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See how your family have changed ~^_^~

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I love to see how "familys" changed after years ...


So maybe its interesting to post a group-shot of your girls today (! ...not an older one, i mean an actual one) ... and after month an update and so on ...

I love to see how dresses and members changed after a long time ^^

I do such shots sometimes ^^ ...

So hope some of you want to do and show it too and post his familyshot?!? ^^


I want to start, because i did an actual photo the last days ^_~




a little closer



☆〜(ゝ。∂) ♥ Dollfie Dream Faceups ~ ☆

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Very nice. You have a beautiful family and I love how you have dressed them so feminine.

Daughters~Mai,Ryomou,Kanu,Moe2,Yukino,HH02,Yoko,Marisa,Escalayer,Ms. Mariko,Lucy,Saber Xtra,Saber Alter,Rise,Sasara,Alna,Akira,H05,Mayu



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I agree with Carmen, you have some lovely girls! I like the old timey photo style you used there too.


I have a recent shot of my girls but it's nothing as nice as what Anouc showed. Here's my crew as of this past weekend....



DSC_5566 by balldylox, on Flickr


Here's the BIG picture so you can see everyone better.





This is where they hang out when we aren't doing photo shoots. So I get to see them every morning before I go to work and when i come home from work.


I need to do a big family photo soon where you can see everyone better and they aren't all just sitting there.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Anouc I love your dolls~ their soft feminine style is wonderful


baldylox...its like an army of cuteness ._. so many lovely girls!

Wishing Uzuki Shimamura, Rin Shibuya

Owning Miriam (Smart Doll Mirai), Alexia (DDS Marisa Kirisame)

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Lovely photo, is that a Musedoll dress? It looks very beautiful on your girl!

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I agree with everyone, Anouc's dolls are just so lovely. ^^


Billy, I love how your dolls have lamps that light up! Where did you get them? :3

DDH04: Elise

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Anouc your girls are more and more lovely! The style and photos are wonderful (^_^)


balldylox your girls definitely have that big happy family feeling! And of course the care into giving each one a personality makes them even more fun to follow! (^o^)

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Billy, I love how your dolls have lamps that light up! Where did you get them? :3



Hey there! Thanks about the lamps. I actually made those and the tables they're sitting on. The lamps bases are actually those cheap candle lights you see around Christmas time. They just plug into the wall and have a small bulb on the top. All I did was buy small lampshades for them from a craft store like Michaels or A.C. Moores. I think the candle lights were like 3 bucks each and the shades were 4 or 5 bucks each. So not a bad investment for the look they give. I'm glad you like them!



balldylox your girls definitely have that big happy family feeling! And of course the care into giving each one a personality makes them even more fun to follow! (^o^)



Thank you so much! I really appreciate your compliments. It makes me happy that people enjoy my girls and their silly adventures!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Anouc I love your dolls~ their soft feminine style is wonderful


Thanks a lot ^^ ... i hope the next girls get such dresses too ... ^^


Anouc, your girls and that setting are just so lovely and romantic~ ♥


Thanks a lot milktea ^^ ... where is your group shot?


Lovely photo, is that a Musedoll dress? It looks very beautiful on your girl!

The white/blue one? Yes thats a Musedolldress ^^ ... I looooove musedoll





And thanks a lot for the lovely words to everyone else >///<


☆〜(ゝ。∂) ♥ Dollfie Dream Faceups ~ ☆

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And just because this thread is worth reviving, here is our original 2 1/6...



And round about 6 months later:




The scariest thing about the 2nd picture is if I get all of the floating heads complete and Momo and Kos-Mos are here by next Thanksgiving, we will have more than twice that number of kids... I never expected our family to grow this fast, but each and every one of them is worth it.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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I never expected our family to grow this fast, but each and every one of them is worth it.



Ha ha! NOW you see where I'm coming from! They sneak up on you so quickly!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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But... but... they look so innocent when you have just one to call your own. Little do you realize that DD are like magnets and the more you have the stronger the pull is for more to sneak into your house. One day you turn around and wonder how they all got there.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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That is such a cool photo, even if they are little heads only! So cute!

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This is a neat post!

I need to go thru my archives and find before and after pics of my kiddos.....

Although, I won't say they'll stay as they are at the moment......

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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And just because this thread is worth reviving, here is our original 2 1/6...



And round about 6 months later:




The scariest thing about the 2nd picture is if I get all of the floating heads complete and Momo and Kos-Mos are here by next Thanksgiving, we will have more than twice that number of kids... I never expected our family to grow this fast, but each and every one of them is worth it.


~Sister Kyoya


Gratz on the growing family!! Its coming along quite nice. WOW, getting both Kos-Mos and MOMO at the same time. I wish i could justify spending that much money at one time. I really like Kos-Mos, but i just can't bring myself to spend so much.



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I agree with Carmen, you have some lovely girls! I like the old timey photo style you used there too.


I have a recent shot of my girls but it's nothing as nice as what Anouc showed. Here's my crew as of this past weekend....



DSC_5566 by balldylox, on Flickr


Here's the BIG picture so you can see everyone better.





This is where they hang out when we aren't doing photo shoots. So I get to see them every morning before I go to work and when i come home from work.


I need to do a big family photo soon where you can see everyone better and they aren't all just sitting there.





Aren't you missing a few girls??

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Aren't you missing a few girls??



Ha ha! Well, that photo was taken back in April so that's why it's missing a few of the girls. Dang, that means that between April and December I added SIX girls to my family.....


Woe is my poor wallet....





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Gratz on the growing family!! Its coming along quite nice. WOW, getting both Kos-Mos and MOMO at the same time. I wish i could justify spending that much money at one time. I really like Kos-Mos, but i just can't bring myself to spend so much.




Thank you! We are surely bending over backwards to make Kos-Mos and Momo work, and if it wasn't for the delayed payment it wouldn't be possible. Even if I had to pay the same price for Kos-Mos without the armor and the other goodies I'd still do it because she is so stunning. Sometimes I remember that I can sell her armor later so I don't have to worry about saving more to turn her into my Victorian lady. So far I cannot think of a use for that outfit. It just isn't my style. I can't deny that I'm also very happy/proud to be able to get the first preorder girl (that I know of) since Raven and I found the DD last year. A small part of me has been sad seeing so many special girls find happy homes in that time and I couldn't be a part of it, like the little kid with her nose squished against the toy store window at Christmas. I think that's why it makes me even happier that I got to order her on the first day.


Even Raven is excited about getting some different eyes for his Momo, and I'm still shocked that he's going to change anything about her at all. It will be really interesting to see what our family looks like next Thanksgiving/Christmas and who I've managed to get completed. Hmm... I probibly should start buying Christmas presents now...


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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Aren't you missing a few girls??



Ha ha! Well, that photo was taken back in April so that's why it's missing a few of the girls. Dang, that means that between April and December I added SIX girls to my family.....


Woe is my poor wallet....





omg...i'd say so haha

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Dang, that means that between April and December I added SIX girls to my family.....


I can't wait to see where you are next year, even if you don't get any more girls. I just love your stories and seeing whatever your girls are up to. *resists squealing about Manami*


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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I can't wait to see where you are next year, even if you don't get any more girls. I just love your stories and seeing whatever your girls are up to. *resists squealing about Manami*



Heh, I myself wonder what things will look like by this time next year... I just hope I can find a Kanu, then I'll call my family as complete as I had planned for.


And don't worry, you'll be seeing more of Manami soon.... she is DYING to show off her new denim bikini set and keeps pestering me to take photos of her in it. This past weekend was a bad one for me so I had no time to take any pics but I plan to have time this coming weekend so she and I can do the poses she wants.






I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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