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What's the best way to transport dolls with curly wigs?

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As title says. I recently put Mierija, who has a very long Leekeworld wig with very nice curls, in my backpack for some pictures around town. But when I took her out, I found to my horror that a lot of hair strands were all separated from her nice curls, and the wig was tangled in some places. I was able to fix it at home with a brush, some detailed fiddling around with my fingers, and some water and water wax, but I want to know if there's a surefire way to transport her wig without the same issues as before.

I don't want to carry her around in the open, mostly because my social anxiety is not ready for that yet, but I'd also like a solution that works for more than two dolls. One thing I thought was that I could maybe take the wig off and put it in a ziploc bag, but I don't know if the friction will cause it to tangle just like my backpack did. I looked into doll carrying cases, but they don't look like they have anything to insulate the wig unless you take it off and do something like the ziploc bag idea anyway...

Or should I just give up and carry some styling supplies with me to fix the travel messiness?

Edited by blisseycake
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Do you have any doll wig nets lying around? You could remove her wig, stuff the cap with paper or tissue, wrap it in the wig net, and then place it in a Ziploc bag. If you have cardboard that came in the original wig bag, that also helps keep the wig's shape. I did that to bring my MDD on the plane to Dolpa and I think it preserved her wig pretty well!

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I've never had much luck with the wig nets, as I'm too clumsy and get the curls caught anyways. I've had success with ziplocs + hardshell/padded bags, or those plastic pencil cases.

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Ooh, I don't have the original cardboard, but I could see how I'd easily make something similar out of card paper. Hardshell bags also sound like a good idea, thanks for the suggestions!

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