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Princess of Tennis!

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It seems Kanu has decided to take up tennis!



001 by galvatim, on Flickr



003 by galvatim, on Flickr


Be aware, the wig is pitch black inside, just like Moe's...



006 by galvatim, on Flickr



022 by galvatim, on Flickr


Aoi likes Kanu's look. I think the ponytail wig might work well on Haruhi, too.



028 by galvatim, on Flickr


Aoi: "Too bad we only have the one racquet, or we could play a few rounds of strip tennis."

Kanu: "Yes, it's a shame. I could use some practice against a living opponent, for my up-coming match... Wait! What'd you say?"

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Cute girls, Galvatim. Strip tennis sounds fun, haha!

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Cute girls, Galvatim. Strip tennis sounds fun, haha!

Thanks, Talolili! Aoi is happy to hear that at least someone likes her idea!

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WIth women's strip tennis, is the grunting louder during or after the match?

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WIth women's strip tennis, is the grunting louder during or after the match?

I don't know... I think Aoi just made strip tennis up. This is Aoi and Kanu, probably during. Now Airy and Natsuki...

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Kanu looks great like that! I wish they'd do more tan DDs, the pink pops against her skin so well.

DD Family: Mari, Saber Lily, Marisa, Soniko, Noumi, Kirino, Kuroneko, Sakura (DD Sakuno), Aerie, Akira, Kiki, Koko, Rose (DDS Mariko), Kureha, Ryoko, Lucy, Haruka, Rise, Extra & Alter!

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She is so cute in that. Those soft pastels are beautiful on tan skin. Those shoes are so cute. Aoi is hilarious! She is also extremely cute. Plus, she is clearly creative as well.

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Kanu looks great like that! I wish they'd do more tan DDs, the pink pops against her skin so well.

Thanks, Alphakitty! I agree, Kanu looks lovely in pink. And Volks really should offer tan bodies and option parts! Especially hands.


She is so cute in that. Those soft pastels are beautiful on tan skin. Those shoes are so cute. Aoi is hilarious! She is also extremely cute. Plus, she is clearly creative as well.

Thanks, Mitsuki! Sounds like Kanu is the perfect model for this set! Don't encourage Aoi, she's just trying to steal the spotlight back from Natsuki!

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Looks great on her. Grats!


Aoi could still play a game of strip tennis with her. It's just that without a racquet, she would lose. She might be ok with that

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strip tennis! strip tennis! strip tennis!


i dig sports outfit for DDs. thinking of looking for some yoga outfits and yoga mats for them, and make them do the ohms!

Aoife ✙ Tae ✙ Miya ✙ Usami ✙ Misaki ✙ Makina ✙ Yume

Kanae ✙ Kanon ✙ Subaru ✙ Juri ✙ Aya ✙ Megu-tan ✙ Kureha

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Manami says that she will gladly play Aoi AND Kanu at the same time in a game of strip tennis. You'd think Manami *wants* to lose for some reason....





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Aww she looks lovely in this tennis set!!!! Cute story...may I ask where you got the tiny tennis ball?

Daughters~Mai,Ryomou,Kanu,Moe2,Yukino,HH02,Yoko,Marisa,Escalayer,Ms. Mariko,Lucy,Saber Xtra,Saber Alter,Rise,Sasara,Alna,Akira,H05,Mayu



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Looks great on her. Grats!


Aoi could still play a game of strip tennis with her. It's just that without a racquet, she would lose. She might be ok with that

Thanks, Kymaera! Haha, you might be right, Aoi might not mind loosing too much! Kanu would probably feel sorry for her.


strip tennis! strip tennis! strip tennis!


i dig sports outfit for DDs. thinking of looking for some yoga outfits and yoga mats for them, and make them do the ohms!

Haha, thanks, Atrika! It'd be cool if your girls tried some yoga! I don't think putting together the outfits would be too hard.


Manami says that she will gladly play Aoi AND Kanu at the same time in a game of strip tennis. You'd think Manami *wants* to lose for some reason....





I can only imagine Aoi and Manami trying their best to loose, and Kanu sobbing in the corner with only her underwear on...


Aww she looks lovely in this tennis set!!!! Cute story...may I ask where you got the tiny tennis ball?

Thanks, Carmen171! Mitsuki gave me the tennis ball.


She looks very nice in the tennis outfit~

Thanks, milkytea!


She is so nice in this suit! I couldn't imagine such a sweet Kanu xD

Thanks, Bellatrix! Kanu is a sweetie!

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Kanu looks fantastic in the tennis outfit. Pink is definitely her color with her lovely tan skin. I also really like her in the ponytail wig, I think it really suits her. So sad for Haruka, Kanu wears her outfit so much better.


Hmmmm strip tennis sounds interesting, maybe I should hunt down another racquet to send their way to make this happen.

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Kanu looks fantastic in the tennis outfit. Pink is definitely her color with her lovely tan skin. I also really like her in the ponytail wig, I think it really suits her. So sad for Haruka, Kanu wears her outfit so much better.


Hmmmm strip tennis sounds interesting, maybe I should hunt down another racquet to send their way to make this happen.

Thanks, DefectiveAngel! yes, Kanu looks so good in this outfit! I like the wig on her too. It's true, I liked the photos of Haruka in this outfit, but Kanu wears it so much better!


Aoi would love it if you hooked her up with a racquet! Kanu is a little uncertain, but she figures she'll win anyway... (Ai would like it just to play some regular tennis...)

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