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Hello :3 I signed up to this a while ago but never posted anything. I guess I get too involved with figure.fm rather than this site. I was thinking it would be appropriate for me to pay more attention to this site as I now have my first girl on layaway. She's called Kiyomi and is a Dollfie Dream Dynamite custom with a 03 head. She actually belongs to someone on figure.fm and she asked if I would like to adopt her before she put her up for sale to the public - i jumped at the chance as she was the only one in my search since November who has managed to accept the terms I needed :3 So I'm so happy about that!


I really can not wait until she can be home in my arms I've even made a little room for her already. My dad has agreed to make me a bed for her as DD furniture can be really expensive o.o at least I have a rocking chair I found in a charity shop :3


I'm just a really shy college student ... who loves figure collecting and of course Dollfies. I hope that Kiyomi won't remain my only dollfie I ever get ... so hopefully this will be the beginning of a wonderful family. I hope to make many friends here :3


Love Cazzie


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Hello Cazzie! I'm really glad to see you join up here! You will find this place lots of fun with many great people. Feel free to poke around and ask any questions you need to.


I'm excited about your girl you have on layaway! I can't wait to see her come home to you. If you treat her half as well as you do my Mamimi, she'll be a happy DD girl!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Hey there! Nice to see you poking your head in. Congrats on Kiyomi! I know from talking to you before that you hadn't originally intended to end up with a DDDy (and I didn't either when I adopted Agatha btw), but they do grow on you. The body's got this kind of cartoony charm to it, even if sewing for it requires LOTS of test fittings. XD Mind if I ask when her expected arrival is?

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Hee hee I hope to have fun here :3 it's about time I poked around here to what shows up. Cuz Forums are always fun XD


I'm excited also! She's the only thing I can think about haha! Oh goodness I know!! I'll probably spoil her rotten >.<




My head is indeed poking ;D Thank chu :3 I'd considered about getting a DDDy once but then I could never make my mind up about what to save for. I know I really want my second daughter to be a DDS because *¬* i just love those bodies so much!!! The hardest part I'm gonna have with this girl is finding clothes!!! I've been looking at Cool Cat recently though :T. Hmmm weeeeell - If I sell everything and/or get lots of money for my b-day in July I could get her July/June time - otherwise it's gonna be September/October time =_= But it's gonna be worth the wait


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Cazzie, there are loads of places you can now get clothes to fit the DDdy girls. When you get closer to getting yours home, let me know and I'll link you to all the places I know of where you can find cool stuff for her!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Oooo that would be really helpful :3


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Hey Cazzie I am glad you got your hands on your first special girl

Your dad seems to be pretty awesome to make furniture for you!!!!! Wow! I think it is always great when your parents get involved and help make your life easier


And billy ....... make sure you show him the clothes that ... covers most of the girl

But Billy is definetley an expert when it comes to the DDy body


Just know that there are going to be some outfits that are not going to fit because of their booties

Make sure if you are getting anything from Volks you check that it fits on the DDy's


Welcome and if you have any other questions just PM me any time




DD's: Aoife, Maeve, Sinead, Claire, Merida, Orla, Alana (arrived)


http://kaitekinamafura.wordpress.com - Blog

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And Billy ....... make sure you show him the clothes that ... covers most of the girl

But Billy is definetley an expert when it comes to the DDy body



Wow. I get flattered AND called out all at once. Thanks.


I can't help it if MY DDdy girls like to show off a bit! Plus, the weather here is very warm most of the year. So minimum clothing is kind of needed around here. It's not like I stare at the lovely DDdy curves all day and night....




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Quotes never seem to work for me on here ;A;



Aww thank you Yes! It is nice when they do ... even though my mum prefers resin dolls to DD's ^w^


Haha as Kiyomi is a really shy girl - not sure she'd be too happy about wearing those revealing clothes. Although it might be nice sometimes If I do have questions I shall PM you :3 I hope we can become friends.



I wish it was warm right now =_= it's been raining all day today. And ... wouldn't your girls get a little annoyed with you just staring at them XD But their bodies are so irritable *¬*


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