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Anyone here into comic books? With my only comic book confidant moving away for University I thought I'd start up a topic ^^


Right now I've been reading "Spider-Men" and I can't find one flaw in it. It's a shame its only a five part series though...


Recently I also bought a few issues of "Dancer", a comic about an ex-assassin and his ballerina girlfriend, its not terrible but its a big slow moving and I've found I just haven't been able to get into it.


There's a few comic book stores where I live but their all kind of gross, (Ones almost always closed, the other theres a layer of dust on everything...) so I usually pick up most of my comics online. The downside to that it having to wait for them to arrive in the mail ^^;


So what are you guys reading right now? Do you buy your comics online, or in store? When did you get into comics and/or how? ^^

Wishing Uzuki Shimamura, Rin Shibuya

Owning Miriam (Smart Doll Mirai), Alexia (DDS Marisa Kirisame)

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I tried to get into comics as a kid. It didn't work as well as I wished it did. The problem is sort of 2 things.


1) I don't like the issue format. It feels like it only takes 5 minutes to read one, even when I take the time to admire the artwork. I feel like I don't quite get my money's worth out of it.

2) Comics are hard to get into. I have always loved the X-Men universe but it started approximately 20 years before I was born. I like starting a series from the beginning and everywhere I tried to jump into the comics as a kid it felt like there was backstory I wasn't getting. Also, there's lots of side stories and reboots and so many other things that just really makes it all confusing and hard to keep track of. A lot of the DC and Marvel superhero stories have been around for so long it felt impossible to catch up.


I'm more of a manga kind of person. It kinda solves both of those problems for me. Manga usually comes in graphic novel format, when not all comics make it to graphic novels. Also, unless it's a super long running manga (like Ah My Goddess or One Piece or something like that), it's easier to get into. A lot of my manga (not all) is 10 volumes or less, telling the entire story in the timeframe.


The Archie comics Sonic the Hedgehog, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Batman, and Spiderman were all comics I read a bit back in the '90s. I do look back at them fondly, even though I wasn't into comics long enough that I could even consider it a hobby.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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I mostly go digital and pick up the collections of stuff that I really like. I have..hmm...probably 20k or so single issues back from the years when I collected them weekly.


I've been reading both Dancer and Spider-Men. I think Dancer will probably read a lot better as a collection than in the singles, but unfortunately, way too many series seem to be written that way lately. Spider-Men was all setup so far, but has potential.

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I love comics! SirNarwhal actually works at a comic shop in the city, so we get a lot of stuff every month. I'm actually quite behind though, the only thing I'm currently reading as it comes out is Dial H because of my love for China Mieville. I made the mistake of trying to read ALL of the New 52 as it came out and some of them were so boring it kind of turned me off comics for a while. >.>

DD Family: Mari, Saber Lily, Marisa, Soniko, Noumi, Kirino, Kuroneko, Sakura (DD Sakuno), Aerie, Akira, Kiki, Koko, Rose (DDS Mariko), Kureha, Ryoko, Lucy, Haruka, Rise, Extra & Alter!

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I am more into manga.. but do like quite a few comics too

Don't buy monthly issues, get the collected trades instead. Was a total Image obsessed kid in the 90s (was young, we all make mistakes!)


Right now very much into The Walking Dead and Unwritten. Previous obsessions include Y:The Last Man (everyone needs to read this!! Right now, go do it!), Fables (sorry series, you shoulda ended with the Adversary "wrap up". Also Flycatcherr's short in 1001 nights of snowfall? I cried like a bitch with a skinned knee at that one), Terry Moore's Strangers in Paradise and Transmetropolitan


Ultimate Spider-Man was super fun before rebooting, as was Thor when Straczynski busted in as writer for a while


Also was ridiculously into some older Wonder Woman. The reboot by George Perez in the late 80s ... god it was good!

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I never bought comics myself but I have been borrowing some from my anime club leader. The ones I liked best so far included Y: the last man ( ) and Locke and Key.


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@Alphakitty: I've been reading Dial H also. So far, it's very interesting.


@Chise: I've got all of Y and Transmetropolitan..both are great. I've been reading The Walking Dead and Fables in collections, so a bit behind. Do you read any of the Fables spin-offs like Fairest or Jack of Fables or Cinderella? Got to agree that Ultimate Spiderman was great..at least the first 100 or so...after that, it got a bit meh. Slott's been doing great work on the Amazing title, though. That makes up for it. George Perez is one of my favorite artists..and one of the nicest guys ever! Always like seeing him at a con as he's always in a good mood and having a ball. Sketch of Starfire that I got from him last month:


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Heheheh, actually my RL job is related to comics, I should probably read more ^_^;

Mostly I've read graphic novels and collections from the library. Generally I prefer European comics, for the very polished art (since they're done as books, not monthly) and greater variety of storylines. In particular I like Skydoll, Blacksad, Persepolis, Lost at Sea, Koko be Good... that sort of thing. If you've got superhero recommendations though I'll definitely check them out

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@Alphakitty: I've been reading Dial H also. So far, it's very interesting.


@Chise: I've got all of Y and Transmetropolitan..both are great. I've been reading The Walking Dead and Fables in collections, so a bit behind. Do you read any of the Fables spin-offs like Fairest or Jack of Fables or Cinderella?]


That Starfire sketch wins the internet!


1001 Nights of Snowfall : perfect format mix of picture book and comic. PERFECT. If only the SnowWhite story didn't have such ugly art... if only

Jack of Fables .. read for a bit. The idea was neat at first, but Jack just doesn't work well as a solo series. His jackass~ness plays off best when he isn't the central chara. The Great Fables Crossover was a waste of valuable space

haven't gotten to the other ones yet


The Walking Dead I'm sloooowly burning out on. You can only keep watching a zombie horror movie for so long before a loop starts to repeat especially with that Carl thing. Are you past the prison arc yet?

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Last I read of the Walking Dead was the #6 HC (up through #72 of the comic).

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Last I read of the Walking Dead was the #6 HC (up through #72 of the comic).


That right there is a pretty good place to stop. Period, full stop.

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Yes When I was a kid I was like border-line obsessed with the Batman animated series until my grandmother remembered I was a girl and made me give away all my Batman toys to my idiot male cousins. I happened to go see Dark Knight in theaters on a lark and decided to pick up a couple of Joker-centric graphic novels shortly afterwards as he and Harley were always my favorite characters. I mention it to a friend, now this friend and I we had grown up together and played with the Batman toys together but I didn't realize he carried it on or at least to such an extreme he has a Batman room in his house and damn near every Batman comic ever made. I read through basically everything over about a year or so. I still read Batman comics though I am not a fan of the new 52, truthfully I am more in it for the villains than Batman himself. I don't have as nice a collection as my friend but I now have my own Batman toy collection back including several of the vintage BTAS figures I used to have as a kid New Doll Room not to mention tons of comics including every comic appearance of Harley Quinn and every post-1990 Joker appearance (I'm working on getting all of the older ones too but I have a lot of gaps).


Of course I don't just read Batman... I currently read Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Kick-ass 2 which just ended but I will read anything I can get my hands on and/or that looks interesting


My Flickr - Pullip_junk; For list of my DD see my profile

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I used to be into Superman but had kinda gradually gotten off comic books for sometime now. I still do read a lot of Jughead and a couple of Archie's but I mostly into manga nowadays. Some of them I read online but if I really like the story I buy the actual series since the translation is almost always better. The guy at the comic shop just grins at me when I bring him several mangas at a time in my quest to try to complete a series.



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I'm really into Marvel comics, and while I haven't read any of the major series, I have read summarisations of them. I like Young Avengers and Runaways and X-Factor Investigations a lot and I've read every issue of those I could get my hands on.

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I'm most a DC guy but I read a number of Image titles and I read X-23 before they ended her series . Green Lantern is by far my favorite. I currently have a pull list at a local comic shop...which I need to go clean out very soon lol. One of my goals in life is to make it to SDCC one day...so yeah you could say I'm into comics. Here's my current list of titles I'm reading:


Green Lantern

Green Lantern Corps

Green Lantern: New Guardians

Red Lanterns

Hack Slash

Thief of Thieves



I did read Power Girl but they felt the need to end her series then make a new lame one. I read X-23 until they ended her series and put her in the Avengers Academy. I tried but the blatant "look at me I'm gay" stuff in that series really turned me off. I used to read a lot more stuff but I cut them back my senior year of college to save money and only kept the ones I really really liked. Azrael was cool but they were treading on some religious grounds I didn't feel comfortable with. Green Arrow and Birds of Prey were ok. My favorite comic book I have I just acquired recently at a local comic con. It's Watchmen #1 CGC sealed 9.3 NM. I was pretty into Watchmen after I saw the movie a couple years after it came out lol. I was Rorshach for halloween my senior year of college and my best friend went with me as the Comedian. ok done rambling lol

DD Family: Kara (Power Girl) HDD-02 & DDDyIII

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I used to collect comics both mainstream and independent in the 80's and 90's (showing my age here) but stopped when I began to realise that there was nothing really original happening anymore, especially in the mainstream comics.


Recently, after reading mostly webcomics for a few years I had another look and am currently reading


Walking Dead (isnt everyone)

Hack Slash (was trying to do a Cassie Hack doll using my Obitsu but struggled for clothes)



and am trying to fill in my collection of Fathom, Witchblade and Tomb Raider comics and collections, maily because I like Turners art.


Apart from that its mostly manga

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