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Piccodo Action Doll x White Box Alice

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Not sure if anyone here knows the artist Watausa and her brand White Box Alice (白匣爱丽丝), but she’s a Chinese artist living in Japan who designed the heads known as Haneko heads.

These heads attracted a lot of attention earlier this year when several famous faceup artists painted the prototypes and showed them off online. Watausa even brought a few to I-Doll back in March where they sold out almost immediately.

A few months ago, she announced a collaboration with Piccodo and the details were finally released in June. The dolls are designed to look like silkworm moths and will come as a pair. They use the 1/12 Piccodo body and the Haneko heads in 1/8 size, so they’re a little bobble-headed. The preorder period is from June 21 to July 21 and they’re scheduled to release in December this year.

It’s a little late in the game, but there’s still time to get them if you’re interested. HLJ is one of the official retailers according to Piccodo’s JP Twitter account, but it seems like several other retailers also offer them, including ones that ship overseas. I was on the fence about them but finally decided to take the plunge tonight and preorder them. The videos on Weibo got me hyped 😅

Edited by ragnamuffin
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Oh my gooooood, I adore them!!! What a pair of cuties! I'm sadly strapped for doll funds right now, otherwise I'd get one (probably the boy), but I'll have to keep an eye on this artist!

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5 hours ago, PlasticJester said:

I'm sadly strapped for doll funds right now, otherwise I'd get one (probably the boy), but I'll have to keep an eye on this artist!

It was not a good time for me to be making another large purchase like this either, but HLJ allows you to defer payment until release, so even though my future self will hate me, right now I’m super satisfied 😆 

Really hoping this artist does a collab with TinyFox or something, or otherwise releases pre-painted heads in 1/6 scale (she’s expressed interest in doing both). The heads that gained attention earlier this year were all 1/6 size Haneko heads that people put on TinyFox and other YoSD-sized bodies, and they are SO CUTE.

Watausa also paints normal DDHs too, and has a signature style of widening the eyeholes, so they all have this distinct look that I really like. She’s quickly become one of my favourite artists.

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@ragnamuffin To cut your future self some slack, she might also have been quite disappointed if you didn't hit that buy button. 😅 These are adorable, and given the popularity of the artist, it sounds like a collab you wouldn't want to miss. They are precious, and if I wasn't still looking for a job and having to be choosy with my funds, I would go for one in a heartbeat. Definitely looking forward to any / all photos later. The little moth accessories and stylized wigs complete the effect nicely.

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I should know better than to check a new doll thread here haha.

These two are just too cute so I had to put in an order for the girl moth. Went with Amazon Japan as they have a good price and you can cancel anytime (just in case). Also no paying until release. 

These are very different to what Piccodo usually do. Hope the final product comes out looking good. Is anyone familiar with this particular body? 

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1 hour ago, Beani said:

I should know better than to check a new doll thread here haha.

These two are just too cute so I had to put in an order for the girl moth. Went with Amazon Japan as they have a good price and you can cancel anytime (just in case). Also no paying until release. 

These are very different to what Piccodo usually do. Hope the final product comes out looking good. Is anyone familiar with this particular body? 

Happy to be of enabling service 🫡 

I’m not familiar with any of Piccodo’s offerings, but excited to get my hands on yet another body for science!

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I don't have any Piccodo products, but I know they're very well received in the Nendodoll sector of doll fans.

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I’m very late to the convo but absolutely LOVE the quality of Piccodo dolls, so these were an instant buy for me! Got the little sweet shy boy, and his name will be Cotton! Very excited to take him with me to the NYC doll con next year! 

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Oh my goodness, those are so cute! I adore tiny dolls! 🤍

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these are soooo cute!!! please post pictures when they come home to you 😭

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