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Issue with arm help!!

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Hello! I recently got the kagamine Rin reboot doll! horray! I was getting her dressed in a new outfit when I noticed a bump on her arm.


I'm not sure if I'm just anxious or overreacting so I thought I would ask here if it was anything to worry about. I removed her hands and noticed it was caused by part of her internal skeleton (I think) a screw pushing on the inside of her arm. I didn't know if there was a way to remove her arm and twist the piece so it's not poking her? Or if it even needed to be fixed but I couldn't find anyone else talking about it so I thought I'd make a post I hope I explain the issue well enough haha.

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I also feel like I should add it is the screw at the end of the part her hand plugs into and it is pushing on the vinyl enough to be noticeable. 

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You can remove the frame piece by warming up the vinyl with a hairdryer and tugging on the frame from the elbow joint. As a bonus, the heat should also help fix any indentations caused by the screw.

Once you get it out, check to see if the screw still has the accompanying nut attached; I recently (earlier today) had to fix a similar issue so I'm wondering if that's the cause.

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If you can move the screw out of the way so it’s not poking into her arm anymore, the vinyl will return to its original shape over time, or you can use heat to speed up the process, as mentioned above.

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