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Apartment Beast Adventures

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In this topic will be chronicled the adventures of the assorted collection of little bit beastly dolls in my apartment.

For example:


"Kanna, Master gave us swords! Let's have a fight!"

"Luluna, we can't. We don't have the hands to hold our swords yet. Our owner is looking for them now."

"Don't be complicated, of course we can! I'm going to attack youuuuu!"



"Unbelievable! You disarmed me without drawing your sword! You must be really strong!"

"Why is she so bloody stupid...?"

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Posted (edited)

A small related story can be found here (NSFW due to underwear and doll nudity).

Anyway, today's adventures (part 1):

Required background info: My Luluna is a vampire. Also, any doll that I had to fix something on or change out body parts is aware of their doll-ness, and any that came here in one piece is not (Amane is the only Obitsu-bodied one that came here unscathed). Finally, I received a Lilia yesterday (see Azone 50 thread), who is currently in parts due to joints getting fixed.


"Luluna, what have you done?!? Whose body parts are those?!? Have you gone mad?!?"

"Amane, look, it's amazing! Master got us some new hands and wrist parts, and also this head for a future friend!"

"Stay away!"


"Blammo! Finger gun! Body explodes!"

"Noooooooooo, Luluna! What are you doing?!? Did you really fall to the dark side?"

Offscreen (Lilia's head): "Luluna, stop playing with my body parts immediately!"




Amane (thinking): "Huge floating sword"


"I'll use this red TJT Cryler to put Lilia out of her misery! Amane, what are you doing?"

"Stop this now, demon! Before I hunt you down and send you to...uh...elsewhere, you will explain to me why there are body parts everywhere!"

"Master, help!"

"Ladies, please calm down. There is a completely logical reason for the body parts strewn asunder. Also, Amane, I need you for a photoshoot. And Luluna, could you please strip?"

Offscreen (Lilia's head): "Human! What did you do to my sister!? Why is she like this!?"

"Later, Lilia, later."

Edited by Kemonomimicry
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Part 2...


Narrator: "So, Luluna, are you happy with your wings? Granted, they're just tattoos, but..."

"Yes, Master."

Offscreen (Lilia's head): "What! Why does my sister need wings?"

N: "Since you're still stripped, Luluna, could you please put this on?"


"There! How is it?"

"It's a bit tight, Master."

"Yeah, I had trouble zipping you up. It's your chest, you see. But wait a minute, for the finishing touch."


Amane: "Cute ears..."

"But what is this for, Master?"

"It's an experiment. Could you please turn around?"

"Okay, Master."


"Yes, excellent! Now stand still."

"But what is this experiMEWnt about, Mas..."




"What happened to MEW, nyah? What was that, nyah?"

"Experiment successful, by the looks of it."

"What is this fluffy thing, nyah? Why do I feel it, nyah? And why, nyah, are MEW speech patterns slurred, nyah? Master!"

Offscreen (Lilia's head): "It's the costume. It's possessed, probably by the soul of a cute kitten in this case. If you have sufficient training, like Amane, you can turn the tables on the possessed costume and use it for your advantage."

Amane: "Your tail is your tail, a beloved body part to stroke, clean, and cuddle, that keeps you warm on cold winter nights, and that expresses the deepest parts of your soul whenever it wants to."

Offscreen (Lilia's head): "I meant, up to a degree, of course."


"MEWaster! I don't like this experiMEWnt! Also, this costume is too tight around MEW breasts, and it hurts, Nyah! Change MEW back to MEW vyampire self, Nyah! I want this to stop, NYAOW!"


Offscreen (Lilia's head): "Wait, human, you changed my sister to a WHAT?!?"

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My Luluna is very sensitive...

Oh, hi girls! What are you doing?


Lilia: "We're looking at Youtube videos..."

Luluna: "...uhhhh..."


Lilia: "...of how dolls are made. In a factory."

Amane: "I don't really get how this relates to us, but the movies are fascinating."

Luluna: "gweeeehhh...this...too much...this is how babby dolls are made..."



Luluna: "GYAAAAAHHHH...this is SO embarassing, looks at such imagery in front of Master! AAAAAaaaAAAAaaahh! Sorry, I have to leave!"

What's with her?

Amane: "Don't know, she's been like this since we started watching, blushing and sighing. I don't really get it."

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A certain mythical subject and confusion and jealousy

Note: The mini-computer shown is a real one from the late 1990s (Psion series 5). It doesn't have a colour screen and certainly can't play Youtube videos, but somehow the girls manage. The screen's off because the backlight devours batteries, yet the girls see things fine. Probably there's magic involved.


Lilia: "Apparently our owner got a new doll and she's a youkai fox type. I've been doing research."

Amane: "A compatriot!"

Luluna: "So she has fluffy tail?"

Lilia: "However..."


Lilia: "Ah, there you are. Excellent."

Newcomer: "Uh, hello. I'm Mashiro."

Luluna: "Fluffy ears!"

Lilia: "Yes. My research has revealed some troubling things, and I want to know what they are about..."


Lilia: "What are you doing in this image? What is the other doll?"

(Oh, dear. This is gonna suck.)

Mashiro: "I, uh, that's a boy."


Lilia: "A 'boy'?"

Amane: "What is that? I have never heard of such a thing."

(Kanna has a thousand-year stare)


Luluna: "Oh, I think I can explain! I was a bride once, after all!"

Lilia: "Really, Luluna? I'm dying to hear all about it."

Amane: "Yes, please tell us all about this mysterious 'boy' entity. And what it's doing on the screen..."

(I really don't know what's on the screen. It's all black to me.)


Luluna: "Master is a Boy."

Lilia: "They are?"

Kanna: "Now that I think of it, our owner has been raving about a 'Kakuso' torso and making a boy and getting another boy for the last few weeks."

Amane: "But isn't there, like, a size difference between them and Mashiro here? And why is that absent on the screen?"


Lilia: "Right. We demand answers. Now!"

Amane: "We sure do...explain us."

I'd rather not to....

(Maybe the birds and the bees...for dolls? How?)

Luluna: "Master. And Boys. Master and Boys. Master and Boys. Master and Boys..."@onion26@

Kanna: "Luluna?"


Luluna, I think there's been a misunderstanding...


Mashiro: "Can you PLEASE explain to these empty-headed fools that a character doll is not the same as the original character?"

Amane (whispering): "She may look cute and innocent, but really she's the domineering type. I understand better. I think I understand the image. That's how she controls humans. I have to protect the human from her forceful approach. Should I ready my sword to smite this supposedly holy fox? Also, her ears are different from mine, and so is her tail. I will need to investigate those, to ensure they cannot ensnare the human via supernatural fluffiness or other, more subtle means that may brainwash the human into doing counternatural things with a creature one-third their size. I will protect the human, I vow that on the pride of my inari-ity."


(What did I get myself into?)


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Amane: "Finally free. The others haven't noticed, either."




Amane: "My owner's not there. He received something this morning. I just know. Instinct."




Amane: "He's not here either. Good."




Amane: "He's really not there?"



Amane: "No, he's not here. I think I can put this away."


Amane: "Now, the real challenge lies ahead."

To be continued...

What horror will Amane discover in the Box from Japan? See it in the next episode.


Edited by Kemonomimicry
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Amane: "Almost there..."



Amane: "The box...so close now."


Amane: "..."



Amane: "...I knew it...am I defeated?"


Amane: "A terrible thing has arrived."


Amane: "This...is a TAIL."


Oh, hello Amane. 

Amane: "..."

Is something the matter? How did you get onto my office chair, by the way? I don't remember putting you there.

Amane: "...I escaped from the place you keep us locked up in..."

Oh, you got out of the closet on your own?

Amane: "...I had to cut through the lock using my katana. I'm sorry about that."

(What lock? There is no lock.)

Oh, ok. But what's the matter, you look so down...

Amane: "This is all your fault..."




Amane? Amane, what are you doing?

Amane: "You know very well what I'm going on about, human!"


Amane: "Tails! That's the whole problem, TAILS!"

(Oh gods, she's threatening me while smiling. Is she about to go yandere? No, scratch that, has she already...?)

Amane: "I know what you've been doing! I should have known the moment you got that Moonlight Night Prank Cat Maid outfit that you tried to get Luluna into."

What's this? Amane, calm down.

Amane: "Then this gray-haired vixen showed up. She tried to bewitch you with her large fluffy assets, didn't she?! I knew it!"

Amane...what are you going on about...


Amane: "And then that cat showed up, who promptly tried to kill us with her demonic arts!"

(Oh dear, this is out of order, and I will have to do a flashback later on)

Amane: "But the pattern was there! She too had a fluffy tail!"

Amane, let me explain...

Amane: "And then you brought home that black fluffy kitten, whose huge tail you praised on DollDreaming! I know, because I have been checking your posts on there! Every single one of them!"

You what?

Amane: "So I knew about the parcel. The one with the 'large tail'."


Amane: "I found it just a moment ago! It's huge!"


Amane: "I also went through the clothes you bought for us, and found two more tails!"



(Oh, dear)

Amane: "Now explain yourself, human, before I murder you in an unbecomingly brutal manner for my character!"

(you gotta admire how dolls seem to be unconsciously aware they are out of character and break the fourth wall by vocalising that)

That tail...is actually for the one who came here first.

Amane: "...the one who came here first?"

I can't show her yet because of...reasons.

Amane: "Oh, come on, do you think you're going to fool a miko ninja with such feeble words?"

It is the truth. She was here before you were. Together with Nanashi, she existed in my mind long before you even came here.

Amane: "Who? I know no Nanashi."

I still need to summon her.

Amane: "Summon?!? Wait, in your mind? Are you possessed? What about the one the tail is for?"

She has a body, and hides in the closet. The same one you reside in. I still need to name her, so for the moment I call her Okami-hime.

Amane: "...you think you can fool me with such drivel?!"



Oh shi...doll out of control, doll out of control.

Amane: "I still don't understand how you were able to block my miko-powers enhanced demon-slaying monster eradication magical katana. That attack should have finished you off."

Well, it's only a piece of ABS.

Amane: "It is metal. Hardened steel. Don't proclaim nonsense."


Amane: "...I can always kill you in your sleep by stabbing you in the eye."

Now, where to store you this time? Back into an Azone box? That seems the safest for myself...

Amane: "Nooooooooo! Not the box! I can't get out of one of those myself!"

That's the idea. I mean, I don't want to be found dead in the morning with an ABS katana sticking out of my skull through an eye, do I? Especially not one still held by a doll.

Amane: "You are asking for such a fate by yourself. Worship my tail, and I may reconsider. By the way, what is a 'doll'?"

What about a compromise? I give you first dibs to checking upon new tails, and you don't murder me in my sleep. Also, you can reside in the closet like before.

Amane: "And worship my tail."

That seems unfair, but seeing I don't want to keep you in a box forever I'll agree to it. By the way, what did you think of the huge tail?

Amane: "It's black and huge. I don't think it would fit me."

Well, that's that then.

Amane: "I want to have my own talk show on DollDreaming in which I judge tails. It will be called 'All Hail the Tail'. We have some backlog to go through."


(I'm not sure judging tails more fluffy than hers are good for her psychological state, which seems slightly fragile, but whatevs)

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