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Can't pop MDD shoulder joint out

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I've been spending the past hour trying to pop the shoulder joint out of an MDD arm to no avail.

The tubing is visible from the other side, and a bulge from the joint is visible, but I have no more "leverage" to push the joint through to free it. I've tried using various tools to push it through but don't have the strength to finish this off. Is there some secret I'm missing?


Edited by chef_mai

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Have you already tried to heat up the arm to soften the vinyl? Then it should be a lot easier to push.

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35 minutes ago, chef_mai said:

I've been spending the past hour trying to pop the shoulder joint out of an MDD arm to no avail.

The tubing is visible from the other side, and a bulge from the joint is visible, but I have no more "leverage" to push the joint through to free it. I've tried using various tools to push it through but don't have the strength to finish this off. Is there some secret I'm missing?

Are you trying to push it down through the elbow hole? I usually pull it out through the shoulder hole, although it is tricky to get leverage for doing that too (but a lot less force). Heating it up with a hair dryer is still necessary beforehand.

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11 hours ago, Tierparkzone said:

Are you trying to push it down through the elbow hole? I usually pull it out through the shoulder hole, although it is tricky to get leverage for doing that too (but a lot less force). Heating it up with a hair dryer is still necessary beforehand.

Yeah, I'm trying to push it down through the elbow as the Volks guide suggests. 

I still can't get it through with ample hair dryer treatment. It's in this really awkward position where it's just hard to apply force to it and is killing my fingertip/nail.

I can't even seem to reverse it back in (using the lower joint to push in).

Edited by chef_mai
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I would try heating it with a hairdryer for 3-5 mins (you don’t need to hold it the whole time; I usually stick the vinyl part in a crease of my couch and leave the hairdryer blowing on it for a few mins) and then use a screwdriver to push it up.

Specifically, I mean put the tip of the screwdriver in the groove where the elbow connects and push the joint up. You can put the screwdriver handle on a flat surface like a table and pull the vinyl shell downwards if you need extra force.

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Put it in a plastic baggie and immerse it in very hot water for a bit. That softens it better than blow drying. 

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Oh wow, I didn't realize that this the heating was along the lines of minutes. I've been accustomed to doing it for 30 seconds tops where that was sufficient and made even hard Obitsu vinyl reasonably pliable.

In the end, I reversed it back to its original position using lots of twisting and figured out a workaround that doesn't require pulling the joint entirely out.

After heating the shoulder part for a bit, insert the lower part of the arm's peg and carefully use it to shove the joint out the shoulder side, just enough to expose the screw.

Tighten as needed and slide back in. This required no force at all.


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