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Politely Nefarious









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Long-time Lurker, Soon-to-be Doll Owner!

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Hello! As the title suggests, I've been lurking the forums for quite a while now, but I've finally decided to take the plunge and become both a doll owner and a forum member!

I first became interested in 2020 after discovering Dollfie Dreams. I had no clue anime styled dolls existed and immediately became smitten with them (to my surprise; I had no interest in dolls beforehand), but they were way out of budget for me so I put that budding interest on the back burner for quite a few years. In early 2024, I discovered these forums and found out there were many types of dolls, including ones that were significantly more affordable for me! I was too shy to post anything though and I couldn't even decide on what kind of doll to even get (Imomodoll? Tinyfox? Something else? Who knows!), so I put off on making an account or purchasing a doll. Today, I finally decided on what kind of doll to get, an Imomodoll 1/4 boy body (I also have a firm idea on how I want to customize him), so I felt like I should finally make an account and introduce myself alongside that!

Outside of anime-styled dolls, I enjoy collecting anime figures (with a focus on Higurashi and Madoka Magica), drawing dubiously well, playing video games (my favorites are Pokemon, Guilty Gear, Undertale + Deltarune, and too many RPG Maker games to list), watching anime + reading manga (my favorites are Madoka Magica, Revolutionary Girl Utena (or anything Ikuhara in general), and Battle Angel Alita and I am currently re-reading Houseki no Kuni), and reading visual novels (my favorites are Higurashi, Umineko, and The House in Fata Morgana).

I'm excited to meet you all!

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Welcome!! Am excited to see your lad once you have customised him :D

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Hullo and welcome! What a great name you've chosen.

It sounds like we had a similar intro to the hobby. I had zero interest in dolls until I found out DDs existed, and I'm still primarily a Transformers / action figure collector. But they were so far out of my price range that I ended up dabbling with Pullip and cheaper BJD instead. It took ten years, but eventually I made it back to vinyl in 2019. No matter how far out it seems, if it's important to you, you will get there eventually. ☺️

(And if you're like me and always working from limited funds, watching for good deals secondhand is a great way to dabble in the more expensive dolls)

Congratulations on your incoming new boy! Imomo's got some wonderful sculpts to choose from. They've given us a lot of things by default that customizers usually do. (Open mouths, half-closed / unique eye shapes, elf ears, etc.) Which makes them a huge boon for creating unique looks. Which face(s) did you pick? Are you going to do an existing anime / manga character or an original one? Eager to see him take shape either way.

Drawing, reading, and gaming go well hand-in-hand. Plenty of inspiration there, especially from the variety of tastes which you have. We hope this will be a fun and welcoming place to expound on your interests and pursuits.



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59 minutes ago, Xeliicious said:

Welcome!! Am excited to see your lad once you have customised him 😄

Thank you! I definitely plan on showing him off someplace once I've customized him.


25 minutes ago, PolitelyNefarious said:

Hullo and welcome! What a great name you've chosen.

It sounds like we had a similar intro to the hobby. I had zero interest in dolls until I found out DDs existed, and I'm still primarily a Transformers / action figure collector. But they were so far out of my price range that I ended up dabbling with Pullip and cheaper BJD instead. It took ten years, but eventually I made it back to vinyl in 2019. No matter how far out it seems, if it's important to you, you will get there eventually. ☺️

(And if you're like me and always working from limited funds, watching for good deals secondhand is a great way to dabble in the more expensive dolls)

Congratulations on your incoming new boy! Imomo's got some wonderful sculpts to choose from. They've given us a lot of things by default that customizers usually do. (Open mouths, half-closed / unique eye shapes, elf ears, etc.) Which makes them a huge boon for creating unique looks. Which face(s) did you pick? Are you going to do an existing anime / manga character or an original one? Eager to see him take shape either way.

Drawing, reading, and gaming go well hand-in-hand. Plenty of inspiration there, especially from the variety of tastes which you have. We hope this will be a fun and welcoming place to expound on your interests and pursuits.



Thank you, and thanks for the compliments on the name!

Interesting! And I 100% agree with the last sentence. Owning an anime BJD or MJD seemed so distant 4 years ago... oh how things have changed for the better!

(And I expect to be working from limited funds for quite a while haha. If getting a Dollfie Dream is ever on the table for me I will definitely be keeping that in mind)

Imomo sculpts are very lovely, so many heads tempted me! I ended up going with the Miko head for him though. I plan on going for a more androgynous design since that's the sort of aesthetic I generally gravitate towards and I think Miko would work well for this! He's going to be an original character, but I would love to do some from pre-existing media once I have more experience with customizing dolls (I would love to make custom dolls of the Umineko witches someday; their designs were made for dolls. Two of them have official DDs for a reason!).

I hope to have lots of fun here too!


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Welcome! Houseki no Kuni is one of my top favorite series, I got Hatsune Miku NT partially to make a Phos cosplay for her. Happy to see another fan join the hobby!

I also own a 1/4 imomodoll boy (still a WIP), so I look forward to what you'll do with yours. Hope you have lots of fun exploring the hobby, there's something for everyone here.

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DD Crew Kano Custom DDS DDH-06 ∙∙∙ 2B ∙∙∙ 9S ∙∙∙ Hatsune Miku NT
Other Vinyls Zhi Jia Custom Type-M AP ∙∙∙ Debby TinyFox 1/6 ∙∙∙ Wanderer Custom Imomodoll 1/4


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7 hours ago, Elys said:

Welcome! Houseki no Kuni is one of my top favorite series, I got Hatsune Miku NT partially to make a Phos cosplay for her. Happy to see another fan join the hobby!

I also own a 1/4 imomodoll boy (still a WIP), so I look forward to what you'll do with yours. Hope you have lots of fun exploring the hobby, there's something for everyone here.

Thank you! I was obsessed with the series in high school, and I've been really enjoying my reread of it (especially since I understand it better haha). When you complete the Phos cosplay for Miku I would love to see it!

Oh that's neat! I'm looking forward to what you do with yours as well, and thank you again!

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