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Magnetising Mashiro's ears and tail

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I've read that some people have added magnets to Mashiro's ears and tail. Any tips on how I can do that too?  How did you attach the magnets to the ears and tail? Glue? Cutting open the ears and tail and then slipping a magnet in?

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I did her ears like that but not her tail as I think the belt attachment setup is stronger than a magnet system.  But the ears are soooooo much nicer to deal with when the strap is cut off and the magnets are added.  I added mine by hot gluing some small but strong neodymium magnets to the bottoms of the ears where the strap was attached.  You can't see them there and it lets you move them around on her wig by just placing them where you want and sticking magnets under the wig.  They hold very well and I've never had one fall off, even while changing clothes.

I do have some other kitsune with magnet style tails but they tend to be a hassle at times.  I normally just attach them to the clothing they wear but that can make them saggy and unable to pose.  I had thought about adding a strong magnet to the inside of the lower torso with either super glue or hot glue but so far I've been too lazy to take one apart and do that.  LOL



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Can't provide pictures since Im traveling rn but its super easy. You can do it in about 20 minutes with stuff you probably already have around the house, and it works great. It's also really hard to mess up.

Someone already made a tutorial with really detailed pictures and instructions. I don't remember if they mentioned it, but the stronger neodymium pill-shaped magnets work the best.


Good luck!

Edited by puxlavoix
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That tutorial is exactly what I need.

17 hours ago, baldylox said:

I do have some other kitsune with magnet style tails but they tend to be a hassle at times.  I normally just attach them to the clothing they wear but that can make them saggy and unable to pose.  I had thought about adding a strong magnet to the inside of the lower torso with either super glue or hot glue but so far I've been too lazy to take one apart and do that.  LOL

I noticed that while trying to attach an asainu_inuko quad tail to a MDD this week. For reasons of clothing I needed to put the magnets inside her, and the included ones just didn't cut it and caused the tails to hang off at an awkward angle. I ended up stuffing a double-stacked larger magnet up her butt and securing it with 2-part epoxy.

For the magnets on the head, I just glue one magnet inside the head cap on each side, attach another one on the outside of the head cap, put on the wig, and then the ears. That keeps the ears and wigs in place with no change of magnets falling off when I remove the wig.

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7 hours ago, Kemonomimicry said:

For the magnets on the head, I just glue one magnet inside the head cap on each side, attach another one on the outside of the head cap, put on the wig, and then the ears.

Interestingly, this is how Volks installed the magnets in Anya’s head.

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