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{ Asterope Group }

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I hope it's okay to make a new thread- if not, I understand if this one gets combined with my old one 😅 however, the direction of my collection has changed, and their entire story setting changed as well~ so here we are, with Asterope Group, LLC and their little secret "Operation Atlas." 
Of course, this is a photo thread, not a writing thread, so I will introduce the newest members:


Nora Cantrell - Codename "Aeonium" / A 27-year-old chef working at Calaeno's, a bistro owned by Asterope Group and housed inside of 19 Tauri (something of a casino, maybe. I'm still deciding at this point in their story.)
She's an F/GO Saber DD with Hisyo-Hisyo eyes and a Cotindoll wig.

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Maia Morgan - Codename "Amaranth" (due for a wig/eye change to match) / a 32-year-old pastry chef working at Merope Cafe, housed within 19 Tauri. 
She's a Smart Doll Justice (Coffee ver) with Tenshi266Studio eyes and a Culture Japan Emerald color wig. She's due for a change next time I make a Cotindoll order. 


Alice Markham - Codename "Lobelia" / a 24-year-old working at Alcyone Boutique, inside of 19 Tauri. 
Cheeeeeese. She's "The Moon is Made of Cheese" in cocoa. Tenshi266 eyes and an off-black Cotindoll Miku wig (wow, Miku havers were not kidding about the tangles. Taming this wig is no joke- I'm keeping it in braids on display just to avoid snags.)

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Sybila Pagos - Codename "Campanula" / a cute robo-kitty barista at Merope Cafe. 
She's a Cybershell Prowess in Blacknavy. 


Erika Taylor - Codename "Iris" / A 29-year-old bartender at 19 Tauri. I haven't decided what name to give the bar yet... but I do have a few ideas in mind. Of course, this comes with wanting to make an entire diorama.... ahh, maybe someday.
She's a "Cruel to be Kind" in coffee. Featured in full default for once! I will be changing her eyes to some resin ones eventually. 
And now, some not-new not-arrivals! Just some girlies that got upgrades since I last posted.







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That's all for now~ 

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Beautiful collection and loved reading about them!!

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I love the concept here. Such lovely, well dressed ladies! I hope we'll get to see them at work

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I spent too much time playing games this weekend, so I decided I had to touch grass and take some doll photos to make up for it. The victim chosen model was my Asuna Titania DD- renamed Rosalin Springfield.



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She has eyes from Tenshi266Studio and wig from Cotindoll (there seems to be a theme here...)
She's my playful elf. She's engaged to Laura Emmanual, my DDdy Miko who is currently waiting on some eyes I ordered today. Rosalin and Laura were my first two DDs, so they're very special to me. Both are also due for body replacements this year- still trying to decide whether I want to bother with a 2.0 or just get 1.0 f3s for them. 
Rosalin is the manager at Alcyone Boutique. She doesn't really have manager energy, though, does she? I may rethink this. 

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Cute crew <3

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