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DDI Questions

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Thought this should go in here, exactly how bad is the DDI and what's the approximate value on one? I was offered one in a trade for a bjd and I need bodies so I am kind of tempted but am unsure about the body


My Flickr - Pullip_junk; For list of my DD see my profile

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I personally wouldn't pay more than $120 for a DDI and even then I wouldn't buy it as I had one before and almost immediately sold it for a DDII

I have a gorgeous family of DD girls

See my profile for a list of my beauties!!

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I agree with Bethy about the pricing.... I wouldn't think you can get over about $125 for one in good shape. And I also agree that the DDI body is a real pain to work with for poses. I had one on my Rei Ayanami for a few months and altho I really tried to work with it, it drove me crazy! Since it's strung like a resin, it is severely limited on it's posability. Mine would barely stand on its own much less do many poses other than sitting down. After about 3 months with it, I upgraded to the DDII and never looked back.


If you are really wanting a body for a head you have and can't find a DDII or other body type and just CAN'T wait, you can use the DDI as a stepping stone to a different body later on. That way you at least have a girl for a bit..... but trust me, you'll want to upgrade as soon as you can after messing with the DDI for any length of time.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Thanks for the advice, I passed on the offer ^^;


My Flickr - Pullip_junk; For list of my DD see my profile

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Reviving the topic to kill my curiosity



The DDI dolls had more than an option for bust size?

Summon ritual is over. And finally complete.

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No, as far as I know.

The only option were the hands with thinner fingers, for wearing gloves. And that's it.

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Thanks for the answer. Regarding the size, it was more an M bust or it was bigger?

Summon ritual is over. And finally complete.

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Yeah, the DDI bust was about the same size as the DDII M-bust is now. There are some small differences but not much really. The only way to swap a bust out on the DDI was to take the doll completely apart and that means you'd have to restring it. It's been done before tho, I've seen the L-bust on a few DDI bodies and it worked just fine. But it would be a royal pain to have to redo the entire setup just for a bust swap.


And yes, the long thin fingers of the glove hands were really odd looking. I got a set of them with my Rei and had NO clue what they were for until well after I had swapped out her body for the DDII.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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