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What Parts Of A DD Are Made In Japan?

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If any? I don't remember seeing "Made In xxx" on the boxes of my Rin & Alna. I think the clothes have labels saying where they're made, but what about the body, skeleton, eyes, wig?




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Every part is made in Japan

Edited by Guest


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ALL of them.


Everything is made in Japan - the bodies, the clothes - all of it.


The day Volks opens an overseas production facility in China, is the day bootlegs will appear on the market and I will quit the hobby.


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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That's nice to know. I honestly wasn't expecting the doll to be 100% Made in Japan. Wonder why it isn't marked on the packaging, clothes labels, or molded into the doll especially since these items are exported too. Or perhaps it is somewhere just in Japanese?

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That's nice to know. I honestly wasn't expecting the doll to be 100% Made in Japan. Wonder why it isn't marked on the packaging, clothes labels, or molded into the doll especially since these items are exported too. Or perhaps it is somewhere just in Japanese?

If I recall correctly all the vinyl pieces do have Japan written on them. For sure the bust up on the neck says it and most of the heads do too.


Please visit my YouTube channel for helpful DD tips, tutorials, and reviews!

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Wigs are something that I cant be personally sure about being fully made in japan.


Naturally the source for my doubts are suspicious in nature, but it was a Volks surprise wig bag campaign set i got off YJA, that had a few Shaggy Wolf wigs not in the normal plastic clear box, but a plastic bag, and cardboard tag that had Made in china on it with the Volks Item code, and color code.


To be fair to the thread starter, only the high end model boxes I have (Saber, and Yui) have made in japan printed on them.


The vinyl and plastic structure is no doubt made fully in japan.

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Personally, I do not feel all parts+outfits are made in Japan. DD heads should be made in Japan.


For example, Azone dolls' heads are made in Japan, bodies are made in China and outfits are made in Vietnam. At the end, you will never have bootlegs

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