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*UPDATE!* The Infamous Dolly... has a face!

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Although it is only done in Illustrator at the moment, I'm so proud that it came out really close to what I wanted. The poor guy has been more faceless than even Tamayuki, making it seems a bit strange to have him staring back!






I would love any feedback or criticisms if you have any because making alterations in Illustrator is SO much easier than fixing a faceup. It wasn't easy getting the strong boy eyes, because his face is shaped like a baby's (one reason why he's so cute) and girl eyes are just naturally more easy for me to draw. His eyebrows are brown because I was highly considering giving him copper colored hair. I also intend to give his lips some color (other than the grin) but wasn't having much luck making it look good in Illustrator. Not sure if that mischievous smirk should make me nervous... who knows what he's going to do next!




*Update- April 21, 2012*


Last week I finally was able to squeeze out some time to make an attempt at Dolly's face. I have never done this before and it was sure a learning process! I expect that it will be redone eventually, some of the lines are just WAY too heavy and thick, and his eyes aren't perfectly right for what I wanted. I have been curious about what people thought about it. The unexpected thing in the whole process was how difficult it is to get the fine lines on a face the size of a quarter.




He has been without a face for so long, it is still a bit unnerving to see him staring at me.


~Sister Kyoya

Edited by Guest


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I think it looks very nice~ My only suggestion is that I think the eyes are just a smidgen too close together. If you move them over a bit I think it will lend better balance to the face. I really like his smirk--it adds character.

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Lala Lolita

This is awesome! You know, I never thought of this... Well I think it looks great! When it comes to boys with me I just fail entirely...


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I think it looks very nice~ My only suggestion is that I think the eyes are just a smidgen too close together. If you move them over a bit I think it will lend better balance to the face. I really like his smirk--it adds character.

I agree with milkytea on the closeness of the eyes.


Also I think maybe a heavier eyebrow since he's a boy I think he can handle that.


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I think it looks very nice~ My only suggestion is that I think the eyes are just a smidgen too close together. If you move them over a bit I think it will lend better balance to the face. I really like his smirk--it adds character.
I agree with milkytea on the closeness of the eyes.


Also I think maybe a heavier eyebrow since he's a boy I think he can handle that.

Suggestions noted and here is the updated picture:




I straightened his left eye last night after I posted this but didn't think the minor adjustment was worth a second upload, although it does help a lot. I have known for quite some time that I tend to draw eyes too close together, I first noticed it with my Sims. But even just altering that makes a huge difference, he doesn't look creepy cute now. Well, that's what I get for drawing at 1:30 in the morning...


The eyebrows I adjusted just to see what difference it would make, but I'm not too keen on them. I went with the thinner eyebrows because he's supposed to be a younger boy and they don't tend to have heavy eyebrows. Although Dolly keeps bugging me to give him a couple of caterpillar eyebrows just to see what it would look like.


This is awesome! You know, I never thought of this... Well I think it looks great! When it comes to boys with me I just fail entirely...

Strangely enough, with the distinct lack of a significant boy presence with the non-resin Dollfies it makes me all the more want to do my own custom boys. I also have an EB boy and another EB Mini boy that I swapped heads on that have yet to make an appearance but hopefully they will soon. My poor EB guys, Dolly is the only one with clothes at the moment and he just has the ugly pants!


Also, the best part about doing the eyes in Illustrator is that if I totally fail at the painting (I shouldn't do that badly) I can just have them printed out on a bumper sticker and cut them out! So either way, I win!


Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I'm really unaccustomed to doing anime style faces. Luckily though I have a bunch of manga to use for reference, and Dolly's face came from one of the characters in Wish. I saw it and knew it was Dolly!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Version 2 is really nice! The smirk is so awesome ^O^

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I really love his smile. I like version 2 better in terms of eye placement. I would have to see a version 3 with thinner brows, but I think the thicker ones suit him.

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Version 2 is really nice! The smirk is so awesome ^O^

I'm hoping that it will come out so well when I do it, not exactally sure what it will look like once I have the contours of his lips tp deal with, but I think it should work. He's just not right without it!


I really love his smile. I like version 2 better in terms of eye placement. I would have to see a version 3 with thinner brows, but I think the thicker ones suit him.



Here is ver. 3- The wider set eyes with the thin eyebrows. I have to say that I think I might like the thicker eyebrows of ver. 2, but this is why it's so great to be able to endlessly doodle on his picture without having to have it perfect the first time, plus I can get the feedback to point out the things that I may not think about or notice because I've been staring at it too long.


Now, just for the fun of it, here is the BIG BROWS Dolly.




Just for clarification, he is NOT getting these! They would be great for a werewolf especially if you had some fake fur or brown wool roving, but since I don't like werewolves, it just ain't gonna happen. But it's still funny.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Now, just for the fun of it, here is the BIG BROWS Dolly.




Just for clarification, he is NOT getting these! They would be great for a werewolf especially if you had some fake fur or brown wool roving, but since I don't like werewolves, it just ain't gonna happen. But it's still funny.


~Sister Kyoya




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Now, just for the fun of it, here is the BIG BROWS Dolly.


(picture snipped)


Just for clarification, he is NOT getting these! They would be great for a werewolf especially if you had some fake fur or brown wool roving, but since I don't like werewolves, it just ain't gonna happen. But it's still funny.


~Sister Kyoya




I totally agree! Plus they really suit his personality, and make him look that much more mischievous.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Just my luck that some goofy picture idea of mine backfires. By the next morning I was still thinking about this picture and my flippant comment about a werewolf and just couldn't get it to go away. Why does that surprise me? Even for a silly image, I redid the eyebrows 2-3 times before it was right.


This has turned into the 'Idea that won't die' once Naiomi got wind of it. Being a theater geek was something I had known about her from the beginning, but she surprised me with informing me that she also loves classic movie monsters... including the werewolf. Personally I've never liked them, I just don't understand what the point of wolf men are, although I love vampires (never read or seen a bit of Twilight though.) She has now claimed the EB boy I bought for a drawing reference that had a head swap with my other EB Mini and wears glasses. I mentioned the movie monsters thing to Raven and saw the list I was making, because Naiomi said that they weren't going to be normal monsters because they needed some flair (yes madam theater geek!) So because of the glasses she decided that he could be Frankenstein, but with a personality like Beast from X-Men. Raven laughed about that and said that he could be called Hankenstein, because beast's name is Hank Mackenzie, and of course Naiomi loved it. She was squealing and giggling over the werewolf when she decided that he will be a hair dresser, and all of her monsters that have hair will have it made from wool roving, especially the werewolf... And knowing her, she will probably figure out how to make them into a theater troupe.


I totally agree! Plus they really suit his personality, and make him look that much more mischievous.


When I posted this Raven, I knew you wouldn't let me hear the end of it. Despite what you think, it does not suit his personality, you just want to see a doll with huge eyebrows! Better yet, perhaps I should make you a caveman stumpkin with a huge unibrow!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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