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Sakura with Kotori's eyes and wig

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Kotori came in today! A lot of work to do with this little one, I have to give her a whole new make over as well as clean up the stains on her body and fix the loose joints. But with all that aside for now I thought I would let Sakura try out Kotori's eyes and wig.















The wig can use a lot of work..... maybe a few washes and a lot of styling to get it looking nice but this will do for now T^T -combs and pops on headband-. What do you think? I like the old Sakura better but she looks very mature with this. I love that wine colour in the wig.


Sakura takes 22mm eyes but since Kotori came with 20mm I thought I would try them out anyways. I had to re-sand the inside to make them fit properly but was well worth it. They sit so snug~


I wonder how Airi or Alice will look with this setup........ oh well, back to work~

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She looks adorable!! I do like the after best... and while the wig could use work, it's still super cute and the color is just wonderful.


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I like these eyes a lot! I like your Sakura a lot, and I think she looks even better with these.

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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I think the wig is really nice, even if it does need work the general cut and colour is great!

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Nightmare Tea

Woah, she looks really really great with those!


I also can't wait to see Kotori repainted!

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Wow, she looks stunning!

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I shouldn't look at Your threads and Your photos.

I'm repeating myself, I know, but...

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Adorable. I love this look on her.

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Definitely agree that the new eyes and wig are an improvement.

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Adorable!!! I liked how she looked before but I also like this change~


Just lovely!


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I agree with most that she looks fine either way, but better after.

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The eyes and wig look much nicer in your pics than [surprise, surprise!] in the Volks photos.


I can't wait to see how she looks after you're done improving her!


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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The eyes and wig look much nicer in your pics than [surprise, surprise!] in the Volks photos.


I can't wait to see how she looks after you're done improving her!


The eyes are 20mm which surprised me cuz Totori's head take 22mm and 24mm. WTH was VOLKS thinking?!!!! >l She looked like a deer in headlights with those.


I also don't understand why Volks added so much... water? oil? stuff? to the wig in their promo photos:



Kind of looks like she haven't washed her hair in days. Poor girl T^T

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Kind of looks like she haven't washed her hair in days. Poor girl T^T

It looks more like she hasn't washed it in weeks! XD


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What a big change between the look that she had before and the one you've given after. The true is that the first one is more of my style and I love the blue eyes, but I think that she looks a lot better in the second one, it fits her better.

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Sakura looks extra beautiful with Kotori's eyes and wig.


I never knew Kotori's wig was such a lovely color. I guess like you said with Volks crappy job styling it with all that extra greasy stuff in it really takes away from the potential of that wig. I'm sure in your skilled hands you will be able to make that wig look even better.

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