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I...am either looking over it or there isn't a cosplay thread!


So I thought why not


Cosplay plans anyone? Progress pictures? Ect!


I'm currently drafting patterns for Rorona (Atelier Rorona). I don't have a PS3 so I haven't played the game (but I do have Atelier Iris and Mana Khemia XP), but I love the costume designs for these games.


I'm excited for this costume, I get to work with leather .


Future cosplay plans include possibly Saber Alter. But I don't know how to get the VN on my Mac, plus I don't have very good reference pictures of under the armor and skirt XP

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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Hehe that's a such a great thread idea!


I'm currently planning to cosplay as Beatrice in her gown from Umineko no naku koro ni! It's a lot of planning because I want to add historical costuming notion to the costume (I bought a civil war cage crinoline kit with a civil war flounced petticoat pattern to add poof to the dress.)


Since I'm waiting for all those to arrive in the mail I don't have any progress pic, but I'll be sure to post some there


Omg Rorona!!! I wanted to do Totori a while ago but change my mind. The costumes in this game are so colorful and beautiful! That's a great choice of cosplay

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I love the idea of a cosplay thread!


I try to cosplay at least two times every year! Right now I have cosplayed a total of five costumes that I am very proud of (Sorry this is picture heavy >_<)


My first cosplay was of Kairi from Kingdom Hearts, I had my mother make it for me since I was only 12 years old. Unfortunately I don't have any photos...


My second ever cosplay was of Mikuru Asahina in her Punk-Lolita outfit, from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (it was the first costume I sewed by myself):


Anime North 2009



Here was a cosplay I had originally made for Halloween- but at last minute used it for a convention. It is Cho Chang from Harry Potter and everything was store bought...


Youmacon 2010



This is my cosplay as Stocking from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt and is definitely my favourite of all my costumes- I put a lot of work into it!


Anime North 2011



Here is a photo of my most recent cosplay as Manaka Takane from the DS game Love Plus! It is not very good though ^^; I was not planning to attend this convention and created the costume in less then two days


Youmacon 2011



I am in the middle of making the costume for Kaguya from Shining Hearts which I am planning to wear on Saturday of Anime North 2012, I am also deciding between Menma from Anohana or Popura from Working!! for the Sunday...hopefully I will have progress pictures soon!


@DivinitaAria I love the Atelier characters! I am planning to cosplay Totori in the future, I would love to see your photos when it is complete!

Wishing Uzuki Shimamura, Rin Shibuya

Owning Miriam (Smart Doll Mirai), Alexia (DDS Marisa Kirisame)

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aaircrash your cosplay is fantastic :33!!


I decided to switch from Rorona to Seena Kanon


Bought about 90% of the sewing materials for the costume. I don't think I have a plastic tub at school, so I can't dye anything yet XP


I'm pretty excited to get started and hopefully finish by the end of June (Debuting at Otakon!)


Also going to get a new sewing machine (finallllyyy)

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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aaircrash your cosplay is fantastic :33!!


I decided to switch from Rorona to Seena Kanon


Bought about 90% of the sewing materials for the costume. I don't think I have a plastic tub at school, so I can't dye anything yet XP


I'm pretty excited to get started and hopefully finish by the end of June (Debuting at Otakon!)


Also going to get a new sewing machine (finallllyyy)


Thank-you! I'm glad you think so~ ^^


I love seeing Shining cosplay, its really not done enough :\ I hope you finish it in time! I have some progress to share, here is a photo of Kaguya from Shining Hearts! So much left to do before Anime North ;_;


Completed project:



Edited by Guest

Wishing Uzuki Shimamura, Rin Shibuya

Owning Miriam (Smart Doll Mirai), Alexia (DDS Marisa Kirisame)

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Wow, it's looking very nice so far !!


I should get some progress pictures of Seena soon. I started with dying the fabric for the neck bow, hat, and skirt, and everything of those is done except for the hat.


Next up is the white undershirt thingy. I keep missing the pattern sales at Jo Anns and I'd like a base for the jacket, so that'll have to wait!


Hoping to finish the whole costume by the end of June

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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I love to cosplay but unfortunately I've not really done anything big for a while now, when my illness worsened it kinda took a lot out of me and I'm not pretty out of shape! so I'm using a future cosplay as motivation to get back into shape but here are some of mine:


Dizzy from Guilty Gear back in 2007 here I'm probably looking my best, the smallest I've ever been. I'm a lot bigger now, not massive just chubbier.




Silent Hill Bubble Head Nurse from 2008. My first foray into latex, I messed it up pretty bad, I can only wear the mask for at max 5 minutes at a time before the pain gets too much. I forgot about the shrinkage so you can't close the mask and its MUCH too small! Still, it was well received and pretty fun.





Eternal Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon from 2009. I HATE long wigs so much. This costume was fun to make and wear. I made sailor venus for my boyfriend (who is pretty manly but NO ONE KNEW he was a man until he spoke xD)



Ryuugu Rena from Higurashi. This is from 2010 and is my last full costume I've made. She is one of my favorite characters so I really want to cosplay her again but this time, with the right wig.




I also have an unworn sailor neptune cosplay that I wont wear until I'm slimmer and my ankle is stronger. I snapped the tendons in it and it's not right so wearing heels is difficult.


I hope to see some more costumes from you guys here though!


Oh, there's a UK website called cosplay island, which isn't limited to just the UK so people from all over the world are welcome to join. You can find it here:




It'd be cool to see some more dolly people on there. My user ID there is "Lulu Rose" you can add friends and comment on costumes and such

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Wow Lulu! You have some excellent outfits done! The Dizzy is so cool! Really well done. I also love the Rena one, very nice. She's one of my faves from Higurashi!


Thanks for sharing the pics!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Very nice cosplay!! Lulu, you must share pics of your bf as sailor Venus. I'd pay good money to see that.



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Thought I would post the two costumes I wore this weekend for Anime North ^^



On Saturday I was Kaguya from the video game Shining Hearts! I am missing her arm cuffs (had them but they limited my movement so much I ditched them within the first two hours) and her hair wraps (couldn't get them to stay for the life of me) but I am rather happy with how it turned out!



On the Sunday I was a botched version of Beach Queen Menma from AnoHana- she seemed popular enough but I'm hoping to put a more accurate version together for Atomic Lollipop this June

Wishing Uzuki Shimamura, Rin Shibuya

Owning Miriam (Smart Doll Mirai), Alexia (DDS Marisa Kirisame)

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Thank you for the nice comments


Aaircrash I love the pose in your Kaguya (though I don't know the game unfortunately, I've seen awesome artwork though!)


And the 2nd picture, I just want to say well done! because I know how daunting it can sometimes be to wear costumes centered around beach wear, now if I did that over here in the UK I'd freeze instantly from the cold XD.


It's warm here at the moment though but what is boiling for us is likely cold you the US Yesterday we hit around 25 degrees Celsius, I'm not sure what that is in Fahrenheit.


Anyway, here is a picture of my boyfriend as Sailor Venus!




And just because it's the funniest picture I have




Something rhymes with Venus.


You can see that she is a he if you look for longer than a few seconds, mostly due to the neck and legs. Well AND the fact that you can see sideburns which were just so stubborn and hard to hide, he wouldn't let me shave them off!. His head is also an annoying shape so that wig was a nightmare to get on him, style and make it STAY on.


Our friends play a drinking game with the group shots of the scouts group we were part of called "which one is a man" Simon is always the very last choice xD

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Thank you for the nice comments


Aaircrash I love the pose in your Kaguya (though I don't know the game unfortunately, I've seen awesome artwork though!)


And the 2nd picture, I just want to say well done! because I know how daunting it can sometimes be to wear costumes centered around beach wear, now if I did that over here in the UK I'd freeze instantly from the cold XD.


It's warm here at the moment though but what is boiling for us is likely cold you the US Yesterday we hit around 25 degrees Celsius, I'm not sure what that is in Fahrenheit.


Anyway, here is a picture of my boyfriend as Sailor Venus!




And just because it's the funniest picture I have




Something rhymes with Venus.


You can see that she is a he if you look for longer than a few seconds, mostly due to the neck and legs. Well AND the fact that you can see sideburns which were just so stubborn and hard to hide, he wouldn't let me shave them off!. His head is also an annoying shape so that wig was a nightmare to get on him, style and make it STAY on.


Our friends play a drinking game with the group shots of the scouts group we were part of called "which one is a man" Simon is always the very last choice xD


Thank-you! I was a bit nervous at first wearing such a revealing costume but after a while I got used to it and it was perfect for the weather! I don't know if I'll wear such a costume again though since it seemed to lead people to believe I would be okay with being harassed.


I love your sailor scout cosplay! The photos our gorgeous!

Wishing Uzuki Shimamura, Rin Shibuya

Owning Miriam (Smart Doll Mirai), Alexia (DDS Marisa Kirisame)

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Your boyfriend makes an amazing Sailor Venus . . .

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Everyone looks so fantastic


I'm almost done with my Seena Kanon cosplay (finally!) I hope I can get some pictures from Otakon to post

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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I only cosplayed once, and nowadays I'm pretty much the photographer instead of cosplayer.

I'm still working on a Ho-Oh and Lugia Gijinka cosplay though, me as Ho-Oh woman and my girlfriend as Lugia man.


My last cosplay, RED Engineer from TF2. We tried to get every little detail right and Valve was amazed by it






And my girlfriend as BLU Spy, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Traveler from Journey (which got us a call by the Senior Producer of Sony + a secreeet project we are working with them right now...ain't that crazy?), she's also the one I mostly take pictures off:










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While not nearly as good or well done as others here, I did happen to do a cosplay one Halloween as my own take on Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach. I used his captains uniform and eyepatch, Ichigo's sword and stayed with my normal look of a shaved head and ghoatee. It was quite fun to do but man was that sword hard to carry! It's a metal sword, full tang and weighs almost 20 pounds. Four feet of steel in yer face!!



kenpachi 077 by balldylox, on Flickr


I know the back of this cape isn't nearly tattered enuff to match up to Kenpachi's in the anime. I should have made it all ragged looking.



kenpachi 060 by balldylox, on Flickr


I don't pull off stoic at all...



kenpachi 050 by balldylox, on Flickr


But I do angry attack mode REALLY well.



kenpachi 053 by balldylox, on Flickr






I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I had a few cosplays i did...


This was my very first one. When i was 14 so thats.. 9 years ago. xD

Nami's first outfit



My friends made me cosplay from Naruto even tho i didnt want to ><;



I cosplayed Agito from air gear


I still have today, scars that the roller blades gave me ><;


I love ryoma, and im a tennis player myself so i had to do this one.



Himeno from pretear was probably my favorite cosplay~




Tamaki/Honey from Ouran Koukou hostclub



Nami again (shes my fav. anime girl)




I was making etna, but my cat destroyed it and i never felt like it again xD;



I was also working on Ryoko from Tenchi but i lost it xD.


Im getting in shape again to do time skip Nami from one piece.

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Great pictures, everyone! @Ara I really like your Journey cosplay pictures.


I've done cosplay in the past, but nothing recently. I have lame sewing skills and probably couldn't make a costume to save my life. That hasn't stopped me from helping out as masquerade staff though for Fanime the past few years. XD


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It's a bad picture but here was my first cospaly from a while ago. Azusa from K-ON!! The angles are all wrong and I look silly but there we have it!

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New costumes I'm working on:


Hilde from Soul Cal V for 2014


My filler costume, Akiko from Kanon


Here's progress of my Akiko wig. I trimmed the bangs, but I'm waiting to get a pair of thinning shears in the mail so they can be less bulky. Hoping that it's visible. I have T-pins holding up those weird anime hair pieces.



Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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I've cosplayed three times so far, but twice I've recycled a costume.


I've cosplayed for NYCC/NYAF. The first time I went at Yagokoro Eirin from Touhou, then Ushiromiya Ange from Umineko, and the third time as Eirin again. I don't have any good pictures of them, but next year is my big project.


I'm planning going as Beatrice from Umineko. It's the first time I'll be cosplaying something so... extravagant, but I'm really excited!


I really want to do a nice big photoshoot with it too. (And maybe I'll have a my beloved DD Beatrice with me when I cosplay! /wishing)

At Home Saber Alter v.2, M.O.M.O.

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I've done three cosplays so far;

Mireille from .hack


Sae Kurosawa from Zero 2 Crimson Butterfly


I'm currently working on a Yuke(Crystal Chronicles) cosplay and have plans for a Garrus Vakarian(mass Effect). Although I really should get a "casual cosplay" since most of my cosplays are annoying to wander around in and I'm terrific at making them one time uses.

Corellia(DD Marya), Sirius(DDS Sirius), Luka(DDdy OOB N-04), Alessa(DDdy Sakura Honya Head) Genma(Azone Kanojo)

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Grunt (Amnesia) - Still need to sculpt the legs

Obi-Wan (Clone-Wars) - Need new legs and finally get the fabric sewn

Obi-Wan (Sideshow Desert Figure) - Haven't even started yet

Tentaspy (TF2 unofficial character) - Never gonna be finished unless I get the fabric again, which was removed from stores and the fabricant UU;

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