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VMF50 & Angel Philia Discussion Thread (nsfw, doll nudity)

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@Testament - Eri's clip is 2.4cm; a little too large IMO. I think 2cm should be fine.

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I understand I get nervous about doing irreversible things as well. After you bite the bullet it's not so bad, you kind of forget about it mostly lol. It's just getting over the initial fear it and doing it....Not that I don't feel that way each time I have to do something new lol.


I didn't need to clip the eye sockets in my case. Getting the eyes out is easier than getting them in IMO.

You just have to push them out with something. I used a pencil. Now putting them in so they are facing the right way and the eyes match up? That was a much more difficult task >_<

I did manage it eventually though.

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

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I can only imagine the struggle to align eyes XD.


The only concern about popping them out of their pockets is in the case the pencil slips and ruin the eye make-up. Extra care needed.

And depending on how much open are the eyes, it can be a really different task.

Eri has wide open eyes, but many others dolls, like mine, have almost closed eyes. I'll try someday.


My perplexity for the absence of an internal mechanism for easy eyes posing still remain...


For now anyway, after 2 photo sessions, I can say that, unlike I've expected, I found myself ok without posing the eyes (that infact are almost not visible), so it's a good thing. The task will be postponed when I'll buy her some demonic eyes... but I must find a pair of good horns before. And find a way to attach them without drilling holes in her skull...


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  Testament said:
The only concern about popping them out of their pockets is in the case the pencil slips and ruin the eye make-up. Extra care needed.

Use the eraser end and just go easy.


but I must find a pair of good horns before. And find a way to attach them without drilling holes in her skull...

I have a tutorial for attaching cat ears, but the method has worked for other things like horns.



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Magnets are our friends!


I love your tutorials, you really are a Professor in this field. Thank you.


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Yes ask professor K-2!

magnets, can be used easily for most things!


Ya I just used the eraser end it wasn't a problem. I did it on my Chica and Sayoko who has more closed eyes, no problems. I suppose you could try a q-tip also if they aren't in there too tightly.


I have this thing where I can NOT stand bland eyes. The eyes make ALL the difference (to me) with whether or not I like the doll.


I also like to change the eye position. It gets tricky though to make sure the picture looks right instead of the doll looking like it has oddly cross-eyed. I also get annoyed when I can't match them up. This happens with my DD and resin dolls as well, with wide open eyes. It's worth it though, in the end, to change/move them. It adds a lot of character I think. AP are particularly hard to experiment with (obviously) so I just don't do it all the time.


I still haven't tried the Volks eye changer so maybe someday. Would be nice if they did something with the AP girls as well, but I doubt it especially with how they are constructed.

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

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Uh? What is this "Volks eye changer"?


What is this sorcery? ? XD


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Edited by ParacosmDoll

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Ya the dream fitter was all I was referring too...so not all that magical but easier for sure.


Here's my Chika. I just finished making some of these wigs for sale so I have a few of her up on my Flickr.


45479065624_b0754ddecb_m.jpgSerena by Amara77, on Flickr


32331096988_ee5eddda0a_m.jpgUntitled by Amara77, on Flickr

31238425237_8c491a6ee4_m.jpgNew 6/7 wigs by Amara77, on Flickr

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

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Very beautiful shots (and wigs).


I'll post my photos when the message count will reach the quota...



Dream fitter... I've done a similar thing with another head, but this seems much better executed.


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Great pics, Amara. I absolutely love that middle pic.


Here's little Marina showing off her faux-leather harness-suit.



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Edited by ParacosmDoll

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  Corvus said:
Great pics, Amara. I absolutely love that middle pic.


Here's little Marina showing off her faux-leather harness-suit.


Wow, I wish I could find something similar, she's awesome in this harness.


PS: wow, I can't even QUOTE image XD... obviously.


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  Testament said:
Wow, I wish I could find something similar, she's awesome in this harness.


Thanks. You can get the harness here, but all they currently have in stock is the black version, which looks great, but I'm a little hesitant to go with black due to potential staining issues: http://otackie.ocnk.net/product-list/4

If anyone goes with the black, please let us know how it works out!


I have a pretty good selection of TcDoll 60cm clothing intended for Smart Doll and DD, and as long as you avoid stockings, leggings, and pants, etc., they fit all of my various AP girls like they were made for them. That harness is very stretchy and highly adjustable, so it easily fits C and H torsos, and C2, C3, E and G busts.


The quality of their clothing is topnotch and items shipping from Japan often arrive in the US within a week or so. The hot items sell out quickly, so if you see something you like, don't hesitate.


Here's another 60cm TcDoll outfit on Ran (H torso, C2 bust). The fit is just about perfect but it's a real stretch with a G bust.



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Thank you for advice. I've visited this site before, but I've forgot about it, very beautiful dresses, I'll consider it in the future.


Almost everything I buy it's from mandarake... I've a ton of stuff to try on Marie I don't even know if they fit or not...


Black color staining is a real problem, white is definitely more safe for preventing staining.

I've washed everything, but you can't never be absolutely sure, so I dress Marie only for photo purpose and then nude again.


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Nyx Whitestar
  Majikaru-Rin said:

Can I request some photo spam of everyone's gorgeous Angel Philia girls? I don't have one myself (yet) but I'm thinking I'd really like to order Chiaki (even though I'm poor AF right now)


Chiaki is so gorgeous, I love her so much! Really good choice, her make-up is so sweet! Sadly I can't afford her now either

And for the spam request, here is my latest photo shoot, with my Angel Philia Lena tan and my Pink Drops Kotone (both Type-M sculpt), I hope you'll enjoy:


Ribbon Crisis by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr



Sakuya 咲夜 by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr



Akira 瑛 by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr

ig-log10.png ap10.png

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Wow, they're both wonderful in this setup.


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Edited by ParacosmDoll

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Majikaru-Rin I think this is because its perfectly round you don't have to match up shape, or eye highlights. Sometimes I still have difficulties though lol.



Corvus She looks lovely in that harness. I actually think I prefer the white on her. Black is too scary haha!



I always love me some beautiful Nyx pictures! I love those wands

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

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Oh, now I can post picture too!


NSFW ahead. I'll start with some photos I took for review purpose, so Marie (Pink Drops #39) is just out of the box, nude and bald.

I'll post few photos at a time, otherwise I'll finish engulfing this page XD


(click on photo for full resolution)


IgTEmx0u_Eb_ME581Rxjxvg0fwo0OFeDNSD1Cpc2l5H_7MzJNUsk6a68Z6TX-sEgxVX6-vAVhrcwdxyI6tR0IyAxtwaaxuf0st2PX_-Bkf9iNQBjqi9jI2O53eQC9oX8OyJ2RIk6EKl0oUh1zlY38dwOdaF-7tsVASGo0O38pVW4t8Bm0HoBf-iTjLioYjKu6xLB019OZHexo67xTCfv68rDr0uX_RQsYbeHDUYO61mAVAKSml7ujCbJECA00Re7Lo8nEVL501zpIanmolc21mKMlJyhNziB6NaTJ65U4tkruPgWgahu3C--7qT4FmYUOzt_CeWQnt_pvr2xwmWNDSnjnWYZk1mvylzsWm8x0imjQ4HLXeZKXQ_hMM7sZHipeqxlv6bvEtU6DDMswrh8lElJ7DlcPMUUafZsDIl3ovg0Qr7kCNv6NBJ8ZpjcsDHcw-wbb8UnTbJmpfUQGyhIWGkIkHQ5JTtzQlgHPbcOA3i-VbaNBU_kTgaiZfm4CYE49SBa7rTQ1bAChpPUAyS3Tzrs4nn6FfINDSFMHXIt0W54n5q05adSaN4Q24AEYByqsW7bSCREDHn6ebci-DnD2anZBoB3-0vnKcMGCT9o0ahL8_ZXmIOwgTJa6ZVKVoz8acGDHdhjZ6gd-jK6bkK9ZwQE=w470-h0-no mN-JoVI9qiTEoQoIaNpweNmVe2G0Js8hTKDnmXZplGvSaZIo0LajoutRoh6dAdHKOYBHiH5xjAvttQVkzPQeHS3D9qsS13txMm5B5xN6Q1NIk1dUNe9fthphIbFROOKhGu_RFH4kAH-SEgPRfVMzkKDhSQdf9dN1cuIfc2J73wx0BPUl_6OEz4EpaRbkUeoVtaoJUd6hN-OBJZ5XH04PGieuUqCfOv08ZV8ipAS7QFoDOvZ80zBKD6eg0A-EM5fVVTQos06zRc84RVNJCoPqBlxxSadJNxzJ4I_eONHD8xVQ_jiyGVdKFvWYkigR92CbSkTVpVXyad3wlvkJPBZ37Gn7QzTO05phcQCHtw3VsCF8EctIPH5DJIkXV1uP7bQ11M3gJfg0GaVlMntUAa3VhtNCcLW8eyzL6foZPvccekVyf9X2EElbiD22RglLa6T87avA2ZAJiaGCNPRd02zSfxYXBtZ-MfampHESb8zwgh9lWkb5-m49w9wrbNG95n6sq76p0N2vnP5KEFQiAj78VJWOEecDQiO3RYu3q4AVUz47hKbPWeC0xX4IJGcz5q7F_TagCnEXgiWXVb7aXRhK3RY85mdadnknAl_xoJUf_Z67OJu6cj1Py-xrCB3RLpbap8mmRxc_JTFDdXr9mxA7HvgX=w470-h0-no


What can I put on, C3 or H3 for tonight?




And H2...






Internal frame, just because...



Next time more conventional photos... more or less..


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Edited by ParacosmDoll

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Yup! It was me

I'll post more here!


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  Nyx Whitestar said:
  Majikaru-Rin said:

Can I request some photo spam of everyone's gorgeous Angel Philia girls? I don't have one myself (yet) but I'm thinking I'd really like to order Chiaki (even though I'm poor AF right now)


Chiaki is so gorgeous, I love her so much! Really good choice, her make-up is so sweet! Sadly I can't afford her now either

And for the spam request, here is my latest photo shoot, with my Angel Philia Lena tan and my Pink Drops Kotone (both Type-M sculpt), I hope you'll enjoy:


Ribbon Crisis by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr



Sakuya 咲夜 by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr



Akira 瑛 by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr


i'm in love with your dolls.

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