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Dear Tamayuki,


I'm glad you liked the presents. We knew when we saw the lamb that he was for you since Millie said you were both cute. I was going to write you earlier but Sensei and her family was out of the country for 2 weeks due to a family emergency and I got busy keeping the House in order so I wasn't able to go on the computer very much. She took Kaylus and Mari with her and they're all back. She was supposed to go for a meet with other doll owners back home but ended up going to the emergency room because of she couldn't breathe and was coughing like crazy. Kaylus told me they all got so worried but that Sensei is okay now. It was just the heat, smog, stress and fatigue that made her allergies so bad she was having the equivalent of an asthma attack. We're all glad she's home as she sounds so much better. She was quite bummed out that she wasn't able to go to the meet and kept apologizing to Kaylus and Mari since she wasn't really able to take photos of them. They told her it was okay and they understood.


Anyway, she did bring us lots of stuff and games. I'll post photos as soon as I can since Sensei is still busy unpacking stuff. BTW, I love your new place. I'm glad Dolly likes his new pet.







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Dear Boy's Club & Nyanko Sensei,


So everybody's ok? I was getting really really worried when we didn't hear from you guys for a long time. I almost started crying earlier, but Mommy said that sometimes people get busy and don't always get to talk on the forums. I got really scared and thought something bad had happened. Mommy was pretty worried too even though she didn't think I noticed the last few days. She just got over the flu and missed three days of school so she has been super busy this week trying to catch up. I didn't like her being sick but I got lots of snuggles.


Wow, allergies can be scary! Daddy used to be really allergic to peppers, onions, and fresh tomatoes, but he has been building up a tolerance to them and can have some now without it scaring Mommy. I think it's good that he doesn't have to worry about it so much since he said his throat used to start swelling shut even from smelling the foods he was allergic to. Mommy's allergies aren't scary like that, but they sure don't make her feel good.


I can't wait to see new photos when you can send them! Make sure Nyanko Sensei rests if she needs to, ok? Dolly likes Skeletor whole bunches and plays with him all the time. He's been trying to teach him to fetch things because Dolly accidently lost his hat. Me, Mommy, and Daddy have been looking for it everywhere and haven't found it yet. Maybe one of the cats found it and thought it was a toy and played with it. Dolly won't say anything but I know he really misses his hat. I hope we find it soon. I get worried when he doesn't need to be watched all the time. If he is getting in trouble I know that he needs me to snuggle him so he doesn't do things to make Mommy or Yuriko mad.


Woops, I guess Mommy is done with her homework. I better get off the computer before she comes in.




Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Hi guys!


I've been missing you whole lots so I'm writing a letter! It's been quiet around here for the last couple weeks because Rainie went to go visit Anouc. She didn't go by herself so you don't have to worry about her being lonely. Hopefully she will get back soon, but I don't think she will be in time for my birthday. I'm sad about that. Mommy said that she didn't realize that Rainie would be gone then, but Rainie wanted to see what kind of spies they had in Germany. For a long time Mommy said that she wanted me to visit with Anouc too, but I told her I would be too sad if I had to go. I'm sure Anouc is really nice and she has lots of nice girls, and snow, and everything. I would miss Mommy and Daddy too much. Rainie really likes adventures, maybe even more than Dolly.


Me and Yuriko have been working on Valentines. I really wanted to do special ones like I got to for Christmas, but Mommy said we don't have that much time. Daddy got us some really fun ones from the store. I even saw Dolly making one too. He kept asking me for stickers and where the colored pencils were and everything. I think it might be for Rainie because it was on pink paper and he was trying to be super careful. Skeletor was supposed to be guarding the door but I gave him a bone candy and he licked my hand.


Dolly: *strolls in with his puppy trailing behind* "Yo Tama, want to have a crusty ice fight? The snow in the back yard is too hard for a snowball fight. You gotta put your shoes on before you go through the kitchen though. Someone... I mean Iron Man spilled a bunch of peas all over the floor when he was playing bomb squad in the freezer."


Tamayuki: "Isn't Iron Man too little to get up there? Maybe it wasn't..."


Dolly: * coughs* "Anyway... what are YOU up to?"


Tamayuki: *leans over not very casually to block Dolly's view of the screen* "Just writing to the Boy's Club. I'm sure Kaylus and everyone has missed me and you so I'm telling them about stuff. I have to talk with my boy friends so they don't forget about me."


Dolly: "Dude, not that again. They are guy friends. There's a big difference. You're not supposed to like guys."


Tamayuki: "That's not true. You are a guy, and a boy, and my friend, and my Dolly too, and I still like you. You are my best friend."


Dolly: "That's because we are buds, not boyfriends. You don't send Valentines to your buds, ok?"


Tamayuki: "Dolly you are being silly. Even the TV knows that you send cards to your boy friends, I heard it say it a lot."


Dolly: *starts getting frustrated* "Dude, I have never, and will never, send a card to a boyfriend."


Tamayuki: *frowns* "You... you don't want to send me a card?"


Dolly: *looks shocked* "No, wait... that's not what I meant. I can send you one because you are my bud. But it won't have hearts and lace and all that junk on it." *quickly changes the subject* "SO... what are you writing anyway?"


Tamayuki: *frantically tries to block Dolly's view* "Um... just stuff!"


Skeletor: *hops on Tama's lap and starts licking his hand, his shirt, and anything else the puppy can reach* "Woof!"


Tamayuki: "Eeek! Skeletor, don't stick your nose under my shirt! It's cold on my skin!"


Dolly: *quickly races over to the monitor to read what Tama wrote*


Tamayuki: *giggles* "Puppy stop that, it tickles. I'm supposed to tickle you and rub your tummy, but puppies aren't supposed to tickle!!" *giggles*


Dolly: *turns beet red when he gets to the last part of the letter* "That wasn't a Valentine! It... uh... was some schematics to... some... hideouts for Hello Kitty operatives... that I was supposed to draw up! The paper was only pink... because... um... it's all I could find! I had to make it look like a Valentine so if an invading spy troop invaded or something they wouldn't be able to find it!"


Skeletor: "Woof!"


Dolly: "It's not like I was making it just for her! The commander just keeps stuff like that, because she's a girl! So there, Shorty McPicklepants!" *hurries out of the room before Tama notices how much he is blushing*


Tamayuki: "Oops..."


Do you guys make Valentines? I think I should make a nice one for Dolly. I think he's kinda mad at me. I'm not really sure why though, nobody else is surprised that he has a crush on Rainie so I didn't think that telling the Boys Club would be that big of a deal. Rainie doesn't seem to notice that Dolly hangs out with her a lot and his eyes get all sparkly. I like that Dolly is so happy. Rainie helps him stay out of trouble too because he is really nice and helpful when he thinks she's around. I kinda liked it better when he was just my Dolly though. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to share my friends, I just want them to be all mine and not having to share with girls. With lots of girls everywhere I feel like a boring boy. I like Valentines Day because there are lots and lots of stickers. The best candies have peanut butter in the middle so you can peel off the chocolate.


*something small flies past Tama's head*


I think they should make a holiday where everyone eats mint Oreos and mint ice cream. I like cookies better than cake because they are fun to crunch.


Tamayuki: *another projectile flies past Tama's head* "What was that?" *looks around for a moment*


*something cold and wet hits him in the side of the face and falls inside his shirt*


Tamayuki: "Eek! Eeewie! Something icky is in my shirt!" *flails around trying to get it out*


Dolly: *starts laughing his head off* "Dude, you couldn't have screamed more like a girl if you were one!!" *resumes the attack*


Tamayuki: "Dolly quit throwing peas at me! Mommy's gonna get mad if you make a mess of the computer room!"


Dolly: "Yah? So what!"


Tamayuki: "I don't want peas thrown at me!" *thunk* "Dolly, I said sto..." *plonk* "Stop it!!"


I have to go now. Dolly is being naughty.




Dolly: *watches Tama scramble out of the computer chair to stop his attacker* "Skeletor, RUN!"


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Hi Tama,


Sorry if I haven't written anything for a while. Sensei is quite busy and we all have been as well. I had to make sure Mari had everything she needed for her trip. She was chosen to be an exchange student in a big school in the UK and I she will be staying there for a while. I know, it bummed me out when I heard the news but I didn't tell her I didn't want her to go since I knew she had been looking forward to being in that University's program for a while. She won't be alone though, Yuuto's coming with her since they both got in the program. I know Yuuto's got her back so I won't have to worry about those British guys making a pass at my girlfriend. Millie and I will be visiting them on their breaks so it won't be too bad.


Anyway, I'm glad you liked the camera and the pet we sent you. I see you're taking a lot of photos and that's good. Keep practising and when you get really good at it, maybe you can be my official photographer. I guess I forgot to mention that I have a new job. That's right, Eri got me a part time job as a Model for a magazine she freelances for. Well, she got me and Tomoe a job but Mr. Medical Student isn't as committed to it as I am. I think he just did it to get Eri off his back.


Here's the link for where she has the photos posted. Let me know what you and your Mom think.




Is Big Bro, good looking enough to be on a magazine cover or what? I had Eri frame one for Mari (she doesn't know I put it in her luggage). Well, that's it for now. Have to take the two of them to the airport! Yuuto says he'll write you soon as he gets there.


Hugs to everyone there, especially to my Little Bro!


~Big Bro Kaylus



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Hi guys! I have a surprise for you!




Do you like it? Me and Mommy made it with a program that Daddy got us. It makes it really fun and easy for me to do cool pictures! If you didn't know, the picture is of Yuriko (eating sweets), Rainie, me, Dolly, and Naiomi (she doesn't like spring break because it's hot and she wants to be inside reading.) I have lots to write and everything but Mommy's friend is going to be spending a couple of nights so it might be a few days before I can write back. I have missed you guys whole bunches and I'm sure Dolly has too. Guess what! I had a new friend stay the night too! His name is Crona and Mommy's friend made him from a Monster High doll. He gets pretty scared but I snuggle with him and Dolly a lot and he's getting used to me. I like his pink hair, and he's even wearing a ballerina dress! *giggles* Mommy's friend Miss Meghan was here the other day and Crona came with her. When she was getting ready to leave, us boys sat really quiet and pretended we were just little bitty dust bunnies so no one would see us. That's how Crona got to stay longer. I think he has been having fun, but he misses his mommy.


I can't wait to talk to you guys more but I have to go to bed. Mommy let me send a message so late because she had her last final for this quarter tonight.


*sending lots of hugs and loves*




Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Hi Tamayuki!


I love your card. Its nice to see you and your family together and I even like how Dolly looks. (Cool pic dude). What program did your Mommy use? It's pretty cool. Hey, sorry for not writing as often, as you know, I'm in a study program here in England with Mari and we've both been so busy with school that its been hard to write. That being said, I do miss the people at home and you and the Boy's Club. Its almost Spring break so I've been going nuts with my papers and such. I know Millie is a bit sad that I couldn't talk to her as often, I miss her so much and I don't think I and Mari can even go home foe Spring Break. Kaylus hinted though that he might visit Mari but he's also rather busy with his new job so I don't know. Anyway, I just thought, I'd drop off a line and let you know that even though I may not write you guys often, I AM thinking of you all.





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Hi guys!


I'm really super excited to have time to write letters again! I guess I had lots of time to write when Yuriko wasn't helping homeschool me. But it wasn't the same without Mommy. I don't know what I should say when I can't snuggle with her. She loves me so much that she decided to start her summer vacation early! I have been snuggling, and snuggling, and snuggling. I'm trying to make up for all the snuggles I missed and it makes Mommy happy too.


Just because she got to start summer early doesn't mean that me and Dolly did. We still have to do our schoolwork and stuff until Naiomi and Rainie are done with school for the year. Dolly still hates it, but I think he hates it just a little bit less now. Mommy does stuff to make it easier for him to read and I don't have to listen to him and Yuriko fighting. That's no fun at all, but since Naiomi and Rainie go to public school they couldn't help. Yuriko has been so happy to not have to teach that she's been eating two boxes of doughnuts for dinner every night. Naiomi told her that if she keeps eating so many sweets that she won't fit into her swimming suit when it gets warmer. Yuriko said that she would just fit into better. Sisters are weird.


I have a surprise for you! I really wanted to put this in photos part of the forum but Mommy thought I might get grouched at because they aren't real photos of us.


(click on pics for larger versions if they are hard to read)












The program is called ComiPo and it is a lot of fun to use. At first it seems really basic and not very good, but there is lots you can do with it! I think even Dolly might be able to figure it out. Well, maybe I would have to help him so he doesn't get into trouble.




This is my friend Crona. I was sad because I didn't want him to go home yet. Mommy wasn't supposed to take the picture though...


Guess what! I got to start playing a videogame with me in it! Well, its kinda sorta me. I named the little boy Tamayuki because he looks lust like me but he has blond hair. The game is called something-or-other Zelda Wind Waker. Dolly really likes it because we can run around and bash things, but I like finding stuff and the adventure part. I asked Mommy if the boy's name was Zelda, but she said his name was Link. I'm glad I got to give him a new one because Link isn't a very good name. I told Mommy that I want her to make me his green outfit. She laughed and asked me if I just really liked to cosplay cute little blond boys. I dunno, I just like them.


I didn't think Dolly would get so excited about the game. He was jumping around and yelling so much when I was fighting a bad guy that I almost missed. (The bad guy scared me.) Dolly and me call it the weed whacker game because we have to spend lots of time cutting grass and weeds to find coins. I think its a silly place to hide them. The little boy is nice, but Dolly made me throw pots at an old guy's head. I have to do stuff like that so Dolly doesn't get bored. Well, maybe it was a little funny...


I gotta go do my social studies homework and some math. I can't wait to write more letters. I have a lot to catch up on.




Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Hi Tama,


Just dropping off a quick note. We have some time off from school and I'm home for a quick break. Wow! You're in a manga. I love it. Dolly looks rather cute in his uniform hehehe. Of course, you do too as well. Hi to everyone in the house! Sensei is trying to work on a story but she keeps drifting off to sleep in the middle of everything. I was getting kinda worried but she says its normal and that she will eventually get back to her old self in a few months. BTW, good to know that you're getting lots of snuggle time with your Mom and I see you have a new friend. He looks nice with the pink hair. I'll write you more when I get some more free time. Till then, you take care.





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Fuyuki is browsing through the forum, but finds himself staring at the "Boy's Club" thread.


Fuyuki: Hmmm? A club just for guys? *reads through the posts* Interesting. I wasn't really aware that there were others on this forum. It seemed mostly to be a gathering place for lovely ladies. *gives a smile* I do believe I will join. It seems like quite a bit of fun.


He begins typing up a formal introduction to send to Tamayuki and the other members for approval.


Good Day,


I am sending this message to inquire about entry to your club. I, too, would like a chance to be able to enjoy meeting other young men that frequent this forum. Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Fuyuki Uchiwa, honestly a rather simple man. I have a lovely young wife named Aiko, and I help to keep order among the many girls who have taken residence where my wife and I live. I have attached a photograph for your perusing as well. It is my hope that perhaps you will consider me for entry.


Best Regards,

Fuyuki Uchiha



Fuyuki by LordNoir, on Flickr

A crazy fool with a house full of dolls, and ponies, and pony dolls


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Tamayuki: "Dolly look! There is someone asking about joining our club!"


Dolly: "It's not one of your sisters in disguise is it?"


Tamayuki: "What? No. Why would you think that?"


Dolly: *blushes* "Well you stuck in that silly rule about girls in mustaches being ok, and well... You just never know when Rai-, uh, I mean someone might find a disguise to infiltrate our club. They would discover all of our awesome guy secrets, and use them to... blackmail us! It would be a breach of security!"


Tamayuki: "It's not a big secret. Anyone on the forums can see what our club's up to."


Dolly: "What?!?"


Tamayuki: "Just like anywhere else on the forum. Its a really cool way of having pen pals."


Dolly: *turns from red to white to green*


Tamayuki: "Are you ok Dolly? What's wrong?"


Dolly: *looks terrified* "Do any of your sisters read any of this?"


Tamayuki: "No, not really, but I tell Naiomi all about our friends. It makes her really happy. She keeps bugging me to send an invitation to Tomoe. I only saw him in the silly story where Kaylus ate my chocolates. I hope he liked them." *blushes and giggles*


Dolly: "I, uh, forgot that I had something to do. Bye!" *runs away as fast as he can*


Tamayuki: "Dolly wait! Don't you want to say anything to the new guy? Oh... I guess not right now."


Dear Mr. Uchiha,


I am very happy that you want to be in our club! You're married? Wow. I'm only in 7th grade. School is ok but I'd rather be doing lots of fun projects. I like writing my manga but I'm slow at it. You have lots of girls at your house too? They are everywhere! Girls are ok because sisters aren't so bad, but I think there should be more boys. Boys are fun and we don't have to talk about silly stuff like makeup or what magazines to read all the time. Sometimes I like the pictures in the magazines. My sister Naiomi says a lot of them are pictures of boy bands. They make her giggle a lot. She likes to draw on the pictures too, but she only draws glasses on the boys. My best friend Dolly tried to help once and Naiomi got really mad. She told him that she didn't want them having black eyes and looking all icky. Normally they are really good friends too but Dolly shouldn't have done it without her permission.


Your blue hair is really cool! I like it a lot. I have a clippie in my hair so my bangs don't get in the way all the time. Dolly likes to have his hair cut really short. He says that he looks better in hats that way. He really likes hats a lot. He likes acting macho too. Maybe hats make him macho? I don't know. He likes me to hug him but he never really says anything about it. He still hangs out with me all the time. We even do homeschooling together. I don't like public school because it's too scary and there is lots of mean kids. Dolly has to homeschool because he can't read very well and he was always getting into trouble. I don't remember, but Mommy might have said that he got kicked out of school before I was adopted. I should ask him sometime how he ended up in Mommy and Daddy's house. He gets mad at Mommy a lot and says she's no fun, but he thinks Daddy is really cool. He calls him the Dudester. It makes Daddy laugh. I have the best Daddy.


He works a lot so I don't know how to spend lots of time with him. Maybe we could play Lego video games together? We have lots of those. Dolly likes Legos too. He can make the Lego people blow up and Mommy doesn't get mad. My big sister Yuriko spends almost all the time that Daddy is home hanging out with him. That makes it hard sometimes because she wants to have him all to herself. He's my Daddy too so she needs to share. I'm not a big strong tough boy like Dolly is so I think Daddy's afraid of hurting me.


Oh goodie Daddy's home! Maybe he will want to play Lego Rockband. I want to sing the SpongeBob song!




Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Hi Guys!!


I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've written a letter. We didn't forget about you, I promise! It has just been a really busy and hot summer. Me and Mommy talk about you guys and Nyanko Sensei almost everyday but we didn't want to bother her too much. I hope I didn't make you sad from being away so long. I brought pictures!




I was feeling kinda shy, but Mommy got my swimming trunks done! Last summer she said that she would make me some because it gets really hot here. Mommy even made me socks! She sewed the shirt too but it belongs to my sister, but I think its cutest on me! They have lots of shirts anyway.




The fabric is really slippery and a boy color too! My sisters can't wear them because they are boy shorts! Mommy keeps giggling about my outfit because my tummy shows. I'm so happy that she is smiling and happy all the time now.




Kaylus, do you think I'm doing a good modeling job, just like you?


Every Wednesday I wear my shorts because then me, Mommy, and Naiomi can watch the boy's swimming anime on the computer. Daddy likes watching it kinda too because he likes to see Mommy giggle and squeak a lot. Yuriko doesn't like it. She says all the boys are stupid. I like that there is cartoons with lots of boys. They like to go without shirts just like you Kaylus! Mommy and Naiomi like Rei whole bunches but I like Nagisa who is little just like me. Mommy has a picture of them on her desktop and I peek at it when nobody knows. I don't think Dolly has seen it yet. If he did he would have lots to say about it. I don't think any of it would be very nice. He doesn't like to use the computer much. I'll tell him that he needs to write to the Boy's Club too.


Dolly wouldn't admit it, but he's getting along better with our family. It was really hard having Mommy gone so much in school and I missed her a lot. Dolly didn't say anything about it and acted the same. When Mommy got sick he spent lots of time with Skeletor and sat with me so I could hug him more. Dolly never says when something is wrong, but he was quiet for a long time. Since Mommy is doing whole bunches better he doesn't get into quite as much trouble. He's nicer to her too. Sometimes he pretends to be annoyed at her, but I can tell that he's careful to not make her sad. I think Mommy matters more to him than he likes anyone to know. He does lots more things now to make her laugh. He told me that Mommy said she would make him another acorn hat if we couldn't find his first one. Sometimes he would cry that it got lost. One time he said he got a big piece of dirt in his eye when I found him crying under my blanket. He's gotten some new clothes since then and Mommy is even trying to figure out how to make him other hats. He likes spending time with Crona too and tells him all kinds of manly stories. I don't know if they are really manly or not. Crona seems really impressed with how brave Dolly is. Dolly is always the hero in his stories.


We have been doing lots of stuff this summer! Me and Yuriko got to go with Mommy and Daddy to visit family out of town. Mommy said that we were so close to Canada that we could see over the border! I thought they would have the lines just like the maps so it would be easier to see the other country. I wanted to go visit you but Mommy said that Canada is really big and you guys lived kinda far away. Not as far as Uncle Billy Bear but pretty far. Dolly didn't come with us because there was going to be lots of kids. Mommy has been working on a special project the last couple of weeks. She says that hopefully she will get the first part done by next week. I can't really say what it is though but I'll tell you as soon as I can! Me, Dolly, and Mommy had fun making tanks for my frog and some of the snakes you guys sent him for Christmas. Mommy also said that Dolly really should make a tank for his bugs too. Dolly still likes to scare my sisters with them sometimes. He has been trying to train the rats like Skeletor, so they think they are dogs now and Skeletor eats lots of cheese.


I got to go to a craft store with Mommy and Daddy. It was lots of fun and we got pictures. I'll have to remind Mommy that we still have to post them. We had lots of fun using Daddy's cell phone camera. I think its fun in summer to eat lots of ice cream. Yuriko likes it because it has lots of sugar, but I like it because it's cold like snow! I hope I get to play in the snow a lot more this year since Mommy will be home. Crona likes ice cream about as much as Yuriko but he eats it too fast and gets headaches. He said he wants to be an ice cream cone for Halloween. Another thing that's fun about summer is me and Dolly can sound like robots. Mommy told us we could sit behind her big fan and talk and it would sound funny. It makes me and Dolly laugh a lot.


Last week Yuriko had her birthday and we got lots of treats. She ate tons of cookies, pop, candy, and blueberry cheesecake ice cream. I don't know how she didn't get sick. She got some fun presents, and me and Dolly gave her a few of the snakes that wouldn't fit in the tank. That was Dolly's idea, I hope it was ok. It made Yuriko happy and she wanted to show them to Ringo. We found out that Ringo doesn't like snakes and is scared of them. She almost cried. Me and Dolly decided to make sure his snake tank would go somewhere that she doesn't have to look at it. She likes Mr. Ribbitz a lot though and calls him the frog prince. Ringo really loves all kinds of stories, especially fairy tales with princesses in them. She has been reading some of Mommy's Wizard of Oz books to me. I like them a lot. They are really neat and silly.


When Dolly and Rainie are working on spy stuff I like to read Mommy's mangas. There is lots of fun ones that make me giggle. Yuriko won't read them with me because she says there isn't enough girls, but lots of times Naiomi likes to. Mommy even gets a manga magazine from Japan now! If I look carefully I can find some English in it but not very much. Mommy thought it would be a good idea to use it to make it fun to learn more Japanese. Some of the stories Mommy says I'm not old enough to read so we skip over those ones. I think Naiomi might read them even though I don't think she's supposed to either.


Me and Mommy started working on a cookbook for our family the other day so we have all the recipes in one place. I think it is a lot of fun. Mommy said that she wants to have them all on her Kindle and not scattered all over the place so she can't remember what we like to eat. Yuriko and Naiomi aren't too happy about it since me, Mommy, and Daddy are the only ones who cook we decided to change some things. Dolly complained a lot too. He didn't think that beans were as manly as steak. Me and Mommy have been talking about how he can get used to it. Yuriko isn't happy that I don't want to make her sweets with lots of sugar in them. Daddy can't eat them and it makes him sad. We want Daddy to have special treats so me and Mommy are going to try to make kinds that he can have. Yuriko was at least happy that she could be a taste tester. Rainie said she didn't care as long as she could still put pickles on her pizza. I think that's yucky. Ringo was happy about it too. She did ask if we could have lots of recipes without dairy and eggs since she can't have those. I think it will be lots of fun making new recipes.


My little sister Bree watches Sesame Street all the time and sticks weird things in her doll's hair. Sometimes she watches Yuriko's anime too. She's kinda weird but not because of that. She is confusing a lot and ignores everybody. Sometimes she asks for things by yelling at people. Naiomi said she's not being mean, just loud. Lots of the time she does things even when she's told no. Yuriko thinks she is super cute. I don't think she's cute at all. She snuggles with Mommy sometimes when I want to snuggle and it makes me mad. Dolly is scared of her too.


Did you know that Rainie and Ringo have a younger brother? His name is Ralph. Mommy and Daddy are trying to adopt him but it has been a long time. Mommy said that happens sometimes. Ringo said that he's the same age as me but still taller than I am. I have lots of sisters but I don't really know what it would be like to have a brother. I never really thought I would have one. Ringo said that he's nice but kinda silly too. One of his favorite things is aliens. Dolly thought that was really cool. Maybe he and Daddy can watch X-Files together. Daddy gets frustrated that Mommy doesn't like it. Whenever Ralph gets here he can join the Boy's Club too!


I have a question to ask you guys. Last year for Christmas you guys sent us some really cool presents! Me and Mommy tried really hard to think of what to send you guys but we just didn't know. Mommy didn't have any time to do anything special even tough she tried. She was also worried about sending you guys stuff that you already had or might not want. I told her I would ask you guys. What kinds of presents do you like? You guys are really great and really awesome friends so I didn't want you to think that you didn't matter. You matter whole bunches! I want to send you guys presents all the time but Mommy is afraid that we would clutter up your house. Is there anything that you guys need? If you give me lots of ideas I will have lots of fun sending you presents just like you guys sent us! Mommy even said that if Daddy finds Christmas stickers at the store that we could get them really early to use on Christmas cards! I can't wait!


I hope you guys have been having a great summer! Can you have one of the girls give Nyanko Sensei a hug from me and Mommy? Hope you guys can write back soon so I can hear what you've been up to!




Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Testing, testing 1...2


After getting the OK from Sister Kyoya and Katnaper, The Boys Club is revived from the depths!


A video transmission soon appears on screen.



Aoto: Yoooo! Did we make contact? We've been trying to get through all day! Is that Tama guy there? Hello!


(From left to right: Yuta, Aoto, Shuya)

Aoto: How long has this club been around without me?

Yuta: A...long time, apparently. But that's okay. We'll get to meet all the other boys on this forum! This is so exciting!

Shuya: ...


Shuya: Hi, Tama!! You have the same hair colour as me! Isn't that cool? We should be friends! My name's Yuta!


Shuya: .....


Yuta: ...Shuya what's wrong?

Aoto: Oi, Shooz! Did you get stage fright again? Don't you want to say hello to every other boy on this forum?

Shuya: ...


Aoto: Hey, hey!

Yuta: Sh-Shuyaaaa! It's okay!


Yuta: ..my brother's kind of shy, and I think he's a bit intimidated. He's never met any outside dolls before and when Aoto told him about all the big dolls at the meetup he got kind of scared at how much bigger they are to him because he has no idea dolls bigger than Pure Neemo S exist...

Aoto: I promise Tama's not going to eat you or anything. If any of the others try I'll beat em up for you.

Yuta: He'll be okay soon, I promise!


Yuta: We'll be back soon when he feels better! I can't wait to meet the other boys here! I hope to see you real soon, Tama! See you!!


[end transmission]


(I hope we can get this thread running again now that I've seen how much more boys are on here! And SK didnt even have Ralph in the last post... Anyway I look forward to seeing more photos of all kinds of boy-dolls so be sure to participate if you have the time )

(the video message played out nothing like I thought but these guys take on a mind of their own when i get the camera out. Especially Shuya.)

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Kaito happens upon the Boys Club while browsing the forum one day…

After taking the time to read through the thread to see what the club is all about, he decides to type up a reply…


Dear Tamayuki,

My name is Kaito, and I’d like to be a part of your club! I’m the only guy here at home right now…so being able to talk to some other guys on this forum sounds fun. Especially because the current members all seem really cool. I guess I should also write a little about myself too so everyone knows what kind of person I am…Well, I guess if I had to describe myself, I’d say I’m pretty laid-back and casual. Maybe even a bit too much so? At least that’s what I’m told. I just don’t really worry about much since I live a pretty calm life under the care of my owner. Some would call that boring, but I sort of like it better this way. A simple life is good too! It leaves me with a lot of free time for singing and playing video games and such, so those are some bonuses. Anyway, I really hope you’ll consider letting me into the club! And I’ve also attached a picture too. Hope to hear back from you soon!



Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Miles(DDH06), Lyca(DDH-10), Hotaru(DDH09), Kagamine Rin, Maron(DDH01), Mikuo(Snow Miku), Nagisa(DDH01)

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Just wanted to let you guys know what's been going on with me & this is the best format that I'm able at the moment.


Tamayuki: *energetically waves to all the boys* "Look Lucas! There are more boys in the club I made!"


Dolly: "Yeah, and I'm like the supreme protector! Or was it second king in charge? Anyway it's something like that."


Lucas: "You have a club?"


Tamayuki: "Yeah. We hadn't gotten new letters in a long long time. It's where we we met Ash, Yuuto, Kaylus, and..."


Lucas: *suddenly pulls Tama away from the keyboard and protectively wraps his arms around his waist*


Tamayuki: "Oof."


Lucas: "Sorry. You looked like you were short one snuggle today..."


Dolly: "I've seen some pics of Kaylus and he's close to being as strong as me." *flexes* "Likes to take too many pics without his shirt though..."


Lucas: *glances out of the corner of his eye at Dolly before knocking him off the arm of the chair*


Dolly: "Ahhh!"


Lucas: *acts as if he was only shifting in the chair as Dolly crashes to the floor*


Dolly: "I'm alright. I'm alright. Not a scratch on me at all! It's gonna take more than that to get the upper hand with me, you stupid chair!" *kicks the chair* "Oww..."


{I cannot even express how hard I'm fighting to ignore my shoulder and write up the rest of what's going through my head. As it is, just those few lines took me a half hour to type with a single hand. Needless to say that Tama is THRILLED with more boys wanting to join his club.}


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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