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What’s your most expensive doll?

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On 7/27/2024 at 1:32 PM, luna_Lillie said:

For me my most expensive is a draw between buying a NIB anthy and pre-ordering Dolk Yukari. I think both are around (or will be in the case of yukari) £1000 due to shipping and customs. 

Sorry to revive the thread. But I got Meiko!🥳 So now only Luka left.

Honestly never thought I'd get this close to completing the set so soon 

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1 hour ago, luna_Lillie said:

Sorry to revive the thread. But I got Meiko!🥳 So now only Luka left.

Honestly never thought I'd get this close to completing the set so soon 

that's so exciting! i recently ordered len's body/ head but not sure what i'll do with him just yet (^_^;)

anyway, i saw a listing for luka on myfigurecollection not too long ago in case you're looking for her at the moment~

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5 hours ago, amiamitchi said:

that's so exciting! i recently ordered len's body/ head but not sure what i'll do with him just yet (^_^;)

anyway, i saw a listing for luka on myfigurecollection not too long ago in case you're looking for her at the moment~

Out of all the voca DDs, i'd say len's sculpt is the one i like the most.


Also thanks! it seems she is still up on MFC. Though, I think i'll hold off for a bit longer to see if she gets a re-release...or anything😭. I don't mind sticking with f-3 meiko. But I'm nervous about base body III now being harder to maintain in the long term.


Importing, selling her old body and buying ddf32.0 sounds really unappealing to me rn. it's kinda sad bcs meiko and rin/len reboot lined up with their 15th anniversaries. Luka would ideally get one now but, you know😅. Her showing up for sale at magical mirai is prob all they had planned lmao.


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On 7/23/2024 at 7:06 PM, Oculae said:

My Icon, counting her clothes, wig, eyes, accessories, and faceup, cost about 2 thousand dollars. Maybe more.



Not only did I blow all that money...I did that third eye mod myself.

Do I regret it? Not a single bit! She's the crown jewel of my whole collection, and finally having her done has me so happy! I do find myself wanting to be extra careful with her, though. She's not exactly a travel doll. 😅

I do have a $1k+ doll that IS, though! She's resin and off topic, but she's there. I bring her with on vacations and everything.

When it comes to friends and family, I simply don't tell them the truth unless I know they're gonna be cool about it...and most aren't. So if they don't ask, I don't say anything, and whenever they DO ask, I knock several hundred off the price, minimum. You don't owe them this info, especially if they're just gonna tease you about it! As long as you're spending responsibly (and it sounds like you are, so good job!), then it's really none of their business.

I really hope this makes you feel a bit better. It's hard making that leap into truly expensive territory for the first time in a hobby, but as long as you're committed to what you're getting (and you are), and responsible about it (and you are!), then you totally should go for it without feeling bad! I'm excited to see your doll when he's ready!

I saw her at Dolpa! Another forum member met, and didn't even know it! (I'm the one who had the MDD dragon girl). 

I can see why she's the most expensive, between Icons being rare, the Saber armor parts, and that amazing outfit, that racks up the moolah. She's STUNNING though! And I'm really glad I got to see her in person despite her not usually being a travel girl. She's even more gorgeous IRL than in photos. 

I'm not great at tracking what I spend per doll, but oddly, the aforementioned MDD dragon girl is not my most expensive, despite being my most custom. My most expensive will probably be Venti, though he's not technically done yet. Not only did I use a limited doll for him (Kagamine Len Reboot), and went pricey on the outfit materials, but his wig wasn't cheap despite being from Ali Express, eyes are custom, and I got several accessories custom 3D printed for him, too. This isn't even considering the labor involved in putting his stuff together, which I don't even want to THINK about calculating what that would have cost if I paid myself a reasonable wage for it lol. (Especially because I'm not even a quarter done with it. Help.)

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