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VMF50 & Angel Philia Discussion Thread (nsfw, doll nudity)

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Yokha, your English is fine; probably better than you think. So glad you got your Miko back from toy box purgatory. Her new faceup looks great.


Why not just reuse the skeleton and buy her some new outer parts? It might be cheaper, and you'd have the ability customize her figure to your liking. Could be a fun project.

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  yokha said:
my miko finally back to me, so happy, re-done her face up cos its got ruined when i take her back last week and shes missing some her body parts and the rest of her body got stained and yellowed pretty bad, the face is done and now i need a new body for her. but so happy i finally found her again.

Miko is beautiful! At least she wasn't stolen by someone unknown to you! You must have been so worried!


  Corvus said:
Damn. A pic of a semi-topless BJD violates Photobucket's terms? Screw that. Time to find a new image hosting site.

I made my Photobucket albums private. I haven't had any problems. Good luck!


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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Thanks, Linda. My Photobucket folders are private, and come to think of it, I've uploaded several similarly scantily clad AP gurlz in the past with nary a squawk from PB. Hopefully, that last one was just a fluke.

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Wow! That is a terrible thing that happened to you!

I am so glad that you finally have her back though.

I guess the bright side is that you got her back, most people would never see her again!


I don't usually tell people how much the dolls are either, so I guess I can see how she wouldn't suspect the price. I think what is surprising is the doll itself being for a child. How big was this gals bust?


Either way she's looking beautiful, and I hope you can eventually have her completely re-stored

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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  Corvus said:
Thanks, Linda. My Photobucket folders are private, and come to think of it, I've uploaded several similarly scantily clad AP gurlz in the past with nary a squawk from PB. Hopefully, that last one was just a fluke.


Photobucket is still a thing?


Throw all your pics on Flickr man, they allow anything completely uncensored.

My doll clothes & accessories shop - http://www.dolldelights.com

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  Amara77 said:


Yeah i'm really happy she comeback to me,

Lol yeah she told my aunt the doll was for her, not for her daughter, but i think later she giving it to my nephew as a toy lol, and its miko, shes on C2 bust lol..

Thank you im still kinda unsatisfied with her final result, and i finished the face up less than a hour cos im really impatent to restore her again and since i cant make a fine line for her eyeliner and eyelashes its looks kinda messy when up close, need to redone it when i have some time,

Hopefully i can get her a new body soon..

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Nice job, Amara. She looks super cute in that outfit.

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  Amara77 said:
I made a pretty spring outfit for Sayoko!


33873725831_1b1725874d_n.jpgUntitled by Amara77, on Flickr

Like it! Love the cute top, Off shoulder style are my girls style as well,

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  yokha said:
Vmf50 Risa (closed eye hole) was released in both skin color, tan and whitey , along with ami, yumi but all had closed eye hole, the recent use of this sculpt was in angel philia Meru, shes on tan skin ( sorry for my broken english)
Ami had open-eyes, But I didn't know that Risa also used the same head. It looks so different with open-eye holes. . . Very Interesting, I'll need to update my database for this.

Ebuki(SWS DDdy DDH7)

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At long last, it's... New Gurl Day! Just a few days short of Five. Whole. Months since I pre-ordered Pink Drops #26 Marika/Makika, she finally arrived in Los Angeles looking a bit jet lagged but happy (or is that orgasmic? Hard to tell with that akubi face of hers). The seller informed me that all AP girls since Misaki are leaving the Obitsu factory at least a month late.


Maki's first words: "Hey buddy, my eyes are up here."


I love her! The way the soft skin parts flow together gives her figure an oily voluptuousness that the standard parts can't match, but handling them takes some getting used to. Her thighs in particular are so paper-thin that you could deform them with a feather. I'll probably follow K2's lead and stuff the torso and thighs eventually, but right now we're just getting acquainted, so no rough stuff.


Maki's G bust is the first of its kind in soft skin. It isn't nearly as squishy as her thighs or lower torso, but it's soft enough that it should produce some most excellent cleavage in the right top.


I guess I glossed over it in the specs, so I was surprised to see that they gave her flat, but nonmagnetic, feet. This seems to be a new trend, as most of the upcoming AP girls have them, as well. I have a spare set of high heel feets on hand, but I'll leave her as is for now.


Little Marina joined the tableau to show off her brand new C2 twist torso. She's been mooching for one for quite a while, so she's a happy camper. Speaking of which, I couldn't have swapped that torso without K2's invaluable tutorial. The disassembly and reassembly was a piece of cake, right up to re-seating the legs on the hip joint, but a little judicious hole trimming finally did the trick. How they manage to do that at the factory with the existing hip joint holes remains one of life's great mysteries. Thanks, K2!


34150738172_c0b73a675d_c.jpgMarina and Makika by Corvus, on Flickr

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Corvus congrats! She's absolutely gorgeous!!

The new vinyl I think would drive me nuts though. What do you think of it?

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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Nyx Whitestar

Corvus, they are gorgeous!!


  Drizz57 said:

Throw all your pics on Flickr man, they allow anything completely uncensored.


Be careful, actually you have to moderate yourself your own photos with safety levels :

Safe - Content suitable for a global, public audience.

Moderate - Content not suitable for all audiences (like bare breasts and bottoms).

Restricted - Content that shouldn't be seen by kids (like full frontal nudity).




Someone report me once, back then I was not aware of safety levels. All my Flickr went private until I moderate ALL my photos...

I think it's a really good thing, because in your profile you can tell if you want to see moderate and restricted content But what drives me mad are Flickr groups for doll nudity not accepting moderate and restricted content xD


Here are 2 new pics of my girls (They multiply inexplicably )


The gang by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr


And my lovely Misa, the latest girl at home:


by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr

ig-log10.png ap10.png

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All of your girls are so beautiful, Nyx Whitestar! Misa is so adorable~


I have a question about the type L arms since they've been on the quarantotto site for a while.. For anyone who has them, do they look significantly thicker than the regular Obitsu arms in person?? I'm always up for swapping parts to make Elia even thicker/curvier, but I'm not sure if it's noticeable enough to justify buying it. I certainly wouldn't be able to tell that the arms on Type G girls were different if I didn't know beforehand..

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Thanks, guys.


  Amara77 said:
Corvus congrats! She's absolutely gorgeous!!

The new vinyl I think would drive me nuts though. What do you think of it?


I was hesitant, too, but I'm glad I took the plunge. I love the fleshy aesthetic of the soft skin, but it can limit your clothing options. Tight skirts and leggings tend to deform the squishy thigh parts, though that can be mitigated with some stuffing, and in general, clothing doesn't slide easily over the slightly rubbery soft parts like it does with the slicker standard parts. The soft G bust, er...interacts nicely with her arms, hands, or a tight top, so that's a nice pair of pluses. I tend to leave my girls scantily clad, anyway, so the soft, fleshy appearance of the body is well worth dealing with the occasional odd wrinkle.


@Nyx - your Misa is absolutely adorable. I follow your posts on several boards and I really like your style. Misa's hair and eyes are so 'you.'


I've been cycling through all of my wigs to see how they click with the new girl, but for some reason, I saved the one that I actually bought specifically for Maki for last. She's very light on blushing compared to Marina, and the pale pink/blonde wig is almost the same color as her skin. Whether that's too much a good thing remains to be seen.


34242324441_0a46877af2_z.jpgMaki navy bikini by Corvus, on Flickr

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Nyx Whitestar
  Corvus said:

@Nyx - your Misa is absolutely adorable. I follow your posts on several boards and I really like your style. Misa's hair and eyes are so 'you.'

Thank you so much! (๑≧ .̫ ≦๑)♡



  Corvus said:
She's very light on blushing compared to Marina, and the pale pink/blonde wig is almost the same color as her skin. Whether that's too much a good thing remains to be seen.

I agree, the wig is a little bit too pale for Mika, but she is cute with it anyway! I think this kind of wig color suits the tan skin better (you know what to do... buy a tan girl! )

ig-log10.png ap10.png

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Thanks, Nyx. I have a tan girl (Ran) and she does look nice with that wig. There's a pic of her wearing it on page 121.


Another benefit that I've recently noticed about the soft skin is its much improved neck and shoulder flexibility. Maybe it's just me, but I've generally ignored the Obitsu skeleton's ability to raise and lower its shoulders due to the stiffness of the surrounding vinyl. The soft skin allows you to fully exploit this 'hidden' feature. The soft neck bends and twists easily into natural looking curves, which is a nice improvement over the standard skin where the head tends to tilt and swivel on the neck like it's perched on a rigid post.

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  Nyx Whitestar said:
Corvus, they are gorgeous!!



Here are 2 new pics of my girls (They multiply inexplicably )


The gang by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr


And my lovely Misa, the latest girl at home:


by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr


Your girls are super beautiful! This kind of pictures made me want to get one >_<

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Nyx Whitestar

Corvus: ahahah great!

Nikn: thank you so much!

ig-log10.png ap10.png

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  yokha said:
Belldandy will always warms your heart hahah

29826888424_56e19b6b47_c.jpgBelldandy by Yokha, on Flickr



She looks SO beautiful in this picture I love dolls with face paints

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@Yokha - I dunno what to say other than Oh My Goddess!

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