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Obtaining the DD

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Hello everyone. Firstly I'd like to apologize if the answer to my question is a fairly common answer easily fixed by the search method which I tried... but couldn't really find any answers. Secondly I apologize for maybe bad English that may pop up during these questions.


I have read both guides that were on this section of the forum on obtaining the DD. I am very intrigued about the lottery and would like some clarification. I would like to inquire about this one as an example : http://www.volksusa.com/dolpa27rise.html


In instructions, I am confused as to how the process works. I'm assuming it's

1. Enter the lottery

2. Wait (while volks places hold on account)

3. If win, complete hold

4. Sent email

5. ???

6. Delivery?


In which part do I input shipping information?

Also, except for entry, which parts require my personal input (if any, or is it all automatic)?


I also have one more question. I live in the USA shortly and have been wondering if it would be better to order the standard Dollfies Yukino or Aoi from VolksUSA or their JP website. Where is registration for VolksUSA and for VolksJP, I have a particular question regarding address. I live in an apartment.

In Address 1, I input Street Name.

In Address 2, I input Apartment Number.

Where do I input City and State?


One last question, and thank you for reading this far, but I am looking to customize the dollfie (Yukino) when I order her by switching hair. I want to order a short hair for her, is it okay for me to order one from http://www.volksusa.com/wigs-dollfie-dream.html

and replace Yukino's hair?


Thank you again.

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For the Volk USA site, you don't have to register. You'll input your information when you place an order.


For the lottery, you'll be able to place an order when the lottery opens (May 6 - 9). You do this exactly like a regular order. It's just that the order won't be completed unless you win the lottery for that doll.

Volks will do a drawing. If you win, Volks will then charge your card and email you. If you don't win, they will cancel your order but generally don't email you. Then, it will be months until the dolls arrive to them. When they do, they will then send it to you.


For pretty much anything, it's generally better to go through the US site when you're in the US because of better prices. For example, if you're interested in Yukino, the price for Volks USA is $462, but in Volks International, it's 44100 yen which at ~75 yen translates to $588, so over $100 cheaper. The only problems are whether the items are available and whether you're willing to wait.


And yes, DDs are made to customize. Wigs are easily swapped. You can also swap eyes, hands, etc.


Hope that helps.

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Thank you very much! My first dollfie will be in your debt.

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