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Volks wig oil -- usage tips?

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I guess I'm not really a newbie, but I am new to dry wigs. A recent arrival has what seems to be dry bangs, especially. I do have some wig oil, as well as water wax. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? I don't want to make the wig too oily, and I'm hesitant to try anything.




Edit: mods, please move to "care and repairs" if that's a better fit.

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Agreed. Help would be appreciated. I've had Rin since she originally came out and her bangs really need some help after all this time. I bought pretty much every Volks wig care product, but I haven't tried using any yet because I don't want to damage the wig.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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If you are talking about the spray wig oil from Volks, I have a bottle of that and use it on occasion to keep frizzy hair down to a minimum.


Manami's Volks wig sometimes gets frizzy on the ends so what I do to tame them is take her wig off, hold it up in my left hand and then spritz it 2 or 3 times with the spray bottle. I hold the bottle about a foot away from the wig so the mist hits it and not a full heavy spray. Then I put it back no her head and use a metal pet comb to work the oil into the hair. It will look a bit wet for a few minutes but after you style it and brush it, it always winds up looking good. I also use one or two spritzes of it if a wig has that dry feel to it or has random stray hairs. Doing this, I just spray once or tw2ice and then use a toothbrush to brush the hairs back into place.


I've never used the spary oil to try and style the hair into a certain shape tho, like ahoge hairs on Saber and Ryomou, I think that's what the water wax is for. I don't own any of that but from what I've read, it's used to mold hair in place and then stay there when it's dried. Then if you need to restyle it, you just wash the wig and the water wax will wash out so you can change it.


Hopefully that helps some.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Thanks, that does help. I'm worried about damaging the wig, but from what you've said, it takes a little while for the oil to soak in? I don't want it looking too oily, just soft.

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Thanks, that does help. I'm worried about damaging the wig, but from what you've said, it takes a little while for the oil to soak in? I don't want it looking too oily, just soft.


So far, the only times I've had to use it were after a long while or after washing the wig. It seems that every time I've washed Manami's wig, it's dried with the ends all frizzy. And combing it just makes it worse. Spraying the oil on it usually makes it settle down a lot. When I brush the oil in with the metal comb, it looks a little wet but I let it sit for a few minutes and that wet look goes away. Then I can brush it again and then use my hand to finalize the wavy look of her hair in the back.


That usually results in the hair being softer and easier to control for a month or so. But with the humidity the way it is down here and the fact that I take my girls outside a lot, that affects their wigs a bit so I find I need to use the oil spray a few times a month on the girls with longer hair. Most of the ones with short hair like Rei, Yukino and Mamimi don't need the oil but every so often, once a month *maybe*. It's the longer haired girls who normally need this.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I've been really pleased with the wig oil on all my doll wigs, including one glued to a Tonner Rapunzel!, and it never, ever feels or looks oily after I use it. Makes brushing and combing a lot easier, too.


Also, as most wigs are synthetic fibers (unless they're human hair or mohair), I've had a great deal of success using 1/2 tsp of Downy liquid fabric softener in a 2 oz spray bottle. Smells great, tames the hair, doesn't leave residue, and tames and moisturizes it. Just don't put more than 1/2 tsp in the bottle, or it will get gunky on the wig.

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