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VMF50 & Angel Philia Discussion Thread (nsfw, doll nudity)

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My picture post for today is Victoria, (a.k.a. Pink Drops 3, Kiara)




I bought this girl out of sheer curiosity. This is by far the wackiest VMF/AP sculpt to date. Soon after seeing her in person it was clear she exuded an undeniable "Jessica Rabbit" vibe. A generous splash of primary red later and Victoria was born.

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Hi. I'm really new on this site and forum, but I have VMF50 mako that I already re-faceup her face to be Belldandy with a help from my friend. I really want to post her picture here but, since my account was really new I can't do that, but really like her.

And nice to know fellow VMF50 owner here.. They're really beautiful..

(Sorry for my broken english)



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Welcome yokha, nice to meet you^^

I have Mako aswell she's a real cutie, I'd love to see the Belldandy

face up unique!!


A Mako has appeared at Mandarake if anyone loves the cute small



K-2, my curiosity also led me to adopt Kiara but I never bonded with

her, I've already let her head go but still have the rest if anyone

would like to purchase everything else just pm me;)


Your Kiara as Jessica rabbit looks adorable^^

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  TomoTomo said:
my curiosity also led me to adopt Kiara but I never bonded with

her, I've already let her head go but still have the rest

I think the Kiara body was aimed squarely at hentai collectors, as are some of the other head sculpts (Liza, Romina, etc.). The extreme fixed facial expressions and pre-posed (angled busts and torsos) body parts limit the visual range of these girls. It's almost like you need to find that one good pose and then leave her there. Not being able to "bond" with them is totally understandable.






  Yokha said:
Hi. I'm really new on this site and forum, but I have VMF50 mako that I already re-faceup her face to be Belldandy with a help from my friend. I really want to post her picture here but, since my account was really new I can't do that, but really like her.

And nice to know fellow VMF50 owner here.. They're really beautiful..

(Sorry for my broken english)

Your written English is very good, better than a lot of native English speakers I know. We can't wait to see your VMF version of Belldandy. Volks recently released a Belldandy but alas, she was resin not vinyl. I'm rather new here too, but not new to Obitsus/VMFs/APs. The time spent waiting to get those first 20 posts in was complete torture!

Keep on posting!

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We have been having miserable cloudy weather, so I can't get the pix I want. Hopefully the sun comes out today, as Lark's clothing came in and I want to take photos.


Also, Lark has the high heel feet and has been successfully standing in some rocking horse platform Mary Janes and hightop sneakers as well.



@leitan I expected her to be...big...but they still caught me off guard...ha! Thanks! Yes, I just got my next one, the Mako that TomoTomo mentioned on Mandarake, actually! She was up on ebay, and I just won her this morning. SO EXCITE!


@ZRO Not that I can afford her, but can I see what your Sonico looks like?

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  K-2 said:
The extreme fixed facial expressions and pre-posed (angled busts and torsos) body parts limit the visual range of these girls. It's almost like you need to find that one good pose and then leave her there.


Exactly! It's just like having a large figure except that you have semi-useless joints to distract from the aesthetics. Btw, I definitely see the Jessica in your Victoria.


@yohka. Welcome to the forums. Can't wait to see your Belldandy.


@scurvygrrrl. Grats on the Mako!

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Grats on the Mako!


Thanks kymaera! There's another Mako on eBay, but she's on an obitsu large bust, and I really like the small breasted Mako body. I like the Angel Philia/Vmf bodies more than the standard obitsu…(shhhhh! don't tell my 50cm obitsu that! )


I think it's the hips and thighs I like better, the curviness.

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  baldylox said:
Ooooooo! I really like the face for Nemu! She reminds me of a more happy or devious Yukino. The more anime styling of this girl is really great, I'm glad to see some designs like this coming from them.


Thanks for the update and pic of her! Now how do I get money for one..... how many kidneys do I need to live?






kidneys are highly overrated, anyway.

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  K-2 said:

The foot magnets don't work well through a lot of shoes.


yeah, i'm aware of that actually 'cos i've had one or two dolls fall over on magnet stands while in shoes, but never immediately (usually as a result of gravity over time VS the weakness of the magnets when filtered thru the shoes)


but on the other hand, if the shoes have wide / thick / weighty soles, i have found that sometimes a magnet stand is not even required, especially because VMF/obitsu are so good at holding poses on their own unless they are suffering from some kind of joint looseness.


  K-2 said:
Parabox sells the high heel feet. They actually had them before they appeared on VMFs.



GASP. i actually had NO IDEA that Obitsu were the designers of the HH feet - i had never seen them before except on VMFs, and therefore assumed they were a VMF/AP designed body part (especially because on the Japanese body chart, they call magnet feet "Obitsu" but HH are "High Heel", so this is of course misleading...)

i am definitely getting some for my Sayo then, and any future possible 'whitey' (that name always makes me laugh) tone dolls i may or may not acquire -cough-


  K-2 said:
The extreme fixed facial expressions and pre-posed (angled busts and torsos) body parts limit the visual range of these girls. It's almost like you need to find that one good pose and then leave her there.


i've heard a couple people espouse this viewpoint, and i do see where you are coming from with that for sure. i'm actually a fan of a lot of the extreme facial expressions and the C2 twisty torso (which i mention EVERY POST - sorry - i am just completely in love with it and probably won't shut up until i get one) but i always say, 'to each their own', and your point is definitely legitimate & shared by other people.


since i tend to do a lot of photomanipulation yet also take fairly fixed portraits of my dolls, it's not something that i think will bother me so much. Kiara's chest is too extreme for me and i had thought the same of Lena, but now you posted your Lena picture i would possibly reconsider hers.


by the way, i am really impressed with what you did with Kiara / Victoria... while it's a complete given that her whole purpose is to be an outrageous ero-doll, she actually makes a perfect Jessica Rabbit. i would never have thought of doing that and it's probably funnily enough the most tasteful and well-posed pic i've seen of Kiara to date.


  yokha said:
Hi. I'm really new on this site and forum, but I have VMF50 mako that I already re-faceup her face to be Belldandy with a help from my friend. I really want to post her picture here but, since my account was really new I can't do that, but really like her.

And nice to know fellow VMF50 owner here.. They're really beautiful..

(Sorry for my broken english)


hi yokha & welcome to the forum! it's really exciting every time a new person joins this thread as we get to see more VMF50 lovers and their dolls. i love looking at custom VMFs so very much look forward to when you can post pictures. once you have made enough text posts on this forum you should have the permission to do that. i think as K-2 said, you need to make about 20 posts.


do you have a blog or website with your pictures you can link to? (i am not sure if you are allowed to do this yet, but if you are, post the URL, or add it to your forum profile)


your English is really just fine though! where are you from & what language is your original language? we have a few people in this thread who probably speak more than one language, i think.


  TomoTomo said:
A Mako has appeared at Mandarake if anyone loves the cute small



no.. noo, you enabler!


i actually have come to like Mako a lot over time. i own Kana, who is her tan/twinnish version, and was extremely pleasantly surprised because i had bought Kana as an experiment expecting that i might not like her and could likely end up reselling her. well, as it turns out i like Kana a lot and definitely didn't want to do that after all, and Mako started to appeal to me as a result... but since the newer heads & bodies had been coming out i had put her out of my mind.


from my personal taste i overall prefer the more slender & flatchested bodies like Mako and Kana right now, but i do like the curvy big-boob bodies as well. however the only large bust i have been totally happy with so far is the C3 bust on my Romina, because it has what i feel is a more natural shape (ignoring the proportionate size!) than the C4 / C2 or G / E shapes (and that's just my own taste, i am not throwing shade at anyone who likes them otherwise, including Kiara's!)


so FWIW if anyone is ever selling a C3 bust in tan skin tone (or finds one? or wants to split a doll for one?) i would consider buying it to replace either my Nao or Shiho's chest or even for a future doll hybrid (i'd consider white tone maybe too then). i would also consider buying a flat chest in tan (C1 or F type) perhaps because i wouldn't mind it if my Nao had a flat chest either.


okay, so speaking of Mako.. looks like i'm not the only one huh? but first...


  scurvygrrrl said:
We have been having miserable cloudy weather, so I can't get the pix I want. Hopefully the sun comes out today, as Lark's clothing came in and I want to take photos.


what kind of camera do you have?


i have been working on improving my indoor / low light / bad weather photography and i managed to create a very simple 100% indoor setup that works very well at night or in any dark room or on a dark day. how well it might turn out may depend on your camera but if you would like i can possibly help you by giving you some tips, since we also had some very bad weather until lately and i often do not take my photos until the light has gone anyway at the moment.


i don't have an example to hand of how this setup looks with a VMF just yet, but i used it to produce this pic of my favorite BJD - 02/02/14 | 186/365 | Yoon Ji - C&C please? - so you can get an idea of how it might look. the photo on my flickr is heavily edited but at the bottom of the commentary there is a link to how the unedited/original photo looked using this setup. the photo was taken at night using 3 large bulbs, a black card backdrop, and a reflector that i made by covering a piece of cardboard in aluminum foil.


if anyone wants to ask me about it they can, i'd probably crosspost it to the photography section on this forum though since it can apply to all dolls. it is not a complicated setup at all. i just thought i might suggest it since it could help you stop being at the mercy of the weather for your photos! though i personally cannot wait for summer to happen for many reasons.


  scurvygrrrl said:
Also, Lark has the high heel feet and has been successfully standing in some rocking horse platform Mary Janes and hightop sneakers as well.


yep, going back to what i said to K-2 above, get the right shoes and the HH feet shouldn't impede balance half as much as they otherwise do.


  scurvygrrrl said:
I expected her to be...big...but they still caught me off guard...ha! Thanks! Yes, I just got my next one, Mako...


i thought for a moment you had bought the mandarake Mako, but she is still there, tempting me now. congratulations on winning her and i can't wait for her to arrive and see your pics! also... if the mandarake Mako disappears... no one better look at me like that -cough- so somebody else in here: please just buy her instead, so i can go back to thinking about AP dolls, haha.


  scurvygrrrl said:
I like the Angel Philia/Vmf bodies more than the standard obitsu…(shhhhh! don't tell my 50cm obitsu that! )

I think it's the hips and thighs I like better, the curviness.


i totally agree, even though it was actually the face sculpts that made me pay attention to them originally (i can blame Koba_2011 on flickr for that... check out his sets, they are really lovely - http://www.flickr.com/photos/koba_2011/sets/ - ) but the increased attention to detail, body blushing, and more refined various shapes of the bodies (esp the newer ones) has also made me love them more now.


i own an Azone50 doll who uses the default Obitsu body and while i think she is fantastic anyway and have no plans to get her a VMF body at the moment, i also feel like there's no comparison between the two when it comes to what i do like more.


so anyway - do you have any style or character plans for your incoming Mako yet?

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ooh, and double-posting because http://taitan-no.net/ finally has their Wonfes report pics up, including some fantastic pictures of the Arcadia booth featuring many AP dolls @ http://taitan-no.net/archives/2014/02/11/0259.php#extended


please go to the link above to see all the pics, because there are some very lovely ones. here's two worth looking at though - it seems like the tan skin version of Nemu is going to be called "Meru" -




and it looks like there may soon be a tan skin Misa called "Chica" -





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@leitan I don't know if Mandarake has (or had) 2 Mako then, but the one I bought was from emandarake, which appears to be the Mandarake ebay Shop. So, now I'm curious.


Also, to answer the camera question... I use my cell phone. I have a camera, but always get better results from the dang phone.


No plans for her yet... Trying to come up with a wig that'll make me happy.

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OMG Tan skin Misa! Gorgeous! DO WANT!!!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  leitan said:
GASP. i actually had NO IDEA that Obitsu were the designers of the HH feet

I tend to think they were designed (or commissioned) originally by Parabox since the first set I bought from Parabox came in plain packaging, not the familiar orange Obitsu packaging.


  leitan said:
i've heard a couple people espouse this viewpoint, and i do see where you are coming from with that for sure. i'm actually a fan of a lot of the extreme facial expressions and the C2 twisty torso (which i mention EVERY POST - sorry - i am just completely in love with it and probably won't shut up until i get one) but i always say, 'to each their own', and your point is definitely legitimate & shared by other people.

I think the extreme expressions are fun and I applaud AP for taking the chance with them. It's just for me the extreme expressions aren't much use for the story telling I do with my girls.



  leitan said:
yep, going back to what i said to K-2 above, get the right shoes and the HH feet shouldn't impede balance half as much as they otherwise do.

Yep! With shoes that fit well you don't need the magnets or plates.


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Wow you guys are so kind to new comer, "like it"

@kyameira thanks for the welcoming and can't wait to share her here, and post enough to get the permission to post a link and picture,


@leitan thanks for the warm welcoming too, anyway I don't have any blog or website, but I have myfigurecollection account, and already post belldandy(mako) photos there, if you are interested to see her, just search my account with the same name like this account, and oh I'm from Bali, indonesia, and I speak Bahasa, and a lil bit english, anyway thanks again for the welcoming..


(Sorry again for my broken english)

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@tomotomo thank you for the warm welcoming. Can't wait to share her here..

@K-2 wah thank you, I'm still learning to improve my english. Thanks for the warm welcoming..

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  leitan said:


and it looks like there may soon be a tan skin Misa called "Chica" -




Wow i really love misa head sculpt and planning to get her, but already have 2 body, vmf50 Mako body and obitsu 50 body and currently belldandy use obitsu 50 body, so i guess i just need misa head only, but i found it was a really hard to find, if someone sell her head i want it. hhe

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  yokha said:
Wow i really love misa head sculpt and planning to get her, but already have 2 body, vmf50 Mako body and obitsu 50 body and currently belldandy use obitsu 50 body, so i guess i just need misa head only, but i found it was a really hard to find, if someone sell her head i want it. hhe

VMF/AP heads by themselves don't seem to appear on the marketplace very often. If you really, really want a Misa head you could buy the whole doll, remove the head, and then resell the body to recoup some of the cost.


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@K-2 yeah the head only was really hard to find, on yaj! or manda just can find the full dolls available, i'm afraid if i go for the full set, i cant sell the body only later, cos i feel in love with the body later and decided to keep it they are too beautiful.



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  kymaera said:
Here's a direct link to yokha's Belldandy:


She turned out quite nice. I wouldn't have thought that Mako looked anything like her, but she does. (And the wig is perfect as well)

Aww thank you for linked my mako(belldandy here) really appreciate it. Yes she is mako. Hhe

Thanks again..



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  yokha said:
@K-2 yeah the head only was really hard to find, on yaj! or manda just can find the full dolls available, i'm afraid if i go for the full set, i cant sell the body only later, cos i feel in love with the body later and decided to keep it they are too beautiful.

I fully understand. I've bought several VMF/APs just for the head sculpt with no intention of selling the body even if I have one of that body style already.


Also, your Belldandy is astonishing! She is just so perfect, even prettier than the new Volks version.


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  K-2 said:

I fully understand. I've bought several VMF/APs just for the head sculpt with no intention of selling the body even if I have one of that body style already.


Also, your Belldandy is astonishing! She is just so perfect, even prettier than the new Volks version.


That's what I'm talking about, the body it self have their own charm so its really hard to sell it.

Wah thank you, I commissioned her to Sorenka artwork, she really talented and you can search her work on her facebook page or blog, anyway I'm still searching for someone who can make her blue dress parts, eventho on yaj there a lot auction for the belldandy Volks dress, but the size must be too big for VMF body, I already commissioned the white dress part to my friend and its come out quite good, but she still doesn't know if she can make the blue part, cos there's a lot detail on it.


(Sorry for my long rambling with my broken english )

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@Yokha Mako looks wonderful as Belldandy!! Also, I'm late to this, but welcome to the forum!


Finally, we had decent weather, so I took Lark outside for dress up time!



valentine's day by Scurvygrrrl, on Flickr



Untitled by Scurvygrrrl, on Flickr


I don't care what doll you put in the bear outfit...it bumps the cute level up to the nth degree!




Untitled by Scurvygrrrl, on Flickr

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This is from 2011, but with the weather we've been having it seems appropriate.


























News Anchor Diamond- Obitsu 55cm w/ DD2 large bust

Meteorologist Hyacinth- VMF50 Type B

Weather Kitties Anna Marie and Miyuki- VMF50 Type B and Obitsu 50cm large bust

Roving Reporter Hyatt- VMF50 Type E (tan)

Attack Kitty Pinky- Obitsu/MDD Hybrid

Co-Anchor Sapphire- VMF50 Type D

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Nyah! K2s kittiehs! Go Pinky and yay Hyatt!

~ Misheru...the *M* in H&M House of Vinyl ~ ℒℴѵℯ❤

( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒) ˚₊✩‧ All your dolliehs are belong to us! ✩‧₊˚ ( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒)

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