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wig size for SQ Lab heads?

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I got a SQ Lab Hitomi and the wigs seems too big on the new head. I really like the smaller head size but it seems like the face got "buried" by the wigs.


Anyone tried using different wigs for SQ Lab heads?


should I use a 7-8 size wig instead or 8-9 size?


maybe give her a haircut? (don't have that courage yet)

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it depend on the wig-maker... but i tried a 8-9 size and it was too big... so i suggest using 7-8


i emailed SQ-Lab asking for their recommendations but they said i was the first person to have a problem with 8-9 inch wig... so maybe it is just me.

My SQ Hibiki

I am putting up for adoption a SQ-Lab Ren head on flickr. Contact me for more details!

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SQ-Lab has different heads. Some are bigger, some are smaller, probably the size of DDH-03 which is one of the smaller DD heads (and I've heard that 03 could wear 7-8" wigs as well).

My Kaoru wears only 8-9" wigs but they're really a little too big.

Silicone headcap from Coolcat helped, and I'm not pulling the wigs all in so it's ok.

I'm buying only 8-9" so all my girls can exchange them




OTOH, Ranka (SQ-Lab owner) just pulls the 8-9" wigs over the doll's ears and seems not to be concerned




Like You can see on the photo above

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I guess I wasn't the only one with the problem. That photo is amazing. I tried using a similar 8-9 wig and it covered her eyes and neck (I'll need to trim some areas). I'll keep adjusting it to see if I can get it to look like that.


I'm really curious to see how well the 7-8 wig would fit, I also had a 03 head as backup.


Edit: I'm really a noob, the wig from the picture isn't the Volks bob cut with long front and looks like a Miruya without the tails. I'll try using my other Miruya wigs to see if it can fit. My silicone cap is stuck in the mail... maybe that would help

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I don't own her anymore, but I had an sq labs head and she wore the same wigs as all my dd did 8-9. You can see her here in a 8-9 ndoll wig:




The one thing I did with her is she wore 2 wigs caps, one silicone cap which I used mainly to keep her head cap on (which by the way worked a treat) and I then had a white cloth wig cap over the top, to prevent staining. These two caps obviously bulked her head out a bit, but because it was a smaller head anyway it worked out really well for me.


Wig caps are pretty cheap and easy to come by, so this might be an idea to consider ^^


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Today I try a 7-8 inch wig from crobidoll and find it does not fit.

My SQ Hibiki

I am putting up for adoption a SQ-Lab Ren head on flickr. Contact me for more details!

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Today I try a 7-8 inch wig from crobidoll and find it does not fit.


Was it too small or too big?

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Today I try a 7-8 inch wig from crobidoll and find it does not fit.


Was it too small or too big?


Too small.

My SQ Hibiki

I am putting up for adoption a SQ-Lab Ren head on flickr. Contact me for more details!

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there goes my plan.... thanks for the info.

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I'll be sure to include wig caps in my next purchase.

I don't own her anymore, but I had an sq labs head and she wore the same wigs as all my dd did 8-9. You can see her here in a 8-9 ndoll wig:




The one thing I did with her is she wore 2 wigs caps, one silicone cap which I used mainly to keep her head cap on (which by the way worked a treat) and I then had a white cloth wig cap over the top, to prevent staining. These two caps obviously bulked her head out a bit, but because it was a smaller head anyway it worked out really well for me.


Wig caps are pretty cheap and easy to come by, so this might be an idea to consider ^^

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I think a dollmore 8-9 inch wig would be a perfect fit. I think this because I bought a wig-cap from them in that size and it fit very snugly.


So I will try one from them next.

My SQ Hibiki

I am putting up for adoption a SQ-Lab Ren head on flickr. Contact me for more details!

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My SQ lab Hibiki wears a 8-9" wig, just like my other DD girls and it fits fine with a wig cap.

A crazy fool with a house full of dolls, and ponies, and pony dolls


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hmm, i will try padding out with a wig cap too .

My SQ Hibiki

I am putting up for adoption a SQ-Lab Ren head on flickr. Contact me for more details!

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I've been using an 8-9 wig for Tana, and it seems to be ok. For the new kid, an HDD-02, they seem to work just as well. (haven't used a "cap" yet, but after they stretch a bit, I might do so for stain prevention, just in case!)

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Seems like Volks wigs have a tighter fit when compared to Miruya. 2 silicone caps seem to work

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