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Going to Japan next year, Dream Choice + "must-do"s?

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Hey all! I am 99% likely to go to Japan next year (maybe some time in the fall?).

I am planning on going to Akihabara again and going to the Volks store to do Dream Choice. I want to finally get a Dollfie-Dream Boy body through DC and look allll of the doll stuff they have for sale! 😁 For reference I have been to the Akiba store before, but I have NOT bought a doll there or done DC. I can speak Japanese decently. I've been reading through DC guides over what to expect.

Do you guys have any other advice for DC, exclusive things to do in Japan, and "must-do"s that are doll-related (or not!)? I know it's a long way away, but I'm a little intimidated lol... Thank you!

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I think I'd definitely try to hit up one or more of the Mandarake locations and really dig into all the used/resale doll stuff there. If I didn't have to worry about shipping and stuff getting sold before I got my mitts on it, I would drop so much money.

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12 hours ago, ZodiacMoon said:

Do you guys have any other advice for DC, exclusive things to do in Japan, and "must-do"s that are doll-related (or not!)? I know it's a long way away, but I'm a little intimidated lol... Thank you!

While it may be a bit out of date for some specific info, this is still an extremely helpful resource for finding many of the doll shops in Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan:



Depending on when you're planning to visit, you may also be able to attend one of the doll conventions here, such as Dollpa, I-Doll or Tokyo Doll Show.


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8 hours ago, Gallye said:

I think I'd definitely try to hit up one or more of the Mandarake locations and really dig into all the used/resale doll stuff there. If I didn't have to worry about shipping and stuff getting sold before I got my mitts on it, I would drop so much money.

Nice, good idea! I've been to Mandarake and ordered from there multiple times... the shipping really does destroy your wallet, doesn't it? I remember seeing old Sailor Moon fashion dolls and some secondhand clothes and parts in the Akiba one. Those stores are SO dangerous... (especially for buying manga, figures, whatever)...

4 hours ago, Tierparkzone said:

While it may be a bit out of date for some specific info, this is still an extremely helpful resource for finding many of the doll shops in Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan:



Depending on when you're planning to visit, you may also be able to attend one of the doll conventions here, such as Dollpa, I-Doll or Tokyo Doll Show.


This is exactly the kind of resource I was looking for, thank you! ORZ I would love to go to a Dollpa or something similar, but it seems a little intimidating for me, especially as a newbie ;_; Definitely going to try though if I can! I'll have to do some research on convention etiquette / experiences, look into cameras, etc. I'm mostly so excited to see what new stuff Volks might in 2025, especially the store-exclusive products. ❤️

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Tenshi no Sato would be worth visiting! They have indoor photo booths as well as an expansive traditional garden designed for doll photo ops. There's a cafe and a museum exhibiting every SD ever made, too.

Last but not least they also sell Volks dolly products like clothes, accessories etc - most of it is made to accommodate DD/MDD, and they're guaranteed to get exclusive stuff as Volks's flagship store.

IIRC you need to make a reservation online before visiting, but the visit itself is free.


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Moved on to resin BJD

Favourite DD: Sakuno Uryuu

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On 10/15/2024 at 1:06 PM, meteorite said:

Tenshi no Sato would be worth visiting! They have indoor photo booths as well as an expansive traditional garden designed for doll photo ops. There's a cafe and a museum exhibiting every SD ever made, too.

Last but not least they also sell Volks dolly products like clothes, accessories etc - most of it is made to accommodate DD/MDD, and they're guaranteed to get exclusive stuff as Volks's flagship store.

IIRC you need to make a reservation online before visiting, but the visit itself is free.


I would love to take pictures and possibly see if I can arrange a meetup there with friends!!

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On 10/15/2024 at 10:10 PM, ZodiacMoon said:

ORZ I would love to go to a Dollpa or something similar, but it seems a little intimidating for me, especially as a newbie ;_; Definitely going to try though if I can! I'll have to do some research on convention etiquette / experiences, look into cameras, etc.

I don't think you have to feel intimidated. The doll conventions here are fairly relaxed compared to other conventions. (Maybe a little less so if you want to get in line early for the Volks shop at Dollpa.)

Photo etiquette is something you'll have to get used to, unfortunately. - No pictures of the exhibition floor or people.
If you want to take pictures of dolls on display, you'll have to ask the owner of the booth for permission. - Yes, for every booth separately...
Photos of individual merchandise are also usually not allowed, only the stuff that is posed for display.

For cameras, don't pack too heavy (especially if you also plan to bring a doll and get a lot of stuff at the convention). Especially at Big Sight (so everything except Doll Show) the lighting is terrible, so bring something with decent image stabilization: For photographing groups of dolls, you'll want your aperture at around f/7.1 for APSC (or around f/11 for full frame), so you can't just rely on a fast lens here.

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