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how to protect a faceup?

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hey guys,

sorry for the newbie question but I was wondering if it's possible to protect the faceup of a custom girl with sprays or stuff like that without damaging it? ^^' I really fear that the colour fades after a while and I have no idea how the artist protected her, if at all.

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thank you very much! and I can't do anything wrong with it? the mere thought of messing up the whole faceup is....

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A few things to keep in mind when spraying:


- Spray in one direction. left to right or right to left. (Start Spray)>>>>(Head)>>>>(Stop Spray)

- Spray from about 12 inches away

- Don't spray in one point too long

- Wear a mask

- Do a test spray on a piece of paper before doing the real thing

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Another important thing to be aware of is that humidity can affect it when applying the spray. I've heard many customisers share this advice in the past.


It's best to spray it an a clear dry day with little to no wind for best results.


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thanks to you too,

I'll try it with one of these sprays then, after testing it at the head cap. ^-^ another question: do I have to remove the eye lashes before using the spray? they are glued, if I remember it right... and would it be wise to repeat this procedure every few years?

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Now i am little confused? Your girl doese have a faceup or doesent she? If she has, who did her faceup? Or better question, doesent this person protect with MSC? If she/he did protect,than its not a need to protect this faceup again. ... Because to remove eyelashes (and i think its a must, if you want to use a spray) isnt such a problem (but most of them get destroid i think, or doesent have the same quality than befor) but to replace them its difficult. And i think you wont get the same result than befor when you use the same lashes ...


☆〜(ゝ。∂) ♥ Dollfie Dream Faceups ~ ☆

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with "I have no idea how the artist protected her" I thought it's clear that my girl has a faceup already. sorry for my bad english! >.< unfortunately, I don't know anything about her faceup artist, bought her 2nd hand, nor what he/she used. that's the main reason why I'm afraid that she may have no protection. when it's not necessary to redo it, better (eventually?) twice if I don't know anything about the heads past? and thanks for the advice, maybe I should buy new lashes and replace the older ones after spraying...

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Oh sorry sorry my fault... I over-read it >_< ... Your english is great dont worry.


Ähm hmm difficult. Doese your girl have a thread here? Can we have a look on her? Maybe its identifiable who her did... (sorry my english is bad too sometimes xD )


☆〜(ゝ。∂) ♥ Dollfie Dream Faceups ~ ☆

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Haha, no. It's really easy to understand. ^^


And regarding the pictures of her, I'm afraid not. Don't have any of them. I could do one but it wouldn't have a quality higher than a mobile phone picture so it's useless.

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Haha, no. It's really easy to understand. ^^


And regarding the pictures of her, I'm afraid not. Don't have any of them. I could do one but it wouldn't have a quality higher than a mobile phone picture so it's useless.



maybe usefull enough to see who her faceup did? ^_~


☆〜(ゝ。∂) ♥ Dollfie Dream Faceups ~ ☆

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okay, I'll upload one tomorrow. I doubt you'll recognize any details of the face in the blurry picture, but we'll see. and there is no characteristic what is typical for a protected head?

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Every faceup artist I know of uses sealant to protect the finished faceup and most intermediate stages of it.

Especially when using pastels and watercolor pencils. Acrylics don't need it that much.

Every tutorial about this states, that one should do this, and what kind of sealants work best.


So chances, that the artist didn't protect the work are close to zero, imho.


If it doesn't smudge, it's sealed.

It may (but I think it probably won't) fade because of UV, so just don't put it under the sun for long time.

And sun is not very healthy for the plastic, too.

You don't want to seal it with Mr Super Clear UV-Cut, because this thing yellows a lot itself because of the UV rays and that's the reason, the artists use regular Mr Super Clear.

But like I said, You probably don't need to use the seal anyway

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Kumi's right, it's faceup standard operating procedure to seal faceups at very least once upon completion, and usually it's sealed several times at intermediate stages, especially if ground pastels are used as part of the faceup--without sealing, they would not only smudge, but couldn't be layered to as heavy a saturation as many people prefer.


The advice about minimizing sun exposure is probably sound too, though thankfully our girls aren't resin, so their skin shouldn't turn yellow; if anything is affected, it'll be the exposed internal armature at the elbows and wrists, and/or some of the faceup pigments (usually reds). Still, many art pigments in pastels and acrylics are specifically designed to be colorfast to some degree, so taking her out for an outdoor shoot now and again should be fine so long as you don't display her in direct sun at home.


Though I will recommend picking up some sort of plastic face protector from someplace like Junky Spot, especially if you take her travelling, outside, or to meets on a regular basis. It's an oval plastic shield that goes over the face, which will protect it from *physical* damage like rubbing, which can wear through the sprayed sealant if it happens often enough in the same spot. You'd just strap it onto her head before you pack her up to take her anywhere, and take it off when you get her back out. (That reminds me, I should probably pick up one, given how, um, complicated Agatha's new faceup is.)

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