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Greetings from Luna

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Hey there InnovaDDos~! I'm known on the internet as Luna, so feel free to call me as such.


Let's see...I'm 15 years old, and located somewhere in the United States. I'm currently saving for my first Dollfie Dream, a custom DDH03 in white skin that I will be creating myself. I believe I will name her Kasai when she gets here. I'm only about $20 shy of being able to purchase her, so I'm super excited. I've been more or less 'into' Dollfies since the 2009-10 school year, when I saw pictures of them on the internet and fell in love. Over the years, I've looked at resin BJDs and miscellaneous cheaper dolls, but nothing charms me quite like the Dollfie Dream. I've been a lurking reader on figure.fm and other dollfie-related blogs for a fair while, so I'm certain I'm ready for my first.


I can hardly wait to get to know all of you and your lovely daughters! Perhaps you will be seeing the arrival of my first musume in the not-too-distant future

Edited by Guest

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Welcome to the board! Hopefully you will be able to get your girl soon. A warning: DDs are addictive!

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Thank you I sort of noticed, what with people insisting they'll only get 1 or 2 and end up with 12 haha~ I can't wait to get her and show her to you all

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Well, 1-2 is nearly the same as 12. (Just get rid of that pesky, restrictive -). Welcome!

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Welcome abaord! Glad to have you. Feel free to look around and ask any questions you may have. We have lots of helpful folks here who are glad to answer questions on stuff.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Well, 1-2 is nearly the same as 12. (Just get rid of that pesky, restrictive -). Welcome!


Thank you and indeed, although that hyphen sometimes has to do with the available funds haha~


Welcome abaord! Glad to have you. Feel free to look around and ask any questions you may have. We have lots of helpful folks here who are glad to answer questions on stuff.





Thank you!

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