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LOL if I wanted an accurate bust size for Mizuho yeah XD But I'm aiming for the M bust. Just so she can fit clothing (a lot I have) better and such. It's a bitty the DDY body doesn't have a smaller bust option.

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Here's my newest custom girl - Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier.



A crazy fool with a house full of dolls, and ponies, and pony dolls


Now an Official Dealer for SQ Lab!

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Another Blood is so cool! So many amazing details!


Wow! Such a cute Ranka!

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My wife made a custom Rika Furude MDD with an 04 head, though I keep telling her to get a new faceup done since the one I attempted is too amateurish.

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I am working on Akiha Tohno but not based on her Anime design but rather loosely based on her Tsukihime remake design. .. Sure is hard to find a Dark Brown(or Black) wig that is long enough since I want her to have slightly longer hair than Official art.

Ebuki(SWS DDdy DDH7)

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You could try buying a really curly long wig and then straightening it, I think leekeworld has one like that, sorry they won't let me post the link.

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Good day,

I want to ask you if you do custom Dollfie.

I want one classic one and I cannot fing anything for her.

That is why I am asking.

I want her as tall as normal barbie or maybe

a bit taller.

She should look like this: Hikaru on Anime Angelic Layer

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isn't it dollfie dream way way taller than normal barbie? unless i never really see barbie that is around 60cm before.

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Dollfie dreams are about 60 cm tall.

If you want a doll barbie size you should look into dollfie + I think or Obitsu.

To customize it you should ask for a tailor to sew the costume and to a make up artist to paint her.


Hikaru is a good choice ^-^ I plan to make a cosplay for a DD later but from Shirahime ^-^


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Well, I always have Mahoro:




and Miku:




who also cosplays as Snow Miku:




I did have a custom Megurine Luka..but that was a failure.

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Oh my gosh, love your Mahoro custom!!

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This is who l want to make into a dollfie dream 2 body white skin and l'm not sure what head to use and l was thinking volks #6 or #2 not sure need alittle help. As for wigs l was thinking a white wig and red eyes.


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:) This is who l want to make into a dollfie dream 2 body white skin and l'm not sure what head to use and l was thinking volks #6 or #2 not sure need alittle help. As for wigs l was thinking a white wig and red eyes.



07 would be great for her I think.

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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To the above person l was also thinking that a volks#7 would be good for moka. Thanks for the help.


update since the volks#7 is hard ti find in white so l was wondering if a #6 would work?


update since I can't get a number #7 in white l'm going to make another vampire girl out of the DD2 white body and she well be Hazuki from the anime full moon phase. For the l'm going to use the #6 head for this so in the end it well work out thought l wonder if a DDS in white would be better for Hazuki.

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I love your Mahoro! She's gorgeous!

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There are beautiful customs!!

I'll make manga's customs like Excel from KUROKAMI - BLACK GOD, Kurohimé (young adult version) from KUROHIME, Eins from MOONLIGHT ~ TSUKI NO TSUBASA ~ and Drei from MOONLIGHT ~ TSUKI NO TSUBASA ~ too!! When I'll finish it, I'll post some photographies of them here. :3

At home: Ashura (DD Ruri) - Nova (DDS Alice Kuonji)

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To the above person l was also thinking that a volks#7 would be good for moka. Thanks for the help.


update since the volks#7 is hard ti find in white so l was wondering if a #6 would work?


update since I can't get a number #7 in white l'm going to make another vampire girl out of the DD2 white body and she well be Hazuki from the anime full moon phase. For the l'm going to use the #6 head for this so in the end it well work out thought l wonder if a DDS in white would be better for Hazuki.


07 will be stock now!

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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Aria from Hidan no Aria

Model: SQLab Moe



Silica from SAO

Model: MDD Kud



Lat-type Miku

Model: Saber Lily




Model: Rin


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You have not enough minerals

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Aria from Hidan no Aria

Model: SQLab Moe



Silica from SAO

Model: MDD Kud



Lat-type Miku

Model: Saber Lily




Model: Rin



I love your girls! They look so adorable. Especially Aria and Rin as BRS! Silica is just gorgeous. Kawaii!

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I love your BRS and Lat-type Miku! Super cute and very nicely done!

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I had originally planned to make a custom DD based on Reisen from Touhou Project.

Sadly i depended on friends for the costume and they were too busy ><

Also i could never find a good purple/orchid wig and good bunny ears T_T


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Proctor of the Dawn

Well, I guess this isn't exactly anime, but this Elsa is mine..



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my custom Naoto Shirogane DD (I prefer using a longer wig on her atm for her look "Persona x Detective Naoto" )


13804369935_b8ccccb6c9_z.jpgCoronet Armor by Mechadolls, on Flickr


She's 'completed' but I want to improve on her more . Probably will consider getting her better eyes and an new faceup


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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