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DDS Ms. Mariko outfit question~

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I didn't know where to put this topic, so hopefully this is an acceptable place.


I am wondering if anyone knows whether or not DDS Ms. Mariko's outfit stains?


I have avoided putting it on her because I do not have a body stocking. (Volks seems to always be sold out of the white one and I cannot find an affordable alternative)


I am fine with her wearing some of my other clothes, but I was just wanting to know if I can put it on her or not if I wanted to.


Thanks in advance for your help~

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I don't think Volks even makes the white body stocking anymore. I ordered one from Cool Cat for my upcoming DD Lucy. They have lots of different types.




They were even nice enough to make me one of the styles they had that was sold out on request. This is the one:




They made one up for me in a couple of weeks.

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I've had a Mariko visiting me for a few weeks now and she's been in her default clothing the whole time. So far I see no stains anywhere on her. So I think you'll be fine by putting it on her.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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The pantyhose might if you leave it on too long (a week or more). The rest doesn't look like it would though. You'll probably be fine.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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The pantyhose might if you leave it on too long (a week or more). The rest doesn't look like it would though. You'll probably be fine.


So far no marks have been left behind on Mariko from her pantyhose. And it's been a few weeks. I made sure to double check day after day too just in case but so far, no issues at all.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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@ PrettyCranium - Thanks for letting me know, since you have said this I will email Volks and see if they make it anymore. >_< If they don't I will be quite disappointed, lol. I'll look into the shipping costs at Cool Cat. I also did not really look there because I saw a lot of the ones in my price range were sold out when I went to look. Thanks, and I really appreciate your response~


@baldylox - Thank you for letting me know the amount of time you have had the outfit on her, now I feel a lot better. xD I normally change their outfits every few days to every week, so that answer is perfect for me~


@DJStarstryker - Yes, I was very worried about the pantyhose, and also the cardigan because it seemed so pigmented next to her white skin. xD Thanks for your response as well. ^_^

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