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Boys Club!

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Tamayuki: "I know Mommy has said that there are boys on the forums, but I don't know where they are hiding. Are they all shy like me?"


Dolly: "Naw, I think they are more like me and spend a lot of time bashing things up! Maybe if we have a contest and give a prize to the guy who can blow up something really good..."


Tamayuki: "But we don't have any prizes to give. Mommy wouldn't like it if you blew something up. I just wanted to be able to talk to the other boys here, see what kind of things they like, who they even are, what clothes they wear, and all of that."


Dolly: "How much more manly can you get than sweatpants and a tshirt? That's manly to the max!"


Tamayuki: "I have seen some boy clothes that were kinda pretty. It had a long coat with shiny buttons, pants that stopped right below the knees with white socks, and the shirt was white too and it had lace around the edges."


Dolly: *Looks suspiciously at Tamayuki* "Tama-chan, I don't think those were boy clothes..."


Tamayuki: "Yes they were! He even had buckles on his shiny shoes and curly white hair! It was too a boy! I saw some other boys with clothes like that too when Mommy was watching her Ouran show and they are all boys! Even the little one like Tamayuki has a super cute boy voice!"


Dolly: *mumbles something about Tama's mom being nuts* "Those boys are different."


Tamayuki: "I don't think they are. Anyway, I'm tired of feeling like we are the only boys on the DD forums so I want all the other boys here to have a club just for us! I want to have lots of new boy friends."


Dolly: *smacks his forehead* "Dude, no. GUY friends, not boyfriends."


Tamayuki: "What's wrong with having boys for friends? You're a boy and you are my friend. You are also my Dolly. Perry and Totoro are boys too. Dolly, why does Totoro not like you? He loves Perry a lot but I saw him almost bite you the other day..."


Dolly: *coughs loudly* "SO, if this is going to be a club, what are the rules?"


Tamayuki: "Well, we will only allow in boys... Or girls with really good mustaches."


Dolly: "WHAT??"


Tamayuki: "So I hope lots of boys of all kinds post here so we can get to know them!"



This was posted in the off-topic dolls so ALL the boys on the forums can join in, regardless of make or model! Come on in and introduce yourself, but bring a photo if you are able so we can see your charming faces!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Kaylus was busy typing looking at the gals on the forum when Yuuto, who happened to be looking over his shoulder, saw the topic "Boys Club". He proceeded to grab the mouse and click on the title.


Yuuto: Oh nice, a club just for boys. *keeps reading*

Kaylus: Yuu! Don't just grab the mouse!

Yuuto: Hey, oniisan, its just like that anime the girls like to watch. What's its name again? *thinking* starts with an "R" , RH? Nah, that's a show , Nyanko-sensei watches. What IS that show's name...??

Kaylus: *exasperated* It's Ouran High! *taps Yuuto upside the head* And don't call the mistress Nyanko-sensei. Its disrespectful.

Yuuto: Ouch! *rubs head* Sheesh! She knows I call her that. She told me she liked the name because her forum name is katnaper and she likes Natsume, so we laughed about the name.

Kaylus: Still, its not proper.

Yuuto: 'K. 'K. I'll stop. Let's just focus on this Boy's club, if that's okay?


The two read some more.


Yuuto: Cute kid! He seems sad, though. Let's adopt him. I don't mind having a younger brother.

Kaylus: You already do. What in the world do you think Ash is?

Yuuto: Hehehe... but he's so serious. He scares the girls away. But with Tamayuki, just think how many girls are going to go crazy over him if he was my younger brother? So, can we adopt him? I'll ask -

Kaylus: Stop fooling around Yuu. He is obviously well loved, I doubt his Mom would even think of putting him up for adoption. mutters, besides, you might get the other one instead

So, if you want to make him happy, we can try being friends with him and joining his club.

Yuuto: Cool! I'll introduce ourselves and send him some pics. *scrounges around for pictures* We really need to convince Nyan - ahem - the Boss to take new pictures.


The two boys finish typing their introduction and sends Tamayuki their pictures with a request to join the Boys Club.


Dear Tamayuki,


We read about your club and my Onii-san and I would love to be friends with you and join your club if you'ld accept us. Our youngest brother will be joining too as soon as he comes home from school if that's okay. We're sending pictures with this letter. By the way, my name's Yuuto, and my big bro is Kaylus and my youngest brother is Ash, he's 10. We hope we can be your friends and can I be your big brother?


Hope to hear from you!




PS. Millie told me to tell you, she thinks you're adorable.

We'll send you some better pics as soon as we convince the Boss to take some.









We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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Kaylus: Stop fooling around Yuu. He is obviously well loved, I doubt his Mom would even think of putting him up for adoption. mutters, besides, you might get the other one instead


You have NO idea how hard this made me laugh, and I really needed a good one too after watching a video on the American healthcare system, followed by Othello. Double dose of depression (Even though I like Shakespeare.) Still snickering about it after reading it again for the fifth time.


I'll try to have Tama-chan, and probably Dolly, send a response later this afternoon (I'm at school at the moment.) Dolly really is a piece of work, and he seems to go out of his way to reaffirm that fact every day. At lest with the Boy's Club they can come out to play too instead of lurking all the time. One of the reasons I love this forum so much is having so many like-minded people who still know how to play. Most grown-up are too serious! I think it should be spelled groan-ups.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Tamayuki: *so happy that he can hardly contain his excitement* "Mommy, guess what? There ARE other boys on the forums and they want to be in my club!"


Mommy: *barely has time to put her backpack down after getting in the door before her little boy runs through the house to meet her* "Tamayuki, were you using my computer while I was at school?"


Tamayuki: "Only a little Mommy. Dolly pushed all the buttons for me though, so I wouldn't get into trouble if you found out."


Rainie: *whispers to her little brother* "Shush Tama-chan, you weren't supposed to tell Mama that! It was a secret!"


Dolly: *stroll in the room and joins the conversation in his most manly voice* "Yah, I can bench press that mouse for twenty reps. I know, I'm impressive but no autographs today."


Mommy: *bites her lip to keep from giggling, hoping that her face still looks even a little stern* "Next time you need to ask first before using Mommy's computer, OK?"


Tamayuki: "Ok Mommy, I will if you remember to give me your email address. Yuriko said that it was very important to know it if I want to talk to you when you aren't home." *Yuriko kept watching her anime as if she had nothing to do with the conversation* "You have to come see the other boys Mommy, they sent pictures!" *Tamayuki runs down the stairs to look at the computer again and Dolly slides down the banister*


Tamayuki: "There is the letter they sent, and they have another brother too! There is one with hair color like mine but a lot darker. That's Yuuto and he has two brothers, but one of them still needs a picture."


Dolly: "Yah, the cool one is Klaus! He might be close to being as buff as I am, if he works at it some more."


Tamayuki: "Dolly, that's not his name, it's Kaylus. Do you want him to call you Dooley?"


Dolly: *continues talking and doesn't pay attention* "If I ever met that dude face to face, it would be an instant match-off. Thumb wrestling match of the century! Then you could see my pecks ripple like ocean waves." *gets lost in his own convoluted world*


Tamayuki: "Both of these boys look really nice, I want to be friends with them. Can I write them a letter now? Dolly said he could help me but it takes him too long to jump to all the different keys, especially since he doesn't spell very well. I tried typing and it really hurt. My little fingers kept getting stuck between the keys." *Tells Mommy what he wants to say*


Dear Yuuto, Kaylus, and Ash,

Since all of you are boys, you can join my club! I really liked both of your pictures. Did your mommy take them? Both of you look very different than I do, are you from another country? Yuuto how tall are you? Are you my size? It looks like your hair gets in your eyes a lot too. My Mommy has to help fix mine a bunch, it seems like it is always being messy. Hi Kaylus, I think you have a really neat name. Maybe I should try a hat like yours to keep my hair from being so poofy. Are you a rockstar? Dolly thinks you should play the guitar or maybe the banjo. I can't wait to meet Ash too. Does he have glasses? My Mommy likes boys with glasses because they make her giggle. Mommy can be silly and sometimes I don't know why. Tell Ash to not be afraid of me because I am nice and I get shy a lot too. What do you guys like to do in your free time?


I think I would like to have a brother, but I don't know what kinds of things brothers do because I only have sisters. I have Dolly too, but he's not my brother. He is good at finding things to do, but occasionally I have to tell him no because it will make Mommy and Daddy mad. Dolly doesn't like being told no. Once he stomped around on my bed and kicked my pillow when I said that he couldn't throw eggs at one of our cats.


Oh, and if you are wondering about the purple thing in my picture, it's OK that he's there because that's Ploonie, Mommy's purple unicorn. Tell Millie that I think she's pretty and I think she would be nice too. I have to go now because its time to eat dinner.




Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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So cool!! I wish I had a boy to join with.


I also gotta say Dolly is the best!!!! I busted a gut just reading some of the stuff he said.



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So cool!! I wish I had a boy to join with.


I also gotta say Dolly is the best!!!! I busted a gut just reading some of the stuff he said.



Thank you! He will surely keep me busy once Spring quarter is over. My sister made the mistake of mentioning a funny photo story idea within his hearing and he has been pestering me to do it, but I just haven't had time.


I can very truthfully say that Dolly definitely didn't turn out the way I expected. So much of the time I wonder where in the world his personality came from. Some of it is from my brother when we were kids (he's less than two years older than me) but a lot of the rest comes from a bunch of other places, including my tomboy side. Even then the whole is more than the sum of his parts, he is just a very larger than life personality. I think I'd be afraid if he was any bigger than he is!


Sitting on the sidelines is not his strong suit and often gets very vocal about how he thinks that I shouldn't post pictures unless they prominently feature him. Frequently he points out the fact that he should be allowed to be posted anywhere on the forums because he is technically a Dollfie (at least according to the Volks store sort) although he isn't a DD.


Much of what he says gets stuck in my mind for a few days, making me giggle at random times and people look at me weird. When I try to figure him out I often just sit there shaking my head and realizing that Dolly is just... Dolly.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Sorry for the late response. I work shifts of 2 days/2 nights so it wrecks havoc on my participation on forums Anyway, to get back to where we left off...


The two boys were busy telling their youngest brother about the new Boy's Club on the DD forums and they were trying to convince him to join in as well...


Yuuto: C'mon Ash! Don't be such a spoilsport. We already told Tamayuki that you'll be joining.


Ash: You should have asked me first. You know I'm busy with a lot of things already. Besides, I don't even know what this Boy's Club is about, what's its rules, its mission... *Ash goes on and on about clubs*


Yuuto:*rolls his eyes Are you quite done?


Ash: *doesn't hear and goes on still* and then there's -


Yuuto: *exasperated* Ahhhh! Will you listen to yourself? You're TEN! Will you quit over analyzing stuff and act like a 10 year old for once! Sheesh! Its a Boy's Club! A place to hangout and have fun! Not do rocket science!!! No wonder girls avoid me like the plague when you're around!


Gesticulating wildly as he walks back and forth, Yuuto is now the one who goes on and on about the Club while Ash tries to argue his side back. Meanwhile, Kaylus tunes out the two as he sits in front of the computer writing a response to Tamayuki...


Dear Tamayuki,


Thank you for accepting us into your club. It was very nice of you to do so. Yuuto is currently trying to get Ash to pose for a new picture so he can send you a copy. Our youngest is somewhat 'camera shy' but I'm sure once he sees how brave you are about starting a club by yourself, he'll be less shy about joining and posting his pictures. How old are you by the way? I think we mentioned that Ash is 10 and he's about 48cm tall. Yuu is 16 and 55 cm tall and I'm 22 and also the tallest at 65cm. I'm glad you liked our pictures, our Sensei took them. Yuu calls her 'Nyanko-sensei' because she really likes the character who plays Natsume's guardian/bodyguard in that anime series she's so fond off. I've told Yuu a dozen times not to call her that because I think its not appropriate but she said it was okay. Yuu's just that way, he gets an idea in his head an that's it. That idea's stuck forever (or until the next thing distracts him, I guess). Me, I just call her Sensei, but sometimes she does remind me a lot of that cat. She's not our Mom but as close to it as anyone can get I guess. She takes care of us and lets us share her home.



Lemme see, what else can I tell you about us? Oh yeah, no, I'm not a rockstar. Yuu is the one who likes music and he plays the guitar. I just wear that bandana because my hair is so long, it keeps getting in my eyes. I don't look it but I'm actually into computers. And no, Dolly, I'm not a geek. I can benchpress a 20 of you for a hundred reps. And, no, I don't read minds but I've encountered men like Dolly before so I kinda know what he's thinking. As for our youngest brother, Ash is into books, he likes to read a lot and is very smart. He maybe reserved looking but like Yuu, once he gets something in his head, he'll analyze it to the end and you'll be listening to him from here till eternity Unlike Yuu, though, he thinks things carefully and plans ahead. But that's enough about us. What about you? What are the things you like to do? You said you have sisters, what are they like? Sensei runs a dorm full of girls next door so we kinda know what its like. Well that's it for now, I have to go cook supper for my little brothers. Say 'hi' to your family for me. Even 'Dolly'.


See ya around.


~ Kaylus



I think you already have a pretty good idea of what brothers can be like when you said you had to tell Dolly 'no'. My brothers would get into mischief half the time if I let get away with it. Sometimes, being older means you have to be the more responsible one.



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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Katnaper- I will write up a response as soon as I can, I stayed up all night to get a paper done for Literature and have been awake almost 30 hours now. I'm hoping that getting that blasted thing done might give me a bit more free time after school now. At the moment I'm too exhausted and emotional to write hardly at all.


Tamayuki, Dolly, and I really have been enjoying swapping posts with you. Thank you!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Hey, no worries. You take your time. I enjoy exchanging posts with you too.



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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...Friday afternoon... Tamayuki barely waits long enough for his mommy to sit down before glomming onto her, looking plainly upset. He had spent the last hour going from looking out the front window to nearly pressing his face against the screen door to get the best view that he could.


Mommy: "So Tamayuki, are you ready to talk to your club members? Mommy has a long weekend so we finally have time to reply to their letter."


Tamayuki: *presses his face against his mommy as he hugs her as hard as he can, his voice sounding as if he is trying not to cry* "No, I want to snuggle."


Mommy: *puts her arms around her little boy* "What's the matter Tama-chan? Normally you are rather cheerful, it worries me that you are so upset."


Tamayuki: "You were late by a whole hour and I waited, and waited, and waited but you sill weren't home. I don't like Mommy's school because it makes you too busy for spending fun time with Tamayuki like you did before."


Mommy: "Only three more weeks until Mommy has summer vacation and things will get a lot better. Then I won't have homework all the time and the things that need to get done will be at home. Mommy was only late because she was helping one of her classmates make his web page work right. Mommy has plenty of time now to help you write your letter though."


Tamayuki: "No, I just want to snuggle."


Seeing that Tama-chan's mind was made up his Mommy didn't struggle against it because she had needed Tamayuki hugs as well.




Tamayuki: "Look mommy, you made another box pop up. Yay!"


Mommy: "Yah, but now I have to figure out why the footer stopped working."


Tamayuki: "Thank you Mommy for making a web page for me and Dolly, it's really neat!"


Dolly "Hey lady, I think you broke it, my picture isn't there anymore. I can't say that the fluffy colors that you had before were all that great, but now it looks like a paint bucket threw up on it."


Mommy: *Only partially pays attention to Dolly as she's looking through her CSS for the thirtieth time to locate the problem* "Of course it looks horrible, I've had to rebuild the page from scratch for the third time. The ugly colors are so I can keep track of the different containers I'm trying to work with. At least this time after it is finished I won't have to rebuild it because I'll have my base template for a three panel page. I need it for the last part of my school project as well as how I want the page to work for me once I don't need it for school."


...Three Hours Later...


Mommy: "Finally it's done, checked in three different browsers and now it behaves like it should." *flops on the bed thoroughly exhausted* "Now I just need to fight with the background graphics again..."


...Sunday... *Everyone was lazy and stayed in bed to watch anime*




Mommy: *Gently wakes up Tamayuki* "Mommy has today off from school Tama-chan, how about we write to the boys in your club? I won't have time later because I have more homework to do including getting your page put back together."


Tamayuki: *yawns adorabily and rubs his eyes, waking up quickly once he realizes he gets time by himself with his mommy* "Ok, but I think I'll let Dolly sleep a bit longer because he kept watching Tiger and Bunny last night after you and Daddy went to sleep."


Hello Boys Club Members!


Sorry it has been so long since I have written, it has been really busy around here. I was trying to think the other day how you might sneak a picture of Ash when he's not looking, we have to do that with Perry sometimes because he doesn't like the camera either. Dolly suggested that someone could sneak in and take his picture when he's in the shower, but I don't think that's a good idea at all. Dolly thinks the strangest things are funny sometimes, he kept giggling that it would really be a surprise. My mommy says that getting a nice picture of Daddy is really hard because when she tells him to smile for a picture he always looks grouchy or angry. We only have a few pictures where he looks like his normal happy self, and one was taken by my five year old cousin. Maybe you could promise him his favorite food if he sits for some pictures? Mommy said that homemade Japanese curry is an excellent bribe, but I think onigiri would be better. Have you ever had it? It is really good and they can have silly faces! Mommy likes putting faces on things in her bento that she takes to school with her, especially acorn cut-outs with cheese hats.


I'm 13 and in the seventh grade and I look a lot younger than I am. Yuriko is helping homeschool me so I don't know what it's like going to public school. It's ok though because it sounds really scary, so many people everywhere! I would be afraid that I'm too shy and couldn't say anything. Mommy says that I'm an open and innocent type of boy who is a bit oblivious at times (but I don't know what that means.) Last time I checked I was 44cm tall so even Ash is taller than me! I didn't think I was that short... Mommy said that she knew of a boy in high school that was 2/3 the height of the rest of the guys in their class so it's ok that I'm short. Wow Kaylus, you sure are tall! It would take another half of me to be as tall as you are! I don't know how old Dolly is, but he might be a little older than me? I'll have to ask him later because he's still sleeping.


Natsume? Is that Natsume's Book of Friends? I've never heard of it but Mommy said it's the only one she can think of, except there is a Natsume in Sgt. Frog too. I call my mommy, Mommy, Raninie and Naiomi call her Mama, and Dolly either doesn't call her anything and just starts talking to her or calls her hey lady. Mommy said that it is at least better than being called 'hey you' because if he called her that, Dolly would be in a very long time-out. Yuriko calls her Mommy sometimes too, but mommy says that she would prefer Yuriko to call her Mama. I don't know why it makes a difference to he but it does, she's really picky about names. Oh, and Daddy calls her Wifen. I think it's funny because Daddy is silly a lot. He even told me that he would let Dolly do more of the fun things that he would like if Mommy wouldn't get mad at him too.


Yuuto- What kind of music do you like? Are you in a band? Will you have a cereal named after you someday? Do you sing? Mommy has been teaching me to sing a little bit since she was in choir for many years. We like to sing together when we play Lego Rockband!


Kaylus- What kinds of things do you like using the computer for? Do you like to build them or just use the software? Mommy likes computers so much that she often uses two of them at once! She tells Daddy that she's not a geek either and he just laughs. She gets really grumpy when they aren't working right though. She said that geeks tend to know a lot of statistics about things that don't matter to real people, and that's not like her at all. Whenever Daddy says that she's a geek, she says that she an otaku who just happens to like using computers, a lot. We have tons of video games that I play a lot when I'm not doing schoolwork, and I even have a Sim that looks like me! My favorite game right now is Paper Mario, but I think they should make a sequel called Paper Luigi, because he's my favorite.


Mommy laughed though when you mentioned bench-pressing Dolly. She said that if Dolly tried to wrestle you it would be more like Dolly would go flying over your shoulder. Don't tell Dolly I told you guys this, but I think he tries really hard to sound big and strong because he doesn't want to be treated like a little kid when he isn't. He likes to give me lots of hugs too and it makes him really happy when I snuggle with him and read fun stories. I don't think he can read very well.


Ash- What are your favorite books? Since this is our club, you can talk about the things you like and learn what everyone else likes too. I got to watch a new anime on Crunchyroll last night called "You and Me" and it is all about boys! We have whole walls of bookshelves around here. Mommy said that she's going to have me read through the Wizard of Oz series this summer. There are fourteen books altogether! Dolly's favorite book is about Star Wars, but I read him a story about some boys tearing down a house and he really liked that too. My mommy likes to talk a lot about the things that she likes too, but sometimes she gets frustrated that other people get bored with her after a while. She thinks a lot too and it gives her headaches. Have you ever thought so much that it really made your head hurt? I would be really happy to see a picture of you and to make it not seem so scary, I'll send one of me that mommy took last week!


I'll write some about my sisters later, but Mommy said that my letter is getting really long. I'm so happy to have other boys to talk to that I just want to tell you everything! Girls are nice and all, but boys are better!




"I'm the dandelion prince! How do you like my crown?"



Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Yo! Tama-chan.


So glad to hear from you. It’s been kinda boring around here lately since its been raining for nearly a week and we couldn’t really do anything outside. Nyanko-sensei (yeah, Kaylus was referring to the Book of Friends’ Natsume) had been pretty frustrated because she couldn’t work on her garden and she kept going on and on about how her bulbs are going to drown and how does anyone expect her to plant in mud. I think it’s all just a case of cabin fever. We’ve been cooped up inside FOREVER, LOL. Even the G-man, who is normally the happy type, says that if the rain doesn’t stop he’s going to end up needing a blood transfusion because their little ObitsuAnnie is giving him a nosebleed from her non-stop talking. I know that if she doesn’t get out of the house soon she’ll decide that she wants to play with us and there won’t be any safe place to hide. *grins*


Oh yeah, I guess I have to explain who I was referring to. Kaylus probably told you that I have a penchant for giving nicknames to people in the house, so I guess I should explain who I was talking about. G-man is Nyanko-sensei’s husband. ‘G’ is short for ‘Gundam’ because he loves building them. I would have called him Mr.Roboto only I didn’t think it was appropriate because it would imply that his toys were mobile which they’re not , so I dubbed him G-man instead. He thinks it’s funny. He’s Nyanko’s ‘chief enabler’ whatever that means. I do notice though that his collection seems to increase in proportion to Nyanko’s girls in her dorm. Is there a connection I wonder? Anyway, before I forget what I was writing about, ObitsuAnnie is Nyanko and the G-man’s kid. She’s a real doll, cute, but she’ll talk your ear off if you let her. Having her cooped up inside the house with us has been a lesson in patience. She normally leaves us alone, except when Nyanko’s trying to take pictures. Then, she’ll insist on joining in and having her picture taken, which is fine by me only she usually likes popping her head up right in front of the camera so all Nyanko gets are pictures of her entire head and none of us. I tell you, it’s a wonder Sensei isn’t bald, teeheehee. We all like the little monster though.


About that shower idea, that was hilarious. Dolly certainly has a wicked sense of humor. I don’t think I’d do it though since Ash would probably just take a worse one of me and show it to Millie and then I’d lose points with her. Besides, Millie is such a nice girl I don’t think she would be happy if she found out I did something like that to Ash. I would get Kaylus to do it but he’ll probably just tell me I’m being immature and scold me. I don’t dare even mention this to Suki because she might end up taking pictures of us all just because she could. *shivers*


So, your mom likes bentos, huh? Does she have those special food shapers and cutters that shapes eggs and makes little dot faces? That’s like so cool. I love bentos. Nyanko makes them occasionally but nothing too elaborate. She gets too busy most of the time that she doesn’t really have much time to make fancy things except when it’s a cake, and she doesn’t even do that as often as she could, something about it being “too time consuming.” I remember she made one once that looked like a bento, it was funny because it looked like sushi but was really cake. Weird, eh?


Me and my friends just started a band and we’ve named ourselves NakedAngels. I’m the lead but not the singer. Beato’s got that part. I could sing okay but nothing to write home about. ‘B’ though, sings like an angel. Our music is mostly indie rock but we’re still trying to define the direction we want to go with our songs. For now, it’s all about enjoying the music. How about you, what types of music do you like? I’ve never played Lego Rockband, is it fun? The only games we have in the house are RPGs or those crazy kinect games. Millie may not look it but she tops everyone in Dance Central and Suki does the awesomest Thriller ever. Even Ash, kicks my, uh, behind in Fruit Ninja. Too bad we don’t live close to each other or I’d invite you to play a few games.


Oh wait, Kaylus wants to write something...



Hello Tamayuki. I’m happy to hear from you again. I really like hearing about your parents. They seem to be kind and happy people. It was nice to know that your Mom is also into computers. I smiled when she described herself as a not a ‘geek’ but ‘an otaku who just happens to like using computers, a lot.’ I don’t know if I could describe myself in the same way since I’m not much of an otaku. Sensei and her husband have that title all to themselves . I just like building computers and working on software. I like games too though, especially the older RPGs on the older game consoles. I know of Paper Mario but I’ve never really played it. I’m more of the Final Fantasy fan. What other games do you like to play? About bench-pressing Dolly, I’m sure if there were 20 of him, he’d pin me to the ground in no time. He certainly seems like a tough guy. I’m glad to know he has his soft side too, but don’t tell him I said this because I know how tough and macho men like him don’t like it when people notice they have a gentle side to them too – that’ll be our little secret, okay? Now I think Ash wants to say something as well...





Hi. Just so you know, my brothers are forcing me to write this *Ouch! You don’t have to hit me on the head! Sheesh!* Sorry, my brothers didn’t force me to write this. I am doing this of my own accord, with my own free will regardless of any theories entertained by my person pertaining to the aforementioned matter. I like books. My vocabulary is quite extensive as opposed to the rather puerile attempts at language exhibited by my older siblings. I have neither the time nor inclination to involve myself with what I consider to be inanities of one form or the other save for my brothers’ insistence. I mean no offence though. *Ouch! Okay, Okay! Just let me finish this by myself okay. Stop reading over my shoulder!!!*


I’m sorry. Again. My brothers’ keep telling me to act like my age, and most of the time I deliberately act differently just to be contrary. I really like books especially mysteries. Kaylus used to read me stories about Sherlock Holmes until I learned to read for myself. I’ve read all his books more than 5 times. Kaylus says, there are other mystery authors but that I’m too young to read about them. He lets me watch Detective Conan instead. I really like that show. Do you like it too? Does your Mom? Someday, I’m going to be a famous mystery writer, even better than Arthur Conan-Doyle (he’s Sherlock Holmes’ author). Are you going to be an author too? Maybe we can collaborate someday. That’s my word for the day. ‘Collaborate’ it means ‘join forces with’. Let me know what you think. By the way, I think you’ve got an awesome Mommy. Anyone who wants to read books with you is an awesome person. Say Hi to everyone for me. P.S. I like your picture. I wish I had a Mom who’d put a dandelion crown on my head. Oh well, we have Nyan-nyan. She’s fun, especially when she’s not busy.


I’ll tell you about the others in Nyan’s dorm when I’m done school. I’d love to hear from you about your sisters and the rest of your family.





I’ll have Nyan-nyan take pictures of me as soon as the weather perks up. I really like your dandelion crown.




Yo, Tama-chan!


It’s me again. Sorry for the extremely long letter and lack of pictures. Nyanko’s been at work for most of the week and she’s rather exhausted after her shifts. I promise we’ll send some new pictures, especially of Ash, as soon as she gets a break. For the meantime, here’s a photo of that weird cake she made for her friend.




I wasn’t living here yet so I didn’t know what it tasted like. But it seems weird to me for a cake to look like sushi but taste like cake. I mean, that would seriously mess with my taste buds, ne? How about you? Does your Mom make you crazy bentos? Hey, maybe next time, we can post pictures of stuff we do, like games or something. Okay, so long for now. I’m going to bed.







Me: I hope you don't mid the extremely long letter. Everyone wanted to say something and as you can tell its been a long gloomy week of work and even gloomier weather, I think the boys needed to just talk to somebody



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Hi Tamayuki,


As promised, pictures of our kid brother Ash.






Hope you like them.





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Hi Kaylus, Yuuto, and Ash!


Does it seem weird that I have missed you guys lots and lots? It really makes me happy that everyone has so much to say and I like reading long letters, but I hope it's ok if it takes me a while to write back. Mommy has been really busy with school and she has finals next week but after that I can spend a bunch of time with her like it was before Spring quarter started. So at least for the Summer I can do lots of fun things with her, Dolly and my sisters. After that Mommy says she has to go back to school in the Fall, but she can start to teach us Japanese! Mommy and Daddy are going to see if they can make it work for Daddy to take the Japanese classes too so then everyone in our family can learn it!


Mommy says that she has so much planned to do this Summer that she doesn't know if she can do it all, but she still smiles about it. I have been really proud of her for making sure to get all her homework done, but it worries me that she only slept half as much as she should have last week because of it. Normally just sleeping in on Saturdays would be enough, but about halfway through the quarter she got a cold that hasn't gone away because she didn't have the time to stay home and get better. This is a big reason why I haven't written back before now. Rainie and I decided that when Summer starts Rainie, Dollie, Yuriko, and me will all pile on her and make her stay in bed until she is all better. This won't be easy because Mommy has so many fun projects she has been waiting to do, especially my webpage! She has done so well in her web design class that her teacher even has some projects for her to do this summer to get more experience and put together something called a portfolio.


I almost forgot! Daddy found an anime on Crunchyroll with a middle school boy that looks almost exactly like me! I couldn't believe it! His name is Ayumu, and he has a really nice older brother. Sometime he wears a goofy looking hat though. It's called A Bridge to the Starry Skies. That's the name of the anime, not the hat. Dolly made some really rude comments when Ayumu wore a cheerleader outfit to cheer for his brother when he was in a sports competition. The brother's friend said that wearing it would really make his brother happy, and it did. I told Dolly that boys can be cheerleaders too, but he didn't think too much of it being pink, and he didn't think boys could wear the right kind of underwear to wear short skirts. Mommy told him that lots of big strong boys wear kilts, and it didn't make them sissies at all. She said that even Daddy wore a kilt once, but that was before I was here. Maybe Mommy will make me a kilt too!


Mommie and Rainie are playing a Pokemon game right now. The are giggling about the names they have been using, like the grass-type pokemon that Rainie started with they named Lentil. There is a bad little boy in the game that has red hair like ketchup, but since he's bad Mommy named him Mayo. Rainie loves all sorts of stuffed animals and she's really fun to play with. Her and Dolly get along really well so that makes me happy. A lot of times it is hard to remember that Rainie is a girl because she's so much of a tomboy. She likes girly colors and stuff, but she really doesn't like froofy girl clothes because they stick out all over the place and get in the way. She likes getting dirty too, but only when she is playing outside not all the time. Dolly said to tell you guys not to mention Hello Kitty to her though, unless you want your ear talked off about how they are all secret agents spying on the world. Naiomi says that Rainie is a conspiracy theorist. I really like having Rainie for a big sister because she is really funny. Yuriko and Rainie got mad at me once because they snuck some cookies when Daddy and Mommy were sleeping. I asked Mommy the next day if it was ok to do that, then Mommy made a grouchy face and went to go talk to them. Rainie was mad at me all day. I didn't mean to get them in trouble, I just wanted to know if I could eat cookies in bed too.


Naiomi is older than Rainie, but she's at theater school in England as a foreign exchange student. She really loves the theater a lot and talks about it all the time. She even likes writing plays that we can perform with costumes and everything! She had to leave right before all of us were adopted so Mommy and Daddy haven't seen our plays. Naiomi said that she has been writing some that she is saving for us, and said there might even be a few parts that Dolly would like. I miss her a lot and I hope she gets home soon. She also likes old black and white monster movies. Oh, and she likes Kiyoteru, he's a Japanese singer in a band called Vocaloid I think. One time when I was in her room talking with her, she started squealing and giggling when she talked about him. Her face was really happy, but the sound hurt my ears. Also, there is a girl in the band that she despises. Hats-something Miku I think? Yuriko likes her but Naiomi says that Miku should be burned. It's not very nice to say, but it's the only thing I know she doesn't like. Girls can be silly and confusing. Naiomi is a junior in high school who love Japan just about as much as Mommy and Daddy because it has so many cute things.


As for Yuriko, she's a good big sister I guess, but she's even older than Naiomi and a lot of years older than me. Sometimes she just seems like a grownup, especially when she get's bossy. She likes Daddy the most because Mommy spends lots of time when she can with me and Rainie. Can you believe it that Yuriko eats more sweets than Dolly? Mommy even told her one day that dessert isn't a food group, but Yuriko ignored her. A lot of the time she wants to have all of the attention. Mommy said that she thinks that Yuriko is just jealous of how cute I am and she wants lots of pictures taken of her too. She likes watching lots and lot of anime with girls in them and hardly any boys. They usually live in really windy places because they show their underwear a lot, but I think it's boring. She does help a lot when Mommy and Daddy are too busy. When I think about it it's funny that my teacher is also my sister because she is the one that mostly helps homeschool Rainie and me. She tried teaching Dolly too, but he would never listen. He told me once that the letters jump around on the page when he tries to read making the words change all the time, making him get into trouble when he got it wrong. Mommy teaches us the art and other things she's good at. Maybe sometime soon I will send one of my drawings. I'm not very good but Mommy gave me a book that makes it really fun and there is a dragon on the front.


I didn't mean to write such a long letter, there is just lots to say. Next time I will reply to the letters that everyone wrote, oh Kaylus, thank you for sending a picture of Ash! Mommy said that he's cute but needs some glasses. Mommy thinks almost all boys should wear glasses.




Side note about Naiomi: She's away at school until we can get a new body for Yuriko, then Yuriko's current body will become Naiomi's. Raven let me snag Yuriko's body one night to see what Naiomi would look like and I was able to get a few pictures and Tamayuki was ecstatic. Naiomi is definitely his favorite sister by a long shot, the perfect doting little brother. I couldn't remember if I had explained her absence before or not.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Hi Tamayuki,


Don't worry about the letter. We understand that life can get busy. Kaylus said not to worry. By the way, I'm sending some new pictures with this letter. I hope you like them. Kaylus said it was okay to send a picture when I asked him if I could.




That's him and Mari his girlfriend. I like her, she's fun.


I hope you like them!


~ Ash




I found this one on the computer and added some stuff to it. I'm gonna give it to Mari to keep as her wallpaper. Don't tell Kaylus though, okay?





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Hi everyone!


Sorry it has been so long since I was able to write last, Mommy has been so busy that sometimes she forgets to sleep. I hadn’t forgotten about you though, and I missed everyone a whole lot. I’ll try my best to answer your questions and everything but if I miss one, just ask it again ok? After I’m done writing my letter, Dolly will write one of his own so he can have a better chance to talk with everyone in the club. Mommy says I should help him and it would be good for me to practice my typing skills. I do wish we had a smaller keyboard though, my arms get tired after a while and that's why Mommy helps me. Plus if she's using the computer I can't type!


I hope that it isn’t so rainy where you are now since summer is here. Does Nyanko-sensei like gardening? What kind of things does she grow? I have been happy to see Mommy so much since she was done with school, but I don’t like that the heat makes her sick. She says it’s called heat exhaustion and if she isn’t careful that it can turn into heatstroke. Her grandma was like this too, but it’s hard for my Mommy to get used to because when she was a little girl she would run around outside all summer and not have it bother her at all. Mommy gets frustrated a lot that she can’t sew as much as she would like because of the heat and she has to drink lots and lots of water everyday too otherwise she will get really dehydrated. Who knew that mommies could be so fragile? I make sure to tell her when she needs to go downstairs into her cooler room, bring her lots of ice water, and make sure Dolly doesn’t hog the fan when she needs it. No wonder Daddy needed me and my sisters, Mommy can be a challenge to take care of kinda like Dolly.


I have some of the best news! My big sister Naiomi finally came home from England! It is the first time I’ve been able to spend lots of time with her since Mommy and Daddy adopted us in February. She was here for one day before she had to leave to be a foreign exchange student, but now she’s home for good! She love all kinds of theater, dressing up, likes to write plays but just don’t ask her to sing, your ears won’t like it. She also likes old movie monsters and can sew really well like Mommy does. She said it will be a while before we can perform another play because all the costumes that she made for us before she gave to the other kids at the adoption agency we came from.


There are a bunch of pictures that Mommy has been taking that I want to show everyone but I think it would be easier sending those separately just to make sure that I don’t forget to write the other things I want to say.


What is it like with ObitsuAnnie living with you? We have a few kitties but no other kids other than me and my sisters and all the other critters that live around here too. I haven’t met them all and sometimes I’m not sure if they just live here or if some of them would be my brothers and sisters too although they don’t look anything like me. I’m sure that they will be in our pictures over time because there are so many of them that it’s like a small town around here! I don’t mind little kids but when I went with Mommy and Daddy to see her family at Easter some of the kids poked at me a lot because they didn’t know why I was there. I was feeling really shy so I didn’t talk to anyone but Mommy let me sit with her and I waved at one of the little girls. Mommy’s nephew Isaiah put a pretzel on my head like a crown and I thought that was funny, but I didn’t like getting hit in the face with them though, it really hurt! He was pretending they were miniature footballs and I was the goalpost. Once Mommy saw what he was doing she grinned at him really big and he looked kinda scared. Mommy looked like she might have been plotting something to do to him if he didn’t stop. Dolly doesn’t like little kids at all. He cried and didn’t want to get out of bed when Mommy had to babysit her niece at our house for a couple of weeks before her school started. He hugged me so hard that it made my neck kinda sore and he was shaking for a long time. I’m not too sure why he’s so scared of them but he definitely is.


Mommy likes her bento a lot! She took hers to school almost every day! I will try to remember to show one of the pictures she took of her bento before school. She doesn’t have any fancy shapers or anything but she does have some small cookie cutters that she likes to use. On her first day of school she cut out an acorn shape from some tempeh (it is made from soybeans) and then use the cookie cutter to cut out a piece of cheese so it would look like the acorn had a hat on! She thought it was so cute that she put the acorns with hats in her bento every day. She would also make tamagoyaki (rolled omelet) to put in her bento. A funny rectangular pan that she got from Japan is used to cook them and she seems to like the tamagoyaki a lot even though it takes a while to make. Other than that she would have fruit, veggies and some rice. She thought it would be fun to make really fancy bentos but she just didn’t have the time to figure out how to do it. At first she said it was really hard learning to eat rice and veggies with chopsticks, but she got good enough at it that it didn’t worry her. The fist time she learned to use them she was still in grade school because her mommy really liked Japan. I hope to have a bento of my own eventually too. Mommy is really good at making almost anything, but I might need 10 mommies to get done everything that mine wants to do.


Your sensei makes cakes too? I got to watch Mommy make a really big one for her niece’s birthday a little while ago. It was so huge I couldn’t believe it! It was really bright with lots of colors and flowers, even a Barbie in a dress! Mommy said she wished she could have done a better job on it but I know the heat was making it really hard on her. She does a good job on lots and lots of things but she doesn’t often notice. I know I couldn’t make a cake that fancy. The pan for the bottom layer was big enough I could have laid down in it! I like your sensei’s cake, it’s really cool!


Are you sure it is ok to have a band name with naked in it? That would make me blush so much I don’t think I could stand it. I don’t really know what kind of music I like but everyone else listens to lots of stuff around here. Yuriko wants to listen to Luka all the time while Naiomi says that Kiyoteru sounds hotter. Mommy said that she mostly agrees but she can’t help laughing all the way through him singing “Hit me baby one more time” and Daddy just groans. Both of them like all kinds of music like classical, big band, a lot of indie rock, Breaking Benjamin, Good Charlotte, Evanescence, Dresden Dolls, and lots of 80s music. Daddy also likes a lot of 70s music and Mommy likes John Denver, some other country music and they both like almost all the music from the animes they watch. If I had to choose out of all those kinds, I think it would be John Denver and Harry Connick Jr. because they sound nice and have slow songs that I can understand.


Lego Rock Band is a lot of fun as long as you don’t stand too close to Naiomi because she can’t sing on key. Daddy plays the guitar a lot and everyone else sings including Mommy. Her favorite song is “Check Yes Juliet” and she has gotten a perfect score on it before on the most difficult level and it isn’t an easy song. “The Best Day Ever” by Spongebob is my favorite song, it is so fun to sing! Rainie and Dolly laugh a lot when we play because the Lego people are really funny and move around all over the place! I wish our real Lego people did that. At first I was really afraid to sing but the Lego people dancing make it really funny and not scary at all.


There are so many computer and console games around here that I could spend all my time playing them and still have lots to do. Mommy’s favorite is Sims 3 and she even made a family just like us so she and I can play it together. Their last name is Dollfie and Tamayuki Dollfie has hair almost like mine! It is really fun seeing the Sims be just like us, but I wish Tamayuki Dollfie could be home schooled like me. He keeps having a little boy from his class invite him over after school, and the two times he went, the boy just ignored him. The Tamayuki sim tried to talk to him and everything the first time and it was kinda obvious that the boy didn’t like him and was rude when they talked. The second time the boy went into his house and wouldn’t answer the door! Poor Tamayuki sim just wanted to be home because he panics a lot when he’s around people he doesn’t know. I could talk a lot about them because they are really fun to play, but I have lots of other stuff I need to write to you guys about!


I kinda know how Mommy feels about not having enough time to do all the fun things she wants to. Some days I don’t know if I should choose between playing video games, watching anime, playing with Dolly, seeing what my sisters are up to, reading, working on Boy’s Club letters, posing in photos, learning how to do really fun projects with Mommy, or just sitting and snuggling with her. I think my favorite thing so far is being able to make so much stuff with just my little fingers. There is sewing, cooking, drawing (usually for the outfits I think would be fun to have), shadow animals, building things from wood, and Mommy has even been showing me how to knit!


Hi Kaylus! I don’t know how Mommy doesn’t think that she is a geek when sometimes she says that the computer is the other part of her brain. I like computers a lot, but I don’t know if Mommy would survive without hers. Daddy is a really big geek and he’s proud of it, but he only has one computer and Mommy has a computer and a really old laptop. I have seen her using both at once and she doesn’t think anything of it! Daddy says that he has no idea how she can’t be completely confused doing that, especially when she is switching between many programs on each of them when she does. Its funny seeing her get minorly annoyed when the mouse won’t work, but she’s using the wrong one for the screen she is looking at.


Is it fun to build computers? I never got to do much before I moved here and there is so much to learn! I wish school was this fun, but instead it feels like you just have to memorize everything and give the right answers to someone who already knows the answer they want. Do you make programs too, or just like to use lots of programs? I know Daddy has some Final Fantasy games but I can’t remember other than that. Mommy said that she used to play Morrowind and Oblivion (Elder Scroll games) a whole bunch. One of her characters from Morrowind went around stealing everyone’s pillows even though there was no use for them. She said I could play them and some other adventure games that she has but if I’m anything like her it might take me a while to get past the scary stuff. She never finished Oblivion because it scared her so bad she couldn’t do it, but she loves being able to wander around and discover all the big and little stories. Mommy loves stories. Having to bash monsters to get through the stories she doesn’t like so well. I want to play Zelda Wind Waker. The boy on the box is little and has blond hair just like me! Mommy said that I would probably love it because there are monsters to clobber but they aren’t scary, and he even gets to sail in his own boat. She also said that they should have called it Weed Whacker because you have to cut lots of grass with your sword to find pretty gems and stuff. Daddy has lots of Star Wars games, some racing ones, and too many that I don’t remember. I just remembered that we have lots of other Lego video games too! I will have to look later at what ones but they filled at least a couple pages in Mommy’s CD binder. Mostly mommy likes little kid games like Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Mario, Chibi-Robo, My Sims, and stuff like that because they don’t have scary monsters, loud explosions all the time like Daddy’s games and everything is adorably cute.


Don’t tell Dolly that he just needs more of his friends to pin you down or he would get Rainie to help him organize his own army. Now it would be scary to have Dolly in charge of something like THAT. Dolly really isn’t as bad as he sounds all the time, he just gets over excited about things easily. He is really cute when he sleeps, but sometimes he drools on me and that’s kinda gross. He is a good hugger and quiet a lot more of the time than you might guess and I take him with me almost wherever I go (sometimes that’s just to make sure he won’t get into trouble). I think he acts extra macho towards you because you are a really cool guy and a lot bigger than he is. Dolly doesn’t think through what he says very well before it comes out of his mouth. A lot of the time he has made Yuriko mad because he said some things to her that could have been nicer, now she just thinks of him as a stupid boy. Naiomi and Rainie seem to understand what he means instead of what he says and they get along great.


Hello Ash. I am really very happy that you wrote me but I don’t want to be a bother to you. Our Boy’s Club is just to talk about things we like and have fun with other boys, even if you find fancy words, papers that lawyers write, science stuff, or anything like that. You remind me of the boy on the “Meet the Robinson’s” movie and he was good at inventing things. My Daddy likes books so much that there are books everywhere in the house. Maybe I could stack a bunch of them up to make my own room and put a ‘No girls allowed’ sign on the outside. Mommy could still come visit because she’s not a girl, she’s Mommy. Daddy reads almost anything he can get his hands on even if everyone else thinks they are boring, except he doesn’t read some of Mommy’s mangas. She likes books too but her favorites are really old Victorian ones, if they are about magic, fairies, and other fantasy stuff, and an British guy named Shakespeare. Sherlock Holmes... OH! We have his book! Mystery books are a lot of fun but I don’t know why so many of them have people killed in them. That’s why Mommy doesn’t read them even though she loves figuring out puzzles. Is there mystery books that don’t have dead people in them? Thinking of Kaylus reading you stories made me smile. I think I would like to have someone like him read me books because when I read to Dolly my voice only sounds small and squeaky. Daddy has a deep voice that makes me laugh when he laughs hard. He sounds so happy I can’t help it! I haven’t seen Case Closed yet because I don’t know if it is on any of the anime sites that we normally go to, but I think we have a Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney game. Another one like it is Professor Layton and it is really fun because there are lots of puzzles to play.


I still can’t make up my mind on what I want to be when I get older so I just have a lot of fun learning cool stuff. Mommy likes writing her own stories a ton and has even made her own fantasy world to write stories about. She hopes to get it published someday, even if it is just a single book for herself. She writes more stories that anyone else I know and can talk a long time about them too. I think she would be a really good author but she isn’t sure anyone else would like it because there are already a lot of writers out there.


I’m glad that you liked my crown, I did too! Dandelions are my favorite flower and they smell nicer than marigolds, but you have to be careful not to sniff bugs up your nose. You look really cool in the pic from your school play! I really like your clothes even though Dolly thinks they are too frilly. I know its ok for boys to wear clothes like that because even Hunny-Sempai wears similar things. I told Mommy that I want all of his clothes! She laughed and asked if I even wanted the “Sister Hunny” dress. I don’t see what the problem is... Naiomi was talking to someone once and said that it is proper to wear a ball gown to a Masquerade Ball, so then I would have one if I ever need it. Besides, if I wanted to cosplay as Hunny I don’t want to be missing anything. Mommy’s laughing at me, she said I’m an otaku in the making. Does your Nyanko-sensei laugh? Mommy laughs at the strangest things sometimes, even stuff that she can only see or hear in her head. At times she laughs just because she thinks I’m cute. Every once in a while I make random silly poses just to see if it makes her giggle, even though it’s not hard to do.


Mari looks like she is really nice. She would probably giggle if Kaylus smiled more in pictures. Maybe she should tickle him to see if that helps. He does look really cool in his pictures though. I like the pretty writing that you added to the other pic, so I bet Mari would like it a lot. Did you do it in Photoshop? Mommy spends lots of time tweaking photos in there after she takes them and they look better when she’s done. Maybe me and Mommy could put drawings on one of my pictures, I think that would be fun. She is really good at drawing cartoons in Illustrator and then she can use them all over things like they are stickers!


Oh wow, I really wrote a lot didn’t I? I thought there was another letter left to answer after all of this. Now I have to remember all the pictures I wanted to show off. I would help Dolly write his letter but he is snoring in my bed so he will have to work on it later. I’m really happy I was able to write to you guys again and I’ll try really hard to make sure Mommy lets me write back soon after I get them. I figured out a trick with her, I make a certain face and pretend I’m a sad Moose-Moose (our kitty) and then she pays a lot of attention to me. Sometimes she calls me a little prince and it makes me happy because I love her a lot.




P.S. I'm sorry if I told you things that I have already said before, sometimes I just don't remember.


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Yay, time for pictures! I hope I don't send too many, we have just been doing so much!




I was talking to Mommy when Dolly took my shoe and stuck it on his head and said it was his hat. She had been trying to ask him lots of time before what kind of hair he wanted and he would just ignore her or look at her like she was a big dummy-head. He pouted after I chased after him and took my shoe back until he went to go play with Truck.




Dolly: "Isn't my new hat just awesome? Of course I couldn't have a hat that wasn't as awesome as me, so of course it is awesome."

Tamayuki: "Mommy did a really great job on it and it fits just right!"




Tamayuki: "Its just like the hats Mommy made out of cheese for the acorns in her bento." *giggle*

Dolly: "Of course its an acorn, a gangsta acorn hat is the best kind."




I helped a tiny bit on Dolly's hat because I wanted to learn how to knit too.




This is a not-so-happy picture because Mommy was making sure that I was ok after my emergency. I was playing around with Autumn's glasses and tried to show Daddy a silly face and my back hurt really badly. I went to go get it looked at and the picture is after we got home from the emergency room. It scared Dolly so much that he wouldn't stop crying and even Mommy looked just as scared. The doctor said I needed bed rest and to be careful for a few days.


Mommy side note: What happened was the ring that goes around the outside of the posts connecting his upper and lower torso cracked and his lower half fell off. I was able to fix it with some tape pretty easily but it really freaked me out. I swear that I'm not super rough on him.




Here we are the next day at my Aunt Jen's house when Mommy was finishing the birthday cake. It was fun to watch but I was still kinda hurting and really tired. Dolly said that he had to come with me to make sure I didn't end up in the hospital again.




This is the finished cake (and my Aunt Elizabeth, but don't tell her you saw her!) and it was huge! It was an 80s themed birthday so there was lots of color everywhere!




Can you believe the letters and shapes are made out of frosting? I saw Mommy make them and I still can't believe it! Daddy took tons of cake pictures when she was making it so she could look at them later if she wanted. She has made lots of them but has almost no pictures. I'm trying to think of what kind of cake I want her to make me for my birthday!




We were supposed to be sitting nicely for a picture but Dolly was being naughty and wouldn't sit still.




Daddy made Yuriko's skirt (with only a little help from Mommy) and he wanted to get a picture of it along with us, but he said that Dolly was being a little monkey.




Oh! Here is a picture of the Tamayuki Sim! Sitting next to him is Naiomi and then Yuriko, but I think Rainie missed the bus...






Hey Kaylus, do you think I did good enough on my cool guy poses? I want to be like you some day.




I was singing a quiet song to Perry and Yuriko was petting his head. She is a really good big sister.




I was serving everyone lunch and pretending I was a waiter because my new apron just got done! Naiomi is wearing Autumn's pajamas because she said it looked like a Victorian tea dress. Autumn got really upset when Naiomi wouldn't give it back and Mommy gave her the pattern to make her own. I don't think Naiomi was trying to be mean, she just really likes Autumn's clothes. I'm not sure that there is any kind of clothes that Naiomi doesn't like as long as it can be used for a costume. The other girl is Yuriko's doll and I don't think she has a real name yet but Rainie said that her code name is Boobs McFee. I'm kinda afraid of what name Rainie would give me if she ever thought about it.




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Just wanted to put a quick word in before the boys hog the computer... Tamayuki, you are so adorable! You can come visit anytime. You can even take Dolly with you.


~ Nyanko Sensei



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Yo Tamayuki!


Its been a while, eh. I saw photos of your new face-up and I just wanted to let you know that you look pretty good. The girls kept squealing about how adorable you were. I was showing pictures of you to Millie when all the other gals came by and they started hogging the laptop. Said you were the cutest thing ever and they were asking if they could invite you over because they said you make the perfect little bro. They wanted to write you too but I said there's a reason why its called the 'Boy's Club' LOL. Anyway, I told them I'll pass the message on. They stopped giving me dirty looks after I said that. Sheesh. You better be careful, those girls go gaga over anything (or anyone cute). Kept going on about 'moe' or something.


Well, I just wanted to drop a quick note. I'll try to write a longer letter tomorrow. I think Kaylus is going to write something after me. 'Kay, have to catch some zzzz's. Be good! LOL. Say hi to your lovely family for me. Ash says Hi too. So does Millie.


~ Yuuto



Hi Tamayuki,


Since you've shared some wonderful pictures of you wearing your glasses, I thought I'd ask you what you think about my glasses look. Maybe you can ask your mom, if she thinks I look good in glasses too?








What does she think? Which glasses fit me? Let me know what you think, okay?


Talk to you soon!


~ Kaylus



Oh, yeah, tell Dolly I like his hat.



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Dolly: "Hey Tama-chan, are you going to help me with my letter?"

Tamayuki: "Yah, I'll be there in a minute."

Dolly: "While your up, snag me some milk and the box of those toaster pie things."

Tamayuki: "You can't eat those when you are at the computer. Last time Mommy grouched the whole half an hour it took her to vacuum out her keyboard when you got chocolate chip cookies stuck in it."

Dolly: *Mutters to himself* "Well if they just made food-proof keyboards then it wouldn't be a problem, would it?"

Tamayuki: "Mommy said we could work on your letter for a while until she needs the computer to work on some projects she needs to finish. Oh, and she said not to forget to post the pictures you wanted to show everyone too."


Yo Clubsters!


I hope you haven't missed my awesomeness too much, I gotta portion it out so it doesn't overwhelm everyone.


Tamayuki: "I thought you were just being lazy and spending lots of time sleeping?"

Dolly: "Um, no..."


Anyway, I brought my own pictures to show off.




Perry and I were playing 'frozen in space' tag where you can only move your upper body and I was pretending to be scared and kept yelling "Ahhhh!"




We ended up just cracking up.




This day was so hot I couldn't do anything. Found the perfect spot to sit...




...until Tama wanted to share it.


Tamayuki: "Dolly, you can't hog the fan all to yourself."

Dolly: "Noooo, you're too hot!"




Tama's mom had me, Hank, and some of the girls doing a kinda weird fashion show at the park. This is my imitation of Yuriko. Hank doesn't talk a lot, but when he does he goes on and on. I think he liked my version of Yuriko because he mentioned her name and made a weird smile at me when he was done talking. I am such a great actor, I even impress myself.


Click on the picture to go read the actual conversation.




Tamayuki: "What about this picture Dolly?"

Dolly: "I don't remember that..." *looks slightly nervous* "Did Rainie take this when I was sleeping?"

Tamayuki: "No, it was Mommy. She thought we looked really cute and said that no one could hear your snoring in a picture. What does Rainie have anything to do with it?"

Dolly: "Nothing!"


I have to add my own comments on some of Tama's pictures.




I wasn't really crying, I was just sweating really hard...


Tamayuki: "That's not true Dolly. You were really scared and crying a lot, even I was scared and I had the sleepy medicine from the doctor so I wouldn't hurt so much."

Dolly: "I can't say that to the other guys, they will think I'm a big sissy. I have to look macho otherwise Kaylus will think I'm a big wiener and think I'm just a short little wuss."

Tamayuki: "You know he isn't like that. All the boys in our club are really nice. Don't you remember that Kalus gave Yuuto a hug even though he's big and strong? I bet he gives good hugs too, not squishy ones like Yuriko. Naiomi hugs are nice though because she doesn't squeeze hard. Anyway, telling the other guys in our club things that aren't true isn't nice at all."


Well, ok I was crying. But when your best friend in the whole world is goofing around being silly and suddenly falls over screaming, scary isn't the word for it.




We were supposed to be sitting nicely for a picture but Dolly was being naughty and wouldn't sit still.




Daddy made Yuriko's skirt (with only a little help from Mommy) and he wanted to get a picture of it along with us, but he said that Dolly was being a little monkey.


Sometimes Tama-chan gets tired of Yuriko being so grabby and trying to hug him when he wants to be left alone. I was just trying to help him out and figured if I annoyed her a bunch she would give up. It worked. But I still thought it was fun especially when Tama swings me around on his arm like that.


How can you guys stand living in a place with a little kid? *shudders* Girls can at least be tolerable, but little kids are a whole other beast. I've seen all the Toy Story movies. They are horror films and people actually let their kids watch them! That's the stuff that nightmares are made of... yanking of your feet and chewing on them with their snarly troll teeth, drooling all over you like a deranged dog, breaking you limbs just for the fun of it, trying to flush you down the toilet...


My favorite two bands are Breaking Benjamin and Smashing Pumpkins. Come one, how can you not love a band with names like that? Sure they sound cool and manly too, but the names are the best.


Lego Rock Band is pretty cool, but I think Star Wars Battlefields and Knights of the Old Republic are a lot better, especially when you can get the robot HK47 in your fighting party and he goes around calling everyone a Meatbag. It's so hilarious! And who can argue the coolness of being able to fight with a purple double-bladed lightsaber when you are dominating the universe!?!


Tama and I have been having loads of fun so far this summer. Playing video games, wrestling, watching shows where they blow stuff up, seeing pictures from Mars, and building pillow forts about once a week to have epic battles in. The only thing that we can use for grenades is balled up socks, but you really gotta watch out for the dirty ones!


Even though Tama doesn't think so, Rainie has already given him a code name. It's Highwater Picklepants. And mine is Chaos-anator. Isn't it cool?


Kaylus- Dude, those pictures are hilarious! Tama's mom nearly lost it when she saw them and kept making these weird squeaking noises. I think she didn't want to wake up the Dudester (haha that's funny, I just made it up for something to call Tama's dad!) I think she approved of the tone of the pictures. Tama liked your shirts and said, "Look Kaylus found Yuuto's handcuffs for him!" and all his mom said under her breath was "Yes, yes he did..." She has been muttering to herself about the photos all day. I think she might be more wary of your pictures in the future because she kept calling you a naughty boy. I have one question... where's your hat??


Yuuto- Tama-chan started blushing like a girl when he heard how cute the girls thought he was, but he wouldn't admit...


Dolly: "Hey! I was trying to type dude! What did you have to grab me for?"

Tamayuki: *hugs Dolly and tries to hide behind him at the same time* "You don't have to tell them that. And I don't blush like a girl..."

Dolly: "But it's true. Your cheeks get really bright pink and it spreads all the way to the end of your nose."

Tamayuki: "Just because I blush doesn't mean you have to tell everyone. You blush sometimes too..."

Dolly: "When?"

Tamayuki: "I dunno, sometimes..."


Just tell the girls that it made him happy.


Dolly: "Dude, if you learn to be less shy the girls would like you even more."

*Tama keeps hiding behind Dolly even though no one can see him through the computer screen*

Dolly: "Not all girls are like Yuriko, some can be fun to hang out with like Rainie... or... ah... some other cool girls!"


I have some ice cream, potato chips, and hot sauce calling for me to eat them and I can't resist any longer.




Hi Guys!


I wanted to send you a short letter to answer yours so I wouldn't forget. I'm so happy that we have the Boy's Club, it's really fun!


Yuuto- Tell Millie and her friends that I'm glad that they want to talk to me so much, I'm just afraid that I wouldn't know what to say. I think it would be the best to come and visit all of you but I think I would miss Mommy too much to be happy. Maybe someday I could send a life-sized picture of me and Dolly instead. That would be really funny to be a cardboard cut-out. I think all girls like cute things, even Rainie does even though she doesn't like girly things like ruffles. Can you give Ash a hug for me? He seems to be shy like I am sometimes and I want him to know that I'm happy that he's my friend too. Maybe you and Kaylus could ambush him with a hug. That would be funny to see.


Kaylus- You look really cool! Mommy and I both like you in the red glasses. The other ones almost make you look grouchy because they are lower on your face. I bet Yuuto was glad to know that you found his handcuffs! Mommy said that you should be arrested for looking like that (probably because of the glasses) but I told her I didn't think the handcuffs would fit you. Your hands are really big like Daddy's. Sometimes Dolly tries to wrestle with one of his fingers and can hardly get his arms around it. Even Mommy can only wrap her fingers around three of Daddy's, but he says because Mommy has small hands like me. Could I be big and buff like you when I grow up? My sisters think I will always be short. I think your pictures are really nice. Isn't it still to warm to be wearing two coats?


When Mommy isn't looking or she's in another room, I keep putting the page back up with your pictures on it. She has so many tabs open in the browser that she has to hunt and peck to find the one she is looking for and keeps having your pictures pop up. It's really funny to hear her squeak every time your picture appear when she doesn't expect it. She shakes her head a lot too, but I don't think she's mad because she has a silly smile.




Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Hi Guys,


Dolly and I have been missing you a lot. I hope you are doing good and having fun. Mommy is starting school again in a couple of weeks so I have been sad that I won't get to see her so much. She said that she won't have to be at school so long this quarter, but I like it better when she is home all the time. She has been working on some clothes for me though and I have a coat! It still needs buttons sewn on, but maybe Mommy can show me how to do that. The sleeves are a little short, but she was testing out a pattern for my pajamas and found out it looked like a coat instead. I sent a picture so you can see.






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To Tama-kun's Mommy:








~Kaylus, Yuuto, Ash and Nyanko Sensei and all the girls.



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Dear Tamayuki,


Hi. Its been a while since we posted in the Club. I understand your Mommy is back in school and not only that, but that she's just celebrated her birthday so its been pretty busy at your house. Its been crazy here too at the dorm since Nyanko-sensei has been doing renos left and right and we've pretty much been kicked out of our rooms for now. Sigh.


I'm glad to see you've got both of your sisters with you already. I saw pics of your big sister Naiomi and Millie said she looks so sophisticated. She's an actress huh? Millie wanted to ask if it was true she studied theater in England and if she has a British accent? She loves that accent, says its so distinguished.


Anyway, I've read that letter from Dolly last time (I know its been over a month - Sorry!) its hilarious and I saw your new pajamas and they're pretty nice. They look pretty warm and comfy. It must be so nice to have a Mommy and a sister who knows how to sew as they can make you lots of cool stuff. Nyanko says she'll make us some clothes too but that we need to be patient since she's still learning to sew and lately has been distracted with lots of stuff that she hasn't found time to do anything other than the renos. Oh and yeah preparing for that Halloween theme. We liked that and we all helped her out with the cards and treats. I'm not supposed to say anything about them but who knows someone in your household might be getting a treat? *"Ouch! Kaylus, I didn't say anything. What you go hit me for? Sheesh."* Okay, forget what I just mentioned. What I meant was I hope Mr. Pumpkin Dude drops by your place too on All Hallow's Eve to hand out treats.


So yeah, that's whats been happening here so far. Everyone's doing good. Ash is still Ash and he's just in seventh heaven since he's been in school. I don't why but it seems he's getting into theater too (that or cosplay, dunno which) since he's been in a couple of costumes and stuff. You'll see what I'm talking about later.


As for big bro, he's his usual self. He's been busy working on his Halloween outfit and has been secretive about it. He only says that he's making it especially for Mari and that they'll be a pair. Knowing him though, it will probably involve something that would get him yelled at by his girlfriend. I just hope he doesn't go overboard.


Oh yeah, Nyanko told us we are probably going to get a new member in the House but that he's not coming till late November. She didn't say anything except that he's half Japanese and he's older than me. Maybe about nii-san's age. Anyway, he's gonna be nii-san's room mate although we haven't told him yet. I guess that's why Nyanko-sensei's been renovating the Dorm like crazy. Its to accommodate all the new people. Mind you the girls will still have us beat 3:1 even with the new guy. Too bad Lily's bro Leo is just visiting. You'll like him. He looks like his oneesan but is male. He's serious but he's also got his wild side. Man, can he surf! He asked me about the Club and he seems interested so I showed him our emails to each other. He thinks Dolly's a riot and wants to invite him surfing.


Well, I have to hold off for now. Nyanko-sensei's calling us for supper. By the way, I made a banner of sorts for our Club. Tell me what you think okay? Say Hi to everyone in your house and give your Mom and extra hug from all of us here.


Later Dude!


~ Yuuto


Here's the banner:





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Hi guys!


Mommy said to say a really big thank you for wishing her happy birthday. She was so excited to see it and wanted to tell you, but she has been so busy that I couldn't even use the computer. Mommy said I need to get used to writing shorter letters. Or maybe longer ones that only talk about a couple things so I can send you guys letters more often. Would that be okay with you? I tried to write them all at once so I wouldn't forget anything, but it would take so long that I would still forget stuff. Oops.


What do you do without a room? My bed stays in Mommy's computer chair when she doesn't need it and Naiomi has been sitting with me a lot too. Guess what! Mommy said that Grammy Pammy and Auntie Beth are going to be moving out in November since they finally found an apartment they like. I'm gonna miss Grammy Pammy but Mommy said that we can still go and visit. That's kinda the sad part cause they are taking their kitties, but we will still have Mr. MooseMoose to play with. Oh, and Dimples will still be here, but she's not as nice and won't let me pet her. The not sad part is me and Dolly and my sisters get to live somewhere else! Mommy has been waiting to use Grammy Pammy's room so we can all have our own bedrooms, and Naiomi can have her stage, and it will just be for all of us! I don't have to move if I don't want to. I think Mommy would miss me too much cause I'd be all the way upstairs. She will finally have some room to move some of her books so I can have my own space by the computer and my sister can come visit sometimes. It's my job to snuggle with Mommy a lot so she doesn't get sad and miss me. Mommy is happy about a room for all of us and our stuff. She said it will be a lot easier to take more photos without spending a lot of time finding a place where there isn't a lot of stuff in the background. Naiomi won't stop talking about her theater even though Mommy said that it's only a stage for now.


I was so excited to see a big box in the mail with my name on it! Daddy let me hold onto it and said to wait until Mommy got home to open it. I mostly did. I tore the paper a little in two spots seeing if I could see what was inside. Mommy laughed really loudly when she saw me hugging the box. I'm sorry that we didn't get pictures of when we opened it. Mommy really looked like she needed something to make her happy so I gave her a really cute look and she couldn't tell me no. All the stuff inside was just too cool! We actually opened Kaylus' present first and I couldn't believe it! THANK YOU KAYLUS! I never thought I'd have my own camera! Maybe Daddy can help me learn how to use it and I can take pictures of our new room! I will also see if I can get a picture of Dolly and Mr. Bones. (He likes to hug him when he thinks no one is watching.) Mr. Potato Head was super cool too! Now I have a playdough toy to use my other colors of playdough with! Can you give everyone hugs for Dolly and me for the great presents? And maybe two or three for Nyanko Sensei for helping. Mommy said that you guys are at the top of our Christmas card list. Dolly said he wants to make some cards too. I hope he doesn't like stickers as much as I do cause then I can put lots more on your cards!


Mommy has midterms in Japanese tomorrow and is really worried about it. She has done really good on her other quizes, but taking tests scares her. Me and Daddy are going to help her study so she can do a super great job.




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Dear Tamayuki,


Its been a while. I'm glad you liked our Halloween treats for you. We had so much fun making the cards and putting all the treats together. I knew Dolly would appreciate the tricks since he's such a fun dude. Millie was the one who chose Mr. Potato Head since she thought you would like something cute she said. Kaylus chose the camera since he said that way you can take more pictures of yourself and your sisters. He said also said something about its a great tool for meeting girls or something, so be sure to take it with you when you go out.


Oh yeah, the new guy is here. He came yesterday after having some trouble with immigration or something. I know Sensei was upset for a few days because she was having problems with the company she was getting him from (I didn't realize she had hired someone). I think it had something to do with his plane tickets and how she was sent it in early but wasn't getting updates for a while. I guess the company's main contact person had to quit because of health reasons and so had left a few things that needed to be seen to. Sensei was quite upset since she was so excited about him coming over that she sent the plane tickets earlier than scheduled and she kept calling them for updates. When she received word that he was coming, she was so happy. I'll introduce him to you once he's settled in. Your Mom might like him since he wears glasses too.


I guess that's it for now. We're going to help make Christmas cards for the exchange and the girls said they will all help. By the way, Happy Thanksgiving! Are you having turkey? Tell Dollieh not to eat too much that he'll have a tummy ache. LOL.







Dear Tamayuki-kun,


I'm sending some pictures I took of Yuu and Millie just the other day. I hope you like them.











Now I know why I keep running out of cotton balls so fast.


~Nyanko Sensei



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Hi Guys!


しばらくですね。おげんきですか。 Mommy helped me write it. She laughed because of the first sentence in Yuuto's letter was "Its been a while" and the first sentence I wrote in Hiragana means the same thing. If I wrote it in English letters it would be Shibaraku desu ne. The second sentence is Ogenki desu ka and it means how are you? Me and my sisters are trying to learn a little Japanese too. Yuriko says watashi wa kukkii o tabetai lots. Mommy says it means "I want to eat a cookie."


Oh Kaylus! Here are the pictures I've taken with my camera!




That one's not very good but it was my first one! Naiomi kinda looks like a frog.




This one and the next one are from Thanksgiving. I got a picture of my pie!




Yuriko tried to eat all the whipped cream herself but she had to share.


Mommy hasn't had had time to take pictures of all the great presents we got from you guys. Here is a couple we did last night. Mommy wanted to do more but she got the flu and stayed home today. I don't like her being sick. Is it ok to be happy that I can see her lots more?




Tamayuki: "Thank you super bunches Kaylus for my sheep! He's so soft and fun to hug without my shirt because it tickles. I named him Snowball. He likes to eat lettuce and dandelion leaves. If I put my finger here he licks it and it tickles."


Dolly: "Yo dudes, thanks for the dog! I'm going to train him to be a vicious attack dog so I can make him chase after Yuriko. Can you believe that she told me to name him sherbert, or fluffernutterbutter or something? What kind of stupid name is that? Since he is such an awesome dog, I named him Skeletor! Fits him perfectly." *pets his dog*




Tamayuki: "Snowball also chews on Yuriko's hair when she sleeps. Shhh, don't tell ok? I don't want her getting mad."


Dolly: "Ok Skeletor, what do you do when you see that stinky Yuriko?"


Skeletor: "Woof!" *a tiny little sound came from the cute puppy*


Dolly: "Woah! You sound so vicious that you almost scared even me! And then after that you go in for the kill!"


Skeletor: *growls adorably*


Tamayuki: *whispers* "Dolly really likes cute things. I don't tell him that I know or he would get mad. He likes people to think that he is super tough like the Hulk. I'm glad that Dolly is my best friend."


I really liked the photos you sent in your last Boy's Club letter too! We are going to have to send the late Christmas presents along with some Valentine's stuff. I didn't mean for them to be so late. I just wanted to make all the Christmas cards special and it took lots longer than I thought. Is there anything special you want for Valentines? Naiomi said I should put pictures of me on Valentines cards. She said that lots of boys would like to see me in a pretty dress. I think she has been reading Mommy's mangas too much.




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