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Newbie MJD Raising Project

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Hello! A little while ago I made the decision I wanted to have an MJD project alongside my BJD project. I want to shell my two characters- Licot and Terry- as AP with DDH ^^. This is so I can have Licot and Terry interact with each other easily without there being too extreme of a scale difference. I was inspired by http://xhslink.com/a/rVaE5bVlQzk5 , who posts pictures of their DDH/AP hybrids. I really like the idea of customizing a DDH as well, since I have peculiar taste.

Right now I just have the beginnings of Terry, as well as Licot’s head. I’m planning on buying an AP I for Licot, but the recent tariffs on CN and HK parcels worries me about buying from FaithZ. However FaithZ usually buys extra dolls for after the preorder window closes, so I am hoping to buy Pink Drops Mieri around April.

Here’s some pictures of Terry so far:


She’s a Pink Drops Mikuru H-type body in Whitey, with the DDH-10 head in Semi-White. I’m slowly amassing AZO2 and other clothes for her. I have her wig on the way! And some shoes… socks… Here she is wearing Azone gym clothes.spacer.pngHere she is wearing Azone sukumizu. She now has H2 hip, but I accidentally bought tan 😭. I need to buy her a skin cover so she can wear dark clothes.

I’m thinking of buying her C legs and maybe a C lower torso as well, so she appears a little thinner.

spacer.pngHere is old concept art of Terry- Hopefully she looks a little like this someday. 

Edited by lossychan
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I got a piece I was looking for a lot! It’s AP compatible thigh high socks with black and red pattern ^^. I believe they are Azone? 

spacer.pngShe also got a new underwear set, instead of having to borrow Licot’s. But I plan for her to have black underwear in the future. 


I also want to create mini character dakimakuras for my dolls, so I started rendering Terry’s. 

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spacer.pngI cut and styled Terry’s wig, but after checking how it looked I realized it was a little too long ><. However it’s a lot closer than being bald! I think my heat pen arrives tomorrow, but I probably won’t be able to do any mods until Sunday.

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