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Socks question

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First question, where can I get socks that are toeless?

Other question, are their just thing as stain prevention socks that goes under colored socks or do I use a body suit and cut the feet out?

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so.... youre asking about.... basically legwarmers? leggings? I don't believe anyone makes just the "leg tubes" part of color-protection suits. Its either full tights, or full body

Also why would you need to have the bodysuit foot bits cut off if you're putting socks over it? You can overlap both things just fine (imagine a human person putting on pantyhouse under their knee-socks)

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1 hour ago, Anna-neko said:

Also why would you need to have the bodysuit foot bits cut off if you're putting socks over it?

I think they mean cutting off the foot/leg bits and only using those instead of the full bodysuit.

I know Smart Doll does some body protection stockings that are not full-body, but not sure they cover the feet.

Volks does have a stocking that covers the legs (including feet) up to the chest, but it’s pretty thin so probably doesn’t protect much from staining.

The easiest thing would probably be to just wash the coloured socks you want to use until all the excess dye has come out and then use them normally, or, if you’re really paranoid, just put thin white or beige socks underneath them. Sometimes the dye still soaks through, so it’s not a foolproof method.

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6 hours ago, Anna-neko said:

so.... youre asking about.... basically legwarmers? leggings? I don't believe anyone makes just the "leg tubes" part of color-protection suits. Its either full tights, or full body

Also why would you need to have the bodysuit foot bits cut off if you're putting socks over it? You can overlap both things just fine (imagine a human person putting on pantyhouse under their knee-socks)

I just want protection without sacrificing articulation. It's a bit hard having them sitting with the bodysuit on without going in and pinch the fabric out where it gathers. I didn't know it's a silly question to ask.

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@Zenrel Volks sells protection tape (Skin Protect Tape) for vinyl dolls. You can wrap the vinyl parts you need to protect without obstructing the joint that connects them.

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4 hours ago, Zenrel said:

I just want protection without sacrificing articulation. It's a bit hard having them sitting with the bodysuit on without going in and pinch the fabric out where it gathers. I didn't know it's a silly question to ask.

It’s not a silly question. Idk why, but I completely misunderstood what you were asking, so here is a more pertinent answer—Smart Doll sells the kind of bodysuits you want here, but they’re out of stock atm. They might have patterns for these available so that you can sew them yourself, and they will fit DDs even though they’re made for Smart Dolls.

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5 hours ago, meteorite said:

@Zenrel Volks sells protection tape (Skin Protect Tape) for vinyl dolls. You can wrap the vinyl parts you need to protect without obstructing the joint that connects them.

The tape leaves marks on the vinyl, they go away after awhile, but honestly it's utility really lies in taping the inside of clothing where black threads might cause stains. 

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I haven't had issues with Rin's default socks staining through one of Volks' pantyhose-weight body stockings, so they're reasonably effective. I think either thin white socks or  pantyhose would essentially serve the purpose you want.

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