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Volks April 2012 Collection in USA store

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It must be so cool to be able to go the store in person xD


I'll be trying for the balloon set online, good luck everyone~

It's really cool to meet other DD owners in person when you go to the store The last time I went all my DD friends were there so after everyone was done shopping we all just hung out for a bit talking. Really hope I see some people I know this Saturday :3


Good luck on getting the Balloon Dress Set!

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I was only able to win 1 wig and a pair of shoes....I only enetered for wigs though. Guess I am going to war Saturday afternoon with everyone else...LOL

Daughters~Mai,Ryomou,Kanu,Moe2,Yukino,HH02,Yoko,Marisa,Escalayer,Ms. Mariko,Lucy,Saber Xtra,Saber Alter,Rise,Sasara,Alna,Akira,H05,Mayu



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Hope when I go to the store this Saturday that I actually pull a decent # so I can get the Balloon Dress Set.



Since I've never been to one of these events in person, I have a question or two about this.


You said you have to draw numbers... what exactly does that mean? If you pull a low number, does it mean you get to go into the store first to get stuff from the event? And if so, do they limit you on the number of items you can buy? Like for this event, the Balloon Dress set seems to be super popular. If you picked number 1 and got into the store first to buy, are you only allowed one of each set, just like online? Or can you buy multiples of any one item?


Sorry for the newbie sounding questions but I've wondered about this for a little while and just never asked about it since I know I'll never be able to go to the store there for any event.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Hope when I go to the store this Saturday that I actually pull a decent # so I can get the Balloon Dress Set.



Since I've never been to one of these events in person, I have a question or two about this.


You said you have to draw numbers... what exactly does that mean? If you pull a low number, does it mean you get to go into the store first to get stuff from the event? And if so, do they limit you on the number of items you can buy? Like for this event, the Balloon Dress set seems to be super popular. If you picked number 1 and got into the store first to buy, are you only allowed one of each set, just like online? Or can you buy multiples of any one item?


Sorry for the newbie sounding questions but I've wondered about this for a little while and just never asked about it since I know I'll never be able to go to the store there for any event.





You can only buy one of each item, just like online.


The lineup is as you described - but they put all the rules on their blog: http://blog.volksusa.com/


I guess they must have had issues with people camping outside overnight or something to be first in line. The neighborhood is kind of industrial so that would have been a safety issue. They started implementing the lotto lineup earlier in the year.


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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For those of you trying for stuff, I also highly recommend the LPC Cute Hoodie set. I picked it up in Harajuku in May, and it totally fits Kud



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omg Mahoro! Curse you!

Why must you post such cuteness! >_____<"


No. Must be strong. Must resiste the cute!


Agreed. Curse you Mahoro, don't break peoples dolly diets with such an adorable photo :p

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omg Mahoro! Curse you!

Why must you post such cuteness! >_____<"


No. Must be strong. Must resiste the cute!


Agreed. Curse you Mahoro, don't break peoples dolly diets with such an adorable photo :p


just returning the favour from all you wonderful people who enable me to spend more on DDs this year so far than I have in the past 3 put together... xD (I'm specifically looking at YOU, iomi and waha)


I know it can't possibly make up for the enabling this forum has done for me, but I feel like I should do my part to spread the wallet depleted love >:D

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Hope when I go to the store this Saturday that I actually pull a decent # so I can get the Balloon Dress Set.



Since I've never been to one of these events in person, I have a question or two about this.


You said you have to draw numbers... what exactly does that mean? If you pull a low number, does it mean you get to go into the store first to get stuff from the event? And if so, do they limit you on the number of items you can buy? Like for this event, the Balloon Dress set seems to be super popular. If you picked number 1 and got into the store first to buy, are you only allowed one of each set, just like online? Or can you buy multiples of any one item?


Sorry for the newbie sounding questions but I've wondered about this for a little while and just never asked about it since I know I'll never be able to go to the store there for any event.





You can only buy one of each item, just like online.


The lineup is as you described - but they put all the rules on their blog: http://blog.volksusa.com/


I guess they must have had issues with people camping outside overnight or something to be first in line. The neighborhood is kind of industrial so that would have been a safety issue. They started implementing the lotto lineup earlier in the year.

Yup yup just like archangeli said. You get there by 10:30am and that's when they have everyone draw a number from a box. Once everyone has pulled a number they rearrange the line to the new order. And at 11am they open the doors and once you get in you can buy one of each set, but only one. No doubles of any one set allowed.


And that's exactly why they started doing this new line up system. People would get there at like 5:30am so they could get a good spot in line. I was talking to Bailey at the last event and she was saying how they didn't feel it was safe for people to be waiting outside for so many hours in the early morning. Plus they figured this way it was more fair so it wouldn't be the same people who were first in line just because they got there super early.

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Ahh okay. I understand now. It makes sense on all sides really and it does sound more fair in how they do it now. Thank you guys for explaining the system to me!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I was able to get the Sweet Pea Flora set with Kerbey Lane but not the white heels. I'll try to buy them when they are available on the site.

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Ahh okay. I understand now. It makes sense on all sides really and it does sound more fair in how they do it now. Thank you guys for explaining the system to me!




Glad to be of service~!


I was able to get the Sweet Pea Flora set with Kerbey Lane but not the white heels. I'll try to buy them when they are available on the site.

Really hope you get the white heels, they are really nice looking

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I got the Freesia Flora set from KL, I tried to get all the flora sets and balloon set. If I go for the click war, I might just go for the balloon set only.

Home: Alter (Anya), Sakuya (Layla), Extra (Sasha), Aoko (Nadia), Beatrice (Sophia), Alice (Elyse), Mariko (Madeline), Sailor Moon (Serena), Mercury (Ami), Mars (Rei), Jupiter (Lita), Venus (Mina), Transcendence Gray (Lexa) and Tea (Sloane)

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Yay got my bubble dress set!


And i threw in some eyes and the tennis racquet too lol xD


I was supposed to be at work at 2, but i called in saying i had family problems and would be late so i could be home for this lol.

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Very disappinted with my disorganization this time as I was ONE CLICK away from Balloon Dress Set but I managed to forget to enter my email address (Or uncheck the email receipt box) and was pushed back for 3 seconds and lost it. Sigh, it's really hard when you're on a road trip and you're not at your own computer. Congrats to those that got it, I'm extremely jealous!

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I got the MSD/MDD outfit which is all I really wanted, I tried to get a bubble dress set for a friend but it was gone in a micro-second.


My Flickr - Pullip_junk; For list of my DD see my profile

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Got the cute hoodie set for Cirno, she's so spoiled

And paid way too much for a peach cream wig, but the color is my favorite.


Which one did you get?


Arugh so mad at myself still for not being as sharp as a tack this time!!

My first lost click wars... T___T

Edited by Guest

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Which one did you get?


This one, wave with mini side tails:



I prefer shorter bangs than the medium bob. Plus the other peach cream wigs have been out of stock forever, so better not to regret missing it when I had the chance :3


Yeah, I'm still contemplating itf I want it! It's a super cute wig, I'd get it in charocal brown but Volks wigs are rather expensive comapared with other brands... But they are the official one!

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Yay! I was able to get the 4 wigs I wanted!!!!!

Daughters~Mai,Ryomou,Kanu,Moe2,Yukino,HH02,Yoko,Marisa,Escalayer,Ms. Mariko,Lucy,Saber Xtra,Saber Alter,Rise,Sasara,Alna,Akira,H05,Mayu



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Sadly traffic made me 3 minutes late so I didn't get to pull a # and once again was last in line~ They only had 3 balloon dress sets and they disappeared before I could get my hands on one So I got the Freesia Flora set for Momoko and she looks like a beautiful princess


When I left they had 2 Lost Lamb sets which surprised me since I was sure it would sell out on the spot like the Nun outfit. Almost got that instead but since it only fits up to M bust I decided to treat Momoko hehe. Took her with me and Bailey took pictures of her so she'll be on the blog sometime :3

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Altho I wasn't after anything for myself, I did have a friend ask if I could try for one thing.... The Balloon Dress set. I refreshed the page 1:59pm and the button was up! Those sneaky Volks guys uploaded earlier this time around! I pu tit in my cart, did all my stuff and was finished with checkout in 15 seconds flat.....


And still lost it.



I was extremely disappointed in myself as that set was the only thing my friend REALLY wanted. And I wasn't able to grab it for her. I am really getting more and more disgruntled and annoyed with these damned Click Wars. This is twice I have lost out on items from them. My guess is that if Volks Japan keeps up with their trickery and slack ways, Volks US will MAYBE get one of each outfit for an event and it will be in store only and NOTHING will be available online for the US ever again. At least that's how it feels. Good job Volks, way to keep your customer base happy. I wish we had an emoticon that flipped the bird.....





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I wish we had an emoticon that flipped the bird.....


I usually just use one of these.


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So far it seems like only one person here got the Balloon Dress Set. I wonder how many were even available online. Then you have to factor the people who don't have DD that were trying for it as well.


The stock is just ridiculously low. In general it seems like Volks is slacking completely, with the new bodies cracking left and right, and seemingly less and less event items... ;(

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