introducing Tsubasa!

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I finally got my first Dollfie Dream! Last month, I purchased a Dream Choice boy from sophiebabybear on Instagram, and he finally arrived the other day! 

He's a Dollfie Dream Sister boy, with the DCH-09 face, and the M03 faceup in Flesh. He has the Shaggy Boy wig in Navy, with 22m green V eyes. They appear a very blue-teal color on the eye list, but they're definitely green in person!


He's absolutely adorable! He certainly wanted to make an impression- right out of the box, he fell apart! His waist just would not stay connected to his torso. A minor surgery later (disassembling him and tightening nearly all of his screws), he still seems a bit loose, but at least he's staying in one piece!

My sister's DD3 Karin arrived the same day as Tsubasa, and she seems so much tighter than him. I'm unsure if that's just a difference between the DD3 frame and the DDF³ frame, or if I just need to tweak his screws again. Interestingly, he didn't have the leg issue everyone seems to have with the F³ frame! His legs stay on fine, haha.

One thing I noticed is just how soft his vinyl is! It feels nice. It makes him feel super cuddly, if that makes sense. His soft vinyl and looser frame makes quite a contrast to my Smart Doll, Mirai's firmer vinyl and stiff frame! Tsubasa gives great hugs. :)


I really like Kaito's outfit on him!


And lastly, here he is with Mirai, in the Miku wig I'd ordered from Volks JP, and the Miku dress I'd won in a giveaway (I had a ton of packages arrive on the same day, haha)!

Overall, I'm very happy to have Tsubasa! He's just adorable. What recommendations do you guys have for clothes for the Sister boys?

- Cole

Edited by Wonderously_Strange
Fixed a typo!
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Congratulations! He has a really sweet face. ^3^

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Wow he's so cute! I'm so glad he made it home to you!

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Tsubasa is really cute and I hope you enjoy that new doll smell. Volks' vinyl is really soft and squishy. I also love holding their hands - they're so detailed.

I need to dress my Kaito up at some stage. His outfit's all ready to go.

As for joint tightening, some are really awkward to do but it really does help.

My DDdy Towa's chest part never seems to fit really well on her torso and her legs used to fall off a lot. I've never had any issues with my other DD and DDS - they're OK posing them in the sitting position.


My Dollfie doll family December 2024 😊. Towa believes they are 34 in number.


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On 3/23/2024 at 9:10 AM, Wonderously_Strange said:

Interestingly, he didn't have the leg issue everyone seems to have with the F³ frame! His legs stay on fine, haha.

The issue is when you take them apart. There’s a notch inside the torso that the legs have to click into, so if you don’t reapply the legs at a specific angle, they don’t lock into place and tend to come out all the time. It’s an easy enough fix in theory, but in practice it can be a pain to angle them just right.

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