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suggestion to make wigs go on easier w/cloth head cap

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With my Dolpa 27 order last Saturday I threw this in the cart to try out since it was only a few dollars. See, I'd get frustrated with the cloth head caps sliding around when I'd put a wig on, but at the same time, I didn't want to go without the head cap due to staining. And one of my head caps is extra slick cloth material and it's extra annoying to get a wig on when I use that particular one. However, I didn't want to just "waste" that purchase and wanted to figure out how to use that head cap somehow.


I discovered the "Pitatto" is incredibly useful. Just cut off a small piece of this to put inside the head cap, put a small piece directly on your doll's head underneath approximately where the piece on the head cap will be sitting, and then put on the head cap. That head cap won't move when putting on a wig and the wig will go on pretty much as easily as if you had no head cap at all.


The velco-ish stuff pulls off your doll's head fairly easily and won't leave sticky stuff if you decide you don't like it. And that stuff comes with plenty enough that even people with many daughters like Scripple or Baldylox will have enough with just 1 pack.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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I've not tried that yet, but it's good that it works like it says it should. The next time I do an order I may try one of them.


I use the method they show on the Saber wigs. Where I hold the front with my thumb and then pull down on the back wig cap material.

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