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Hello everyone! 

I’m Kosho, and I’m brand new to the doll community! As a kid, I used to collect a LOT of fashion dolls and even old baby dolls that I’d find at thrift stores or on eBay. But it’s something that I quickly grew out of as I got older. In fact, I actually developed a bit of a distaste towards dolls for awhile thanks to their role in various horror media and a few reoccurring nightmares I used to have. As such, I never really had any interest in picking the hobby back up again… until recently. 

See, anime has been my main interest for the majority of my life, and when it comes to merch, I tend to have very little self control. My hyperfixations can get BAD, to the point where I’ll buy anything I can get my hands on regardless of the price as long as it happens to have my favorite characters on it. Figures and plushies especially are always something I’ve really enjoyed, because for me, having a real life version of my favorite little guys that I can hold in my hands is truly something special. So when I recently discovered Dollfie and other anime style dolls… I knew that I was doomed. Especially after finding out that they could be customized into almost any character you wanted. Something that I once would’ve considered a bit creepy was now an absolute NEED, and I immediately began doing research into where I could go to get commissions. 

This led me to an absolutely amazing doll artist that happens to do full customs, and it didn’t take long before I was contacting them. I was a bit conflicted at first since it would cost me a small fortune (by my standards), but I knew deep down that I already had my heart set on the idea and wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it. So before I knew it, I was already making arrangements to commission a doll of one of my all time favorite characters. I’m currently in the process of paying off the down payment and will probably be on a waitlist until October, BUT I did get a digital sketch to give me an idea of what his face is going to look like and I’m absolutely in love. 

It’s going to take a long time before I actually get him, but words cannot express how excited I am. And in the meantime, I’d love to get to know the community! I’ve been looking at a lot of doll related content on various different social media lately, and I’m just so, so happy and excited! 

Also a side note for those who are curious— My current favorite anime are JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and Tokyo Revengers! A little hint on who the doll might be of. 😉

Edited by MrsHaitani
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CHUCKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. I have a feeling it was him. It was, wasn't it? @rudebuster wouldn't go into movie stores for years when she was a kid thanks to a cardboard cutout of him. Which is kind of funny, since she finds him hilarious now.

I always hated baby dolls (and babies), but I did like to play with Barbies as a kid. I mean, I had nothing else to play with. 🤷‍♀️ So I guess it's only natural that I would eventually come into this hobby, after swearing off "girly stuff" for years. But I totally see what you mean by Dollfie Dreams basically being giant figures that you could customize; that's how I always saw it. And I never understood people who liked figures but were like "eeeeeeeeew dolls, creepy" whenever they saw a Dollfie Dream. It's basically the same f*ckin' thing.

Btw, for future reference, you don't need to find someone who does full customs, a lot of what we do is piece things together. @rudebuster and I also find it much more rewarding together, because you get to look for items and stuff. Plus, it has the added bonus of cutting down costs a bit, hehe. And sometimes, if you know where to look, you can get them really quickly!

I certainly hope the character doesn't share my own husbando's birthday of May 10th. 😜

Edited by condogenate
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10 hours ago, condogenate said:

CHUCKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. I have a feeling it was him. It was, wasn't it? @rudebuster wouldn't go into movie stores for years when she was a kid thanks to a cardboard cutout of him. Which is kind of funny, since she finds him hilarious now.

I always hated baby dolls (and babies), but I did like to play with Barbies as a kid. I mean, I had nothing else to play with. 🤷‍♀️ So I guess it's only natural that I would eventually come into this hobby, after swearing off "girly stuff" for years. But I totally see what you mean by Dollfie Dreams basically being giant figures that you could customize; that's how I always saw it. And I never understood people who liked figures but were like "eeeeeeeeew dolls, creepy" whenever they saw a Dollfie Dream. It's basically the same f*ckin' thing.

Btw, for future reference, you don't need to find someone who does full customs, a lot of what we do is piece things together. @rudebuster and I also find it much more rewarding together, because you get to look for items and stuff. Plus, it has the added bonus of cutting down costs a bit, hehe. And sometimes, if you know where to look, you can get them really quickly!

I certainly hope the character doesn't share my own husbando's birthday of May 10th. 😜

Chucky and Annabelle definitely had a huge part in it. 😭 I also blame YouTube because I used to (and still kinda do tbh) watch a lot of videos about the paranormal and supposedly real life scary stories. Most of it probably isn’t real obviously but I’m very easy to scare—

I think antique dolls are what mainly tend to creep me out a little, which is kinda funny since that’s mainly what I used to collect when I was a kid besides fashion dolls. There are a select few modern dolls that feel a little eerie to me, but for the most part I just haven’t been interested in them. Not my thing anymore I guess. But Dollfie and other dolls like that have a totally different vibe to me. Probably because they’re in an anime style, so I view it in a different way than I would other dolls. Either way though, I’m glad that I discovered them bc it’s a shame that my perception of dolls was ruined for awhile when I used to love them so much. It’s nice to be able to get back into the hobby again! 

Also that’s totally true. The main reason I went for a full custom this time around is because the character’s design has a lot of very specific details, so I figured it was better to find one person who could just get it all done. But I’ll definitely keep that in mind for future reference! 

And no, but close! His birthday is May 26th. 🤭

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I didn't see Chucky until much older, but tbh, he's mostly just hilarious. @rudebuster thought he was a little doll running around with a little kid's voice when she was a kid, which is partly what scared her so much, but when she found out he had a deep man voice and cursed a lot...

I never saw Annabelle, but I heard the story it's based on was a lot of bs. A lot of these so-called "paranormal stories" are. Like haunted houses, for example. There was this one cheap-ass house out in the stix where we used to live that no one wanted, then the owners started claiming that it was omg haunted: and guess what, everyone wanted it. They made out like bandits. Sure, I'm not going to be one to deny there's creepy stuff in the world—I mean, read up on the universe—but ghosts, living dolls, and shit ain't it. 😁

I will admit, though, that those old antique dolls from the 1800s or whatever scare the bejeezus out of me. With their usually blonde curly hair and their entirely too-made-up faces for "kid" dolls; I don't like them. I'll take Barbies over them any day. Like you, I'm not much of a doll person, but also like you, the anime aesthetic really makes Dollfie Dreams stand out. I did try BJDs once, but they were a bit too realistic for me. Sorry, any BJD fans. 😭

I see what you mean; in fact, depending on the custom, maybe a package-deal may be the better way to go. But if it's a simpler character with easy-to-find parts, that's kinda what I was talking about!

Btw, I don't watch Tokyo Revengers, but I found out who your guy was. 😉 I'm glad he's not the guy I was thinking of, because I'm mad at him for stealing my husbando's birthday. 😄

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Life is a series of decisions. You never have unlimited options, or unlimited time to think, but what you choose in that instant defines who you are.

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34 minutes ago, condogenate said:

I didn't see Chucky until much older, but tbh, he's mostly just hilarious. @rudebuster thought he was a little doll running around with a little kid's voice when she was a kid, which is partly what scared her so much, but when she found out he had a deep man voice and cursed a lot...

I never saw Annabelle, but I heard the story it's based on was a lot of bs. A lot of these so-called "paranormal stories" are. Like haunted houses, for example. There was this one cheap-ass house out in the stix where we used to live that no one wanted, then the owners started claiming that it was omg haunted: and guess what, everyone wanted it. They made out like bandits. Sure, I'm not going to be one to deny there's creepy stuff in the world—I mean, read up on the universe—but ghosts, living dolls, and shit ain't it. 😁

I will admit, though, that those old antique dolls from the 1800s or whatever scare the bejeezus out of me. With their usually blonde curly hair and their entirely too-made-up faces for "kid" dolls; I don't like them. I'll take Barbies over them any day. Like you, I'm not much of a doll person, but also like you, the anime aesthetic really makes Dollfie Dreams stand out. I did try BJDs once, but they were a bit too realistic for me. Sorry, any BJD fans. 😭

I see what you mean; in fact, depending on the custom, maybe a package-deal may be the better way to go. But if it's a simpler character with easy-to-find parts, that's kinda what I was talking about!

Btw, I don't watch Tokyo Revengers, but I found out who your guy was. 😉 I'm glad he's not the guy I was thinking of, because I'm mad at him for stealing my husbando's birthday. 😄

I’ve never actually watched either of the movies, but as a kid just knowing they existed and seeing what the dolls looked like scared me. 😭 But I definitely agree that Chucky is pretty funny when you actually think about it. The entire concept of possessed/haunted dolls used to be one of my biggest fears, but realistically if they were real what would they even do? Just punt lil bro across the room.

But yeah antique dolls definitely still creep me out. There’s an antique store near where I live and they have tons of them. There was even this little section where they had a living area type thing set up with a couple coffee tables, chairs and couches and they had a bunch of old dolls sitting there. I got such eerie vibes from it— I do think that BJDs are very pretty and I enjoy looking at content of them, but I’m a bit more biased towards the anime style of DDs just cuz again, anime is my main interest so I gravitate towards that more. 

I would totally recommend Tokyo Revengers if you ever get the chance to check it out! A lot of people didn’t really like the direction the manga went, but personally I really love the series regardless. I didn’t expect to like it that much when I first started it, but it became one of my top favorites really quickly hehe. It’s a shame that it isn’t talked about more these days. (Totally don’t blame you for being mad at Draken though- I hate on characters for petty reasons all the time LOL)

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I was unfortunate enough to see the first fifteen minutes of Scary Movie 2 when I was 12, and although it's actually a comedy, that first bit was heavily based on The Exorcist. I couldn't sleep at night, because I was afraid of flies congregating near my window, and I'm not even going to go into my emetophobia and the weird fear of peeing too much (couldn't watch Austin Powers for a long time because of that as well). I don't know how my younger cousins ever were able to be allowed to watch that, that movie was rated R. But then again, their parents were rednecks. 🤷‍♀️ But I've seen the real The Exorcist now, and yeah, kinda scary, but it doesn't keep me from sleeping at night.

8 hours ago, MrsHaitani said:

The entire concept of possessed/haunted dolls used to be one of my biggest fears, but realistically if they were real what would they even do? Just punt lil bro across the room.

Might stab you in the foot while you do that, though. 😁

Before I lived here, I visited several times, and one time a doll store (I've been in the Dollfie Dream hobby a very long time) I used to visit had some of those old, antique dolls for sale. I think they were still there the next time I visited the country. They're not there anymore, thank god, but my god those things were creepy as hell. I think @rudebuster and I physically shuddered every time we had to walk by there; they were all sat up and displayed like they weren't some creepy relic from ancient times.

Some BJDs don't look bad, but some of them just look far too realistic. I think it's also because I'm more into anime and manga as well. I think @rudebuster is a little more ooked out by them than I am, but my biggest gripe with them is the fact that they're strung as opposed to having an internal "skeleton" like Dollfie Dreams. I had this one BJD once that wouldn't even ever stand; he would just flop over and I couldn't get him to do anything.

Oh, in Japan, Tokyo Revengers is EVERYWHERE. They've even made a couple live-action movies! It's just that it's not really my kind of anime, I'm sorry. 😭 (I don't really hate him, but he has definitely earned my ire for stealing Kyojuro's day. :classic_laugh:)

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On 7/21/2024 at 6:20 AM, condogenate said:

Might stab you in the foot while you do that, though. 😁

I certainly hope that my boy doesn’t end up getting any ideas when he arrives. Chucky might not be able to hurt me, but a nearly 2 foot tall, fully articulated DD who’s coming fully equip with a weapon just might. 😰 I don’t need Rannabelle running around my house.

On 7/21/2024 at 6:20 AM, condogenate said:

Oh, in Japan, Tokyo Revengers is EVERYWHERE. They've even made a couple live-action movies! It's just that it's not really my kind of anime, I'm sorry. 😭 (I don't really hate him, but he has definitely earned my ire for stealing Kyojuro's day. :classic_laugh:)

Ah, that’s ok! It’s not for everyone. But I’m glad to hear that it’s still going strong in Japan! The fandom really died out here in the west over the past couple years unfortunately. Maybe season 4 will get people talking again. 🙏

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Welcome to the forums 😁


Dolls in general have a lot of history and interesting tales. From wood to porcelain and the modern BJD’s. Who knows which horror movies someone will make over 50 years involved an old Miku Dollfie.

Chucky is the example of a doll a lot of people fears. But there is no single story actually related to it. Robert is however one doll that I don’t want to mess with. 

my younger brother actually has the same problem with older dolls. Found that out when we were at a museum and some older dolls from the 50’s and 60’s were on display there. 

Have fun with customising and don’t worry, no dolls here to be scared off. 😉

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32 minutes ago, Rajke said:

Welcome to the forums 😁


Dolls in general have a lot of history and interesting tales. From wood to porcelain and the modern BJD’s. Who knows which horror movies someone will make over 50 years involved an old Miku Dollfie.

Chucky is the example of a doll a lot of people fears. But there is no single story actually related to it. Robert is however one doll that I don’t want to mess with. 

my younger brother actually has the same problem with older dolls. Found that out when we were at a museum and some older dolls from the 50’s and 60’s were on display there. 

Have fun with customising and don’t worry, no dolls here to be scared off. 😉

Tysm! 💜

Honestly, a Miku doll creepypasta type thing wouldn’t surprise me at all, especially considering we already have that one popular “scary Miku doll”. I think she’s cute tbh but yk. 

Robert was one of the ones that scared me the most as a kid tbh bc of the fact it was supposedly a real story. 😭 These days I’m more on the fence on how many of those paranormal stories I actually believe, but that one still creeps me out. 

I don’t know what it is about those dolls that’s so creepy tbh. Like, I can’t put my finger on it but I always get such eerie vibes whenever I see them. It could just be that horror media kinda made us think like that bc of how often dolls are portrayed as scary but I’ll probably always be a bit creeped out by them.

Also I definitely will! And thank goodness for that hehe. I think Dollfie is going to help my view of dolls a lot tbh. I had to box up a lot of my old dolls (they were the antique ones I had as a kid) bc they started freaking me out so much and I was having nightmares about it. But I almost feel like when I finally get my boy, my childhood whimsy and imagination is gonna return. If he wants to come to life Toy Story style, I think I’ll be ok with that. 🤭 Assuming he doesn’t decide to start smacking me with the baton I had the big idea to ask for with him. SJSJSJSK

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14 hours ago, MrsHaitani said:

I certainly hope that my boy doesn’t end up getting any ideas when he arrives. Chucky might not be able to hurt me, but a nearly 2 foot tall, fully articulated DD who’s coming fully equip with a weapon just might. 😰 I don’t need Rannabelle running around my house.

Believe me, Chucky could do a lot of damage from seeing the movies, mostly involving knives. So punting him across the room may not be a good idea if he's got a knife in his hand. However, he's never successful at killing, because, y'know...... he's a doll..........

14 hours ago, MrsHaitani said:

Ah, that’s ok! It’s not for everyone. But I’m glad to hear that it’s still going strong in Japan! The fandom really died out here in the west over the past couple years unfortunately. Maybe season 4 will get people talking again. 🙏

Most fandoms die out in the West quickly. I know they have the attention span of gnats. KnY isn't popular over there either, even though its anime is still going strong as well. You poor thing, having to live with a bunch of gnats. 😭

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