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Bonding with the sweet Tomomi

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I have been trying different things for Tomomi because I really want her to be part of the family. Her body is better now after fixing up the neck mechanism and the problem with her spine (thanks Baldylox because I used something you said in a thread to fix her up).


As I was feeling a little uncomfortable with the "human" like eyes, I've tried the anime eyes Hana won't use in her and I like the result. I usually prefer not so round looking eyes but I think these to fit her.

I've tried a couple of wigs in her but I think that she will remain with the pink one she arrived with because I really like the colour.


So... here are the pictures:



With the pink wig she came with. I really love the style and the color of this wig.



With a red wig I never used before. I like the color effect this one gives to her, she looks full of energy!



I like a lot the peaceful looking she has with this wig and the haircut is really lovely.


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I'm so glad you were able to do some repairs on her spine! That's really great to hear.


I like the new eyes in her, they look really nice. And while I also like her pink wig a lot, the last photo of her in the gray wig is really cool. I think she needs more pics of her in that one.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I agree with Billy. I like her in the gray wig best. I want to see more pics of her in it.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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She looks adorable!!



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[baldylox] Thank you so much! She is a lot better after fixing up the spine problem but I still need to dare with her floppy leg T_T.

I like these eyes in her too so she will keep them. I will take some pictures of her with the gray wig soon. I like the contrast that gray does with the vivid colours her face has.


[DJStarstryker] Let's take more in the gray wig them. I have owned this wig for ages but never found an use for it


[Waynio] I'm glad you like her! Thank you

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I definitely agree that the grey wig looks best. Makes her eyes pop.

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[sarynkitamo] I think the same


[mitsuki] Thank you!

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Love her in the red~!

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I love her in every three colors actually! It depends on the look you were going for! I love the pink, it makes her sexy and girly, the red is just so sparky and energetic and the grey is laid back and calm. It really gives her three different personalities!

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