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VMF50 & Angel Philia Discussion Thread (nsfw, doll nudity)

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I was wondering if anyone could tell me 2 things about this picture.




What is the head sculpt? And where could I find a wig like that?



Also does anyone have recommendations for US based (and/or fast shipping) places that sell eyes for angel philia? I got some 16mm eyes and they are too big it looks like i need some 14mm acrylic and I would prefer them in an anime style but all I can seem to find are "real looking" eyes.

My doll clothes & accessories shop - http://www.dolldelights.com

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I got my Sayoko today! I definitely love the body! Poses wonderfully, and I love her thighs!


I have a question though....how do I get her head off?

I want to make her a wig and replace her eyes.



I ordered mine from junkyspot, they don't have a vast selection, but they do have anime styled eyes in much smaller sizes.

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

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  Drizz57 said:

What is the head sculpt? And where could I find a wig like that?

Corvus is correct, it's the Type H, which first appears on the Yamato Original Concept Image Girl #7 Miho, first produced in August 2011.

The Type H also appears on:

Original Concept Image Girl #9 Shiho

Original Concept Image Girl #11 Mako

Original Concept Image Girl #12 Kana

Original Concept Image Girl #13 Miko

Pink Drops #23 Miho

and as mentioned by Corvus Pink Drops #25 Kokoa.


The wig looks similar to one sold by Yamato's girl*holic for the original VMF50s.



(The whole story is here: http://dolliehsanctuary.com/sanctuary/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4689)


I think at the time Yamato was sourcing the wigs for their models from Dollce and Mandarake.



I can't say for certain who the manufacturer was as I cut the tag out long ago.


Also does anyone have recommendations for US based (and/or fast shipping) places that sell eyes for angel philia? I got some 16mm eyes and they are too big it looks like i need some 14mm acrylic and I would prefer them in an anime style but all I can seem to find are "real looking" eyes.

I like Safrindoll Eyes.


I used to buy the Safrindoll brand but I haven't bought any since they switched from acrylic to urethane resin this past fall. Just haven't needed any yet, though they do look pretty.

Edited by Guest


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  Amara77 said:
I got my Sayoko today! I definitely love the body! Poses wonderfully, and I love her thighs!


Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!


I have a question though....how do I get her head off?

Yes, another tutorial from my "Pulling Your Doll Apart" series.


And while you're in there, check to make sure the neck piece is seated on the head vinyl like the one on the left with that collar clamping down on top of the vinyl, not just jammed up between the sides.



I believe I read on this thread AP girls have 6.3 cm feet.

This might be the high heel feet if measured along the arch on the sole of the foot but at the moment I can't confirm that.



If you measure the AP high heel feet following the contour of the sole they are about 6.3cm. If you measure straight from heel to toe "as the crow flies" the high heel feet are 6cm.


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One of my girls,Megatron(yeah thats her name), she is DDH01 on a angel philia / pink drops body.Her body is RAP Pink Drops #22 ERINA's body(Torso/Type-H, Thigh/Type-H, Shin/Type-C) but with a type F breasts part.


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F-15alice, that Fendi backpack is just amazing, omg. Megatron has great taste(and an awesome name)! I'd love to get my girls luxury bags too but I'd end up getting one for myself instead lol

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  K-2 said:
  Drizz57 said:

What is the head sculpt? And where could I find a wig like that?

Corvus is correct, it's the Type H, which first appears on the Yamato Original Concept Image Girl #7 Miho, first produced in August 2011.

The Type H also appears on:

Original Concept Image Girl #9 Shiho

Original Concept Image Girl #11 Mako

Original Concept Image Girl #12 Kana

Original Concept Image Girl #13 Miko

Pink Drops #23 Miho

and as mentioned by Corvus Pink Drops #25 Kokoa.


The wig looks similar to one sold by Yamato's girl*holic for the original VMF50s.



(The whole story is here: https://denofangels.com/posts/8636827/)


I think at the time Yamato was sourcing the wigs for their models from Dollce and Mandarake.



I can't say for certain who the manufacturer was as I cut the tag out long ago.


Also does anyone have recommendations for US based (and/or fast shipping) places that sell eyes for angel philia? I got some 16mm eyes and they are too big it looks like i need some 14mm acrylic and I would prefer them in an anime style but all I can seem to find are "real looking" eyes.

I like Safrindoll Eyes.


I used to buy the Safrindoll brand but I haven't bought any since they switched from acrylic to urethane resin this past fall. Just haven't needed any yet, though they do look pretty.


I know I can always count on a detailed response from you! Haha.


Great info, so I was right it is the same as my Mako but I like her faceup better. I love my mako but something just feels off about her face to me, she looks a little too sad for my liking, i think I just need to have a faceup done on her.


I accidentally ordered glass eyes off ebay not realizing how the front of them kind of pops out and i really didnt like the look of them, also they were 16mm and barely fit into the sockets. I assume if I order new eyes I should get 14mm? I really like the eyes on that site btw thanks for the link!


As far as wig shopping yeah I think im going to order from Mandarake =)

My doll clothes & accessories shop - http://www.dolldelights.com

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  Drizz57 said:
Great info, so I was right it is the same as my Mako but I like her faceup better. I love my mako but something just feels off about her face to me, she looks a little too sad for my liking, i think I just need to have a faceup done on her.

A different face-up and hair can really make a big difference. The two girls (Anna Marie and Hyacinth) in the story I linked to above have the same head, but you can hardly tell.


By the way, in my original post I changed the link to the story. The DoA link wasn't working (no surprise there).


I accidentally ordered glass eyes off ebay not realizing how the front of them kind of pops out and i really didnt like the look of them, also they were 16mm and barely fit into the sockets. I assume if I order new eyes I should get 14mm?

The eye size listed for the Type H head is 16mm. The eye pockets are tight so you don't need putty or glue to hold the eyes securely in place. However if they are too tight you can make a little slit or two in the side of the eye pocket. You may need a bit of eye putty if you do this, but it can make eye insertion so much easier.


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  K-2 said:
And while you're in there, check to make sure the neck piece is seated on the head vinyl like the one on the left with that collar clamping down on top of the vinyl, not just jammed up between the sides.



Has the neck collar on the left been modified? Or is it a factory item available somewhere? How well does this version work compared to the one on the right? And if it's modified, how was it done? Sandpaper?


  yokha said:
eri new pajamas[snip]


She's as gorgeous as always!

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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Same neck collar on both heads. The one on the right isn't fully seated.

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  Fluffy Tank Fairy said:
Has the neck collar on the left been modified? Or is it a factory item available somewhere?

These are the "new" neck pieces used by Obitsu. It was a new design back when the 50cm body was introduced many years ago. The difference between the two is the taller one on the left is for the larger 55/60cm bodies, whereas the one on the right is shorter, made for the 40cm through 50cm bodies. The length of the body of the neck piece is the only real difference. They are even both the same diameter. The two shown in that picture were both made very early on and I think Obitsu was still experimenting with the design, hence the different shapes of the top caps, but they are both unmodified.


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I had a dream...


A C4 dream...




Hey Tommy, are ya listening? G2 and G3.


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Wow, those are impressive!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:
Wow, those are impressive!

That's what you get when you reverse and repeat each side of the C4 "Up and Down" bust in the computer. We'll see what the real world experiment yields.


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  K-2 said:
That's what you get when you reverse and repeat each side of the C4 "Up and Down" bust in the computer. We'll see what the real world experiment yields.


Ohhhh, I had no idea. So it sounds like you might be trying to make these happen for real? I'm definitely interested in how that will work out and also with the process itself. Make sure to dobleepent it for us!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:
Ohhhh, I had no idea. So it sounds like you might be trying to make these happen for real? I'm definitely interested in how that will work out and also with the process itself. Make sure to dobleepent it for us!


Don't hold your breath waiting for the step by step tutorial, this one isn't for the faint of heart.




This experiment was a long time in the process. A lot of time was spent examining Victoria's C4 to weigh the feasibility. Next two C4s had to be sourced. Fortunately they are still available from RAP at list price.


First thing is the symmetry of each breast is not perfect. Trying to figure out where to cut was not easy. Then trying to place it on the opposite side was tricky because obviously the opening left by the removed breast isn't the same as the one replacing it.


After some staring and repositioning, each breast was tacked in with E6000. There are significant openings that will need to be filled. Once the E6000 has cured completely I'll try and fill the openings with Dap Dynaflex 230. It's paintable, flexible, and it comes in the color almond, not far from normal white skin.


The two bodies are (L-R) the AP 48cm Type H and the 50cm AZ02. I chose two of the "hippiest" bodies to offset the ridiculous top ends.


Poor Walnut doesn't look convinced.


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just loses my chance to own chica but its okay since i only can pay it with layaway hha, now hunt for misaki, hopefully i can find her with a good price,

now another eri time

32582519135_c243664d91_c.jpg2017-01-29_03-20-18 by Yokha, on Flickr

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  Amara77 said:
Here are a couple crappy phone pics of Sayoko!

The only crappy thing I see is that there are only two pictures.


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Ok here's another then.

I had to change her eyes, her default are too dark especially with such closed eyes it's hard to get light to reflect off them. I think I'll buy her another pair.

I managed to squeeze 16mm eyes in there.

I kind of like that the eyes kind of just pop in there no fuss with putty, but it's difficult to adjust them properly once they are in.

I did take some photos with my actual camera, but if I keep playing with her I don't know if I'll be able to sell her

She's so cute, but if I kept her I would re-paint her I think.

I'm dying to make her some pants too but I just don't have time -_-


31776642854_ff75cdc949_c.jpgMore cute Sayoko by Amara77, on Flickr

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

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  Amara77 said:
I had to change her eyes, her default are too dark especially with such closed eyes it's hard to get light to reflect off them. I think I'll buy her another pair.

The painted on highlights on some of their eyes are so large they conflict with real light reflections and the sclera, making it hard to tell where they are looking. This is especially true of the girls with narrow eye slits, like yours.

Now that Safrindoll is up and running again, I'm thinking of replacing some of the stock AP eyes.



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