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24mm Eyes in Ms. Mariko

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I apologize if this isn't the right place to post this~ I decided on this forum since I am still a newbie.


I'd like to buy some alternative eyes for my incoming Ms. Mariko. Her default eyes are 22mm. I really prefer very large eyes in my dolls, but I don't know if 24mm is flat-out too large for her eye holes in the sculpt. (As I realize that's a risk sometimes.) However, if they're just "larger than most people prefer" then I'm not necessarily opposed; my other dolls are wearing eyes several mm larger than other owners prefer for their own dolls of the same sculpt. It's just what I like. n_n


Would anyone with a Mariko and 24mm eyes be able to take a few pictures? Or perhaps provide an opinion? Or share pictures they've found elsewhere? I've tried looking but I haven't had very much luck. I might not know the best places to search or be using the right terms.


Thank you very much for any help~ I really appreciate it. ♥

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I want to know too. I am hoping she comes soon, then I can try it. I got some 24 mm eyes for the 06 head, so I have some to try.

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I want to know too. I am hoping she comes soon, then I can try it. I got some 24 mm eyes for the 06 head, so I have some to try.


At least I'm not the only one curious~ n_n If your Mariko arrives soon I'll be looking forward to your pictures!

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