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Proxy for Puyoodoll website?

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So Puyoodoll has Baby Kumako Eggs on their website right now and I really would like to purchase one! The baby eggs are not able to be shipped internationally so I tried the site From Japan to buy one; however, From Japan cancelled my order due to the site not being Japanese. From Japan said I could use the link to Puyoodoll's Japan website: https://puyoodoll.cart.fc2.com/ but only their regular international website has the baby Kumako Eggs listed, the Japan site only had the 1/4 regular dolls. I really like the baby eggs so I was just wondering if anyone knew a reliable and somewhat affordable proxy that would accept the international link: https://www.puyoodoll.com/ I don't know if this site needs a Chinese proxy since I think Puyoodoll is technically a Chinese company?? (If I'm wrong please correct me!)  I'm just very confused and would like to purchase one of the baby eggs if I can....

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It wouldn't let me edit my previous post, but I'm also wondering if it is even worth going through a proxy for the baby egg. For the Baby Kumako Egg (without Proxy service) the product plus international shipping would cost 49,600 yen, while the normal Kumako Egg product and international shipping would cost 67,500 yen. And if a proxy service would equal out the difference between the two (18,000 yen) even though the larger sized doll seems a little much for me, I might as well get the regular one, right??

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The regular one is 1/4 size (~40cm) while the Baby one is 1/6 size (~30cm). It might be hard to tell if you’ve never seen these dolls in person, but the size difference is pretty significant.

The website says it doesn’t ship internationally but you can try anyway. If you’re able to place the order then there’s no need to bother with a proxy.

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