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Need assistance in a possible custom?

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Hello all! Hopefully I have this in the right category. I have been searching high and low for a Rise Kujikawa head and have decided that maybe it’s time to settle on possibly doing a custom of her. I know that none of the blank heads out there are the same sculpt as hers but, I figure that I can get an artist to at least have the makeup look like Rise. My question is, what do you all think would be the best head sculpt? Is there anybody out there that has done their own custom Rise that I can borrow inspiration from? I know she’ll probably end up looking more anime than the official doll does but I’m okay with that! 

I’ve managed to find a wig similar to hers, still struggling to find eyes but I think I can find those on Dollyteria. I’m just determined to not break the bank like I would with the real deal. 🙈 I appreciate any help in the meantime! 

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I think Karin would be a good Rise. The shape of her eyes is similar, and she has a cute smile. Karin's head isn't available separately, but she's a standard model DDS, so she's pretty easy to get.

If you want one that's more in the style of the original, you could also consider a semi-real Smart Doll. 

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SQ-Lab sells a resin head specifically designed to match DD bodies called Navi. Navi might not have the right eye shape to suit Rise though.

Another option for semi real heads is Parabox. They produce a range of SD-style vinyl heads for 50cm dolls, and the original Gretel 60cm (or their other sculpt Haruka) can be found second hand if you're willing to hunt.

The only downside is that attaching Obitsu heads to DD bodies is a rather involved process, but there are tutorials available online.

There are also limited DDs with a semi real-ish style like Alna (who is not too expensive by DD standards), Kos-mos and Excellen.

Sorry if you've already considered these options.

Moved on to resin BJD

Favourite DD: Sakuno Uryuu

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