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Aoi wanted to show you her new outfit.



001 by galvatim, on Flickr



005 by galvatim, on Flickr

Aoi: "You like this, right? You know what will happen if you say no..."



008 by galvatim, on Flickr

Aoi 2nd wants in on this!



015 by galvatim, on Flickr



018 by galvatim, on Flickr



019 by galvatim, on Flickr


In the bad news department, it seems Aoi 2nd's other leg is broken now too...

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The outfits look great on both of them! I'm sorry about Aoi 2nd's leg! I hope you can repair it soon!

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Oh that punky outfit looks great on her! I was sorely tempted by that one.

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Looking good! Hope you can get the leg fixed easily.

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Oh yes Miss Aoi! You indeed look radiant!


I like that outfit on her, it's really nice. And Aoi 2nd also looks cool in her dress! Your girls certainly like the skulls on their outfits.


I do hope you can fix her leg sir. I'm guessing no word from Volks yet? Not that we don't already know what they'll say.




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I think Aoi (any version) and Asuka share much of the same wardrobe tastes. Lookin' good.


Too bad about the leg. That's just ridiculous. Is Volks still being useless?

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They look terrific in those outfits. I especially love the dress with the skulls on it.


Sorry to hear about poor Aoi 2nd's legs being broke, that is really horrible. I hope Volks will respond back and you will be able to get her fixed really soon.

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Thanks, everyone! I really like this new outfit, and Aoi might not outright admit it, but she's really happy to have a leather jacket, just like I do.


Aoi 2nd's left leg might not be as bad as I thought... I can't see a crack, but it could be on the other side of the part. It's a little floppy at least, which probably doesn't bode well.

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They are both so cute! I love their style.


I hope things don't get worse for Aoi 2nd.

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to the outfits... they are amazing... but


that's so awful about 2nd's leg... are they fixable? What's going on? Gah. I'm out of the loop again.


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They are both so cute! I love their style.


I hope things don't get worse for Aoi 2nd.

Thanks mitsuki! I'm going to pick up some epoxy and hopefully things will get better for Aoi 2nd!


@onion1@ to the outfits... they are amazing... but


that's so awful about 2nd's leg... are they fixable? What's going on? Gah. I'm out of the loop again.

Thanks, littlebearries! You've probably heard about the DDS body's shoulders cracking, basically the DDIII has the same problem, but now affecting both the shoulders and the hips. It's fixable, but it'll mean taking her legs apart.

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The DDS hips can break the same way sadly.

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