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What is missing from the market?

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Hi everyone!


I have some questions on my mind for DD'ers!


In your opinion what do you think is missing from the clothing market for DD's? (if anything)

Is there any styles you are searching for and can never find?

Would you consider commissioning someone to make your desired outfit/item? If not why?




"In a small, small world where my hands are HUGE!!"

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Steampunk stuff! Especially steampunk stuff that fits DDDy. I'd also settle for late Victorian stuff that fits DDDy, since Agatha could use some "going out" nice clothes in addition to "crawling through engines and saving the world" type clothes. XD


For Nanoha I wouldn't mind picking up some more retro clothes, especially 20's-50's styles, but I'm not as hard-pressed for those. It's not like she needs them to be in character, she just looks good in them.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Thanks for replying!

It's so interesting to see what people like for their girls, so many people have varied tastes and I wanted to grasp an idea of the market and if there was anything missing, but steam punk would be great to do!

It is very specific and would need a lot of details to get the 'look' right.


Would you commission this from someone?

"In a small, small world where my hands are HUGE!!"

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  JRuzzy said:

Would you commission this from someone?


Well, I guess that depends on a combination of charging rate and skill level. I'll admit I'm a chronic DIY-er myself, so someone has to either be offering a good deal or seriously impress me to overcome my "I wanna try to make it even if I don't ever get around it!" gut reaction. ^^;

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Personally, I think long skirts are underserved. Most Volks DD skirts are ecchi mini length...

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Big old English dresses. Kind of like the styles that DollHeart make.


I look mainly for quality of material and high skill level. It's really hard to find clothes like that here so I normally have to import from Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea.

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Pants and shorts! There are a lot of SD13 pants/shorts but not all of them fit perfectly on the DD body, especially for dynamite girls. And when you do find them they're crazy expensive, so I think there's a market for reasonably priced, well-made DD pants of all kinds.

DD Family: Mari, Saber Lily, Marisa, Soniko, Noumi, Kirino, Kuroneko, Sakura (DD Sakuno), Aerie, Akira, Kiki, Koko, Rose (DDS Mariko), Kureha, Ryoko, Lucy, Haruka, Rise, Extra & Alter!

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aside from cosplay of specific characters... I'd say a good length skirt!

Volks seems to make 'em either super short or super long... Is it too much to want a nice knee-length skirt for my girl!?

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There seems to be a lot of skirt lovers out there! I like the idea of good skirts for DDs too,

Maxi (floor length) would be nice and also playing around with other lengths.


Thanks for all the replies, it's a really interesting discussion!

"In a small, small world where my hands are HUGE!!"

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Singer Yuna

Personally I'm always late in buying but I would love more patchwork clothes. I also agree with the steampunk clothing ^^ and I would add tons of Alice clothings...I never get tired of Alice dresses, from the classics to the Alice Madness Returns.


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I'm interested in occupational clothing other than the usual student, nurse, teacher type ones. Think of all the stories we can make about our daughters if they had different occupations like ballerina or scientist or ninja or high priestess, or what have you. xD

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I agree that some DD-specific non-staining pants and shorts would be nice! Like Chun's shorts, only perhaps less popular so I can acquire some ^_^;


Also some fantasy/medieval clothes, and Steampunkish things as well. And corsets! Really could use a nice one for Shapely DDY

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  Nekopon said:
I'm interested in occupational clothing other than the usual student, nurse, teacher type ones. Think of all the stories we can make about our daughters if they had different occupations like ballerina or scientist or ninja or high priestess, or what have you. xD


I like the idea of uniform dress, that could be fun!


  jadepixel said:
I agree that some DD-specific non-staining pants and shorts would be nice! Like Chun's shorts, only perhaps less popular so I can acquire some ^_^;


Also some fantasy/medieval clothes, and Steampunkish things as well. And corsets! Really could use a nice one for Shapely DDY


ooh i love shorts on my girls! so cute.

A lot of people like steampunk! the only problem is detailing could mean the outfit is expensive!

"In a small, small world where my hands are HUGE!!"

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Another vote for Steampunk, especially if guy clothing was included in this. Also more Early Victorian (Charles bleepens) and Edwardian clothing in MDD size. Also anything that Barbie wore in the 80s. Seriously, she had some to-die-for clothing! To easily get what I'm talking about just search for 1980s Barbie on Flickr and you'll get more outfits than you know what to do with. For me at least, she was the epitome of 80s fashion a lot of the times (I was in grade school then) but I think a DD would look great in 80s workout outfits:



0484_03 by spandex 2000, on Flickr



da-multigroupx04-p by spandex 2000, on Flickr


I would have to pass on something like this though:



1981 Golden Dream Barbie by My lovely Barbie, on Flickr


So...much...gold... burns my eyes out!


For me I'd personally commission more complex stuff because I do plenty of sewing already (for the last 20+ years). What I slightly wonder is if you would concider comissioning patterns but not a full garment, and if so what would the low and high price ranges be? (I assume the more complex it would be the higher the cost.) There is a ton of clothing I'd love to make but I'm horribly slow at drafting patterns and sometimes even just trying to figure out how to draft the flat pieces in the correct shapes to get it to look right on the finished garment twists my brain inside out. Everything I know has pretty much been trial and error except for some of the stuff I've learned from a pattern drafting book I have for normal sized clothes.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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i think they need more sandals, in different colors like red, black, brown, pink, blue, etc etc.

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I think that there could be more Lolita stuff, I know there is but I mean more variety, more skirts, dresses, short yukatas, coats and mini versions of real lolita dresses, that would be funny^^


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What's missing from the market is a commissionable seamstress who can produce Volks-quality clothing, including embroidery at 1/3 scale, when given 2D or 3D renders of an outfit.


For high quality faceups built to spec, you go to Hikaru. For clothes you go to...uh.......


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  SakuraSylph said:
What's missing from the market is a commissionable seamstress who can produce Volks-quality clothing, including embroidery at 1/3 scale, when given 2D or 3D renders of an outfit.


For high quality faceups built to spec, you go to Hikaru. For clothes you go to...uh.......

...Kuraikawai and Ausra! But especially Kurai, since she worked only on DDs following all the DD styled fashions.

Sadly she's only one, so... mmm...

df64a03a777dc9f9a060ef6b286773b3-1.gif    ✩ 𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓶 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔁 ✩

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I found this thread very interesting. Some of the responses were expected but I must admit I am slightly surprised but pleased for the calls for steampunk stuff. I never would of thought to put these girls in steampunk. Although my friend put her girl in a dollheart steampunk outfit and she looked amazing so I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. Lol

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I have just acquired my first dollfie dream and am rampantly shopping to outfit her. I am noticing a complete lack of casual clothing that will fit well/is well made/is not at Volks prices. I also would like pants/shorts/skirts that fit their tiny waist and hefty booty that are well made and not at Volks prices or impossible to get. Just a noobs point of view for what that's worth.

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Well-fitted pants and blouses for DDdy! I want to be able to mix and match! I want some casual looks!

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  dramadollie said:
I have just acquired my first dollfie dream and am rampantly shopping to outfit her. I am noticing a complete lack of casual clothing that will fit well/is well made/is not at Volks prices. I also would like pants/shorts/skirts that fit their tiny waist and hefty booty that are well made and not at Volks prices or impossible to get. Just a noobs point of view for what that's worth.

Where have you been looking? I don't have much experience buying doll clothes, but I do know lots of BJD shops have casual girls clothes at normal prices. Taking a peek at Nine9 Style, I see t-shirts, jeans, shorts, hoodies, etc http://www.nine9style.net/shop/step0.php?b_code=B20110124051406&c_code=C20110713124448

I'm sure there's something out there!

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