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What do you use to make your doll outfits

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I didn’t know where to put but I wanted to ask for those who sew your own clothes what’s your preferred method?

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I draft the clothes, make a pattern based on it, cut the pattern out, and test it by cutting some muslin or scrap fabric to make sure it works cause it usually doesn't fit that well on the first try. I will use other patterns and my doll for measurement reference. I primarily use cotton even though it's not the best to use for doll clothes. The cotton I use is primarily used for quilting, which is a tad too thick and heavy for some doll clothes, but it's alright to use solids or smaller prints if you're going for an older fashion style. Make sure to wash all of your fabric before use because they can stain your dolls, even the lighter ones. I have trouble hemming, but it's easier to do the larger your doll is. Most of my smaller dolls have unfinished edges but since they're so small and I rarely take their clothes off, it doesn't matter. You can use fabric glue to seal the edges if you don't want to hem. When making socks, underwear, or things that stretch, I use knits or spandex. But mostly it's cotton. I do use synthetics for some clothes since I want a lighter or gauzy outfit or the outfit just calls for it. The color selection for synthetics is also better in my area. For example, I found a synthetic silk taffeta in the exact shade of navy I want and it feels alright. The hardest part of the process is probably finding the correct fabric type for the drape and in the color/print that you want and sometimes, you're going to hate working with that fabric (velvet and fake fur shed a lot). Sometimes the doll is so small that I'll hand sew all of it but the larger doll clothes usually get the sewing machine, with some touching up with hand sewing.

There will be a lot of trial and error involved and scrap fabric and unwanted clothes are good things to use/test things with.

Edited by Amapola
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I sew my doll clothes the same way I sew human clothing, for the most part. The only real difference I can think of is the order of certain seams. So you'll set the sleeves in before you sew the side seams, for example, because it's far too fiddly to do it the usual way.
My usual process is draping/drafting -> mockup -> fitting -> alter the pattern, and then repeat until I'm happy enough with how it looks that I can move onto the actual garment. If I'm sewing from a commercial pattern I often only make one mockup, though.

FYI, if you're planning on making a lot of knit garments, put a piece of tissue paper under the fabric before you sew. Makes a world of a difference. Exoflex thread also helps a lot.

I would look at some beginner books for sewing at your local library or archive.org to get the basics down. A lot of the techniques used for human clothes can also be applied at doll size.

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Here are a few question that i would like to ask.

What is your skill level?

What type of clothes do you want to make?

Do you own a sewing machine and do need some advice about them

Do you need advice on what tools to use?

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