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VMF50 & Angel Philia Discussion Thread (nsfw, doll nudity)

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Nyx Whitestar

I think you have a Type G head with a custom face-up :) I'm not 100% sure but I think that Type G head (Mami, Nao, Nemu...) is Type D head (Risa, Yumi) with open eyes holes. I think they look very similar. The body could have been switched with another VMF50.

If it helps, I've listed on my blog all VMF50 and Angel Philia (I still need to add Pink Drops), here are Type G and Type D VMF50:

Type G https://innercollection.blogspot.com/search/label/Type G

Type D https://innercollection.blogspot.com/search/label/Type D


And Lena in white skin is... Lena! :) She was released in 2013, Lena tan skin was released in 2016. Lena white is kinda rare.


Here are my 2 Lena (I really need to do a more recent photo) ^^

Inner Collection by Nyx ☆, sur Flickr

If you just want a Type M, here are the Type M, Sayo and Kaoru are the most recent releases: https://innercollection.blogspot.com/search/label/Type M


Edited by Nyx Whitestar
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Oh! That's explain my confusion. I've seen both the white and tan version named Lena, so when I see the tan ver. labedel "Lena" I asked myself "but if Lena is tan, what's the name of the whitey?"


... Lena. Before summer XD


Well, I'm not searching a type M, I want that type M. I need Lena's whitey head (and Yuuna), cause I love her expression/faceup. I'm an heads hunter XD

If you say that she's rare... It'll be a loooong wait. 😕


Returning to Rikasa true identity, if she were a type G head, there should be written "YAMATO - G" on her head-cover, like on the cover of AMI, so she's a pre-letter notation.

The only possible solution is that someone took a Risa head, drilled 2 eye holes and made a custom faceup.

Nose and mouth is Risa's and Ami's, but Ami has bigger eyes.

My only perplexity is that her faceup it's so very well done that seems factory made, and the eyes holes are so smooth and perfect... well, lucky me.


Let's close this case. ^^ Rikasa, why don't you bring your ID with you?!?


I'm sorry my curiosity caused all this.

Edited by Testament


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Nyx Whitestar

Good point with the type head written on the head. So she is definitly a VMF50 Risa, with her original body Type D. The face-up is a custom (even now, Angel Philia/Pink Drops default face-up aren't so smooth!), with eyes opened by the artist. That's why she looks like Ami but without the same eyes shape :) I bet she has no eyes socket for placing the eyes?

Anyway, congrats, she is lovely! And good luck for Lena, I understand why you want her and not just a Type M, it was my first Angel Philia, and still my fav ♡ I wish you to find her! It's hard but not impossible. And yeah back then they were being named the same in white and tan, it's confusing xD Now it's much easier (Emma/Emmy, etc.).

And don't worry, I'm curious and passionate about these girls, so I find it interesting to try to know who she is, and I always love to talk about them :)

Edited by Nyx Whitestar

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  On 9/3/2019 at 6:36 AM, Nyx Whitestar said:

I bet she has no eyes socket for placing the eyes?

Exactly, I used patafix.

🤞for Lena XD



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Alice is another head that's Type M, right? She always looks like a Lena with a bolder lip to me, but perhaps I'm getting the heads all mixed up... 

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It's always interesting how much a face-up can alter the appearance of a sculpt.


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  On 9/18/2019 at 4:05 AM, Majikaru-Rin said:

It looks like Emma but with tan lines (!?) I'm pretty sure her tummy is white and the rest is tan, unless my eyes are playing tricks on me.

I agree. She's clearly whitey on the belly and tan on her limbs/face.

Sayo rerelease preorder are out for a long time on faithZ but whit the double tone wig and the monocole I haven't recognized her.


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  On 9/20/2019 at 9:01 AM, yokha said:


It’s been a while

Yes it has. Good to hear from you and see your girls again!


Anyway the clothes are for sale if someone interested

Does Bell come with them?


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I love that purple lingerie set!  It's lovely, just like your girls.  <3  I wish that lingerie fit DD and SmD girls because I'd scoop it up immediately if it did.  😄




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  On 9/20/2019 at 11:05 PM, baldylox said:

I love that purple lingerie set!  It's lovely, just like your girls.  <3  I wish that lingerie fit DD and SmD girls because I'd scoop it up immediately if it did.  😄




Ah sadly i dont have DD anymore so i can't use it for fitting and measurement, but i used type G bust and H hips for it, im sure the top and bottom can fit DD body, but the socks gonna be short for DD legs, maybe in the future when i can buy DD and SD size doll i can make clothes for them. But thank you for the interest  😊


Anyway I'm planning to meet up with my friend who owns SMD will try to put some of the lingerie on his girls, we'll see if its gonna fit

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  On 9/23/2019 at 12:14 PM, yokha said:

Ah sadly i dont have DD anymore so i can't use it for fitting and measurement, but i used type G bust and H hips for it, im sure the top and bottom can fit DD body, but the socks gonna be short for DD legs, maybe in the future when i can buy DD and SD size doll i can make clothes for them. But thank you for the interest  😊


Anyway I'm planning to meet up with my friend who owns SMD will try to put some of the lingerie on his girls, we'll see if its gonna fit

Ahh I see.  I love your work ( and your ladies! ) and have bought some shirts from you before that fit a DD L bust but it was VERY tight.  😉  That's great news about the SmD fitting!  I hope something works out.  Please let us know how it goes.  :)




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I've enjoyed seeing everyone's lovely dolls. I recently purchased my first Angel Philia, a Mana I found on Mandarake. 



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Needing advice.

I'm really trying to decide what to do here. I got my first AP a few months ago (an Emmy second hand) and..I've wanted an AP for so long but I come from the resin world and I don't think I'm adjusting to vinyl very well. I really was intent that I would be the forever home of this girl but I'm struggling with enjoying her the way I do my resin dolls.

1. Her legs won't stop falling off. I mean the lower leg? The shin? I will be extremely careful in posing her and trying to be so gentle and there goes the leg. Reattaching it means I have to keep unstuffing her thighs and restuffing once the leg is attached and hoping it doesn't fall off again. it's just more effort than I feel it's worth. I've even tried shoving the peg in more so the vinyl sits of the knee cap more than it probably should and still it falls off. It's a snug fit, I don't think the issue is due to being loose, it's just that the peg itself is way too short for this thigh. As far as I know the previous owner didn't change out any parts though so it's just bad design I guess? I don't know what I'm missing here.
2. I get the soft skin is meant to make it easier to pose by deforming itself but..again, I come from the world of resin where because there is no give; posing relies on a well jointed and designed body which I feel AP lacks entirely. If you like nude display you are limited on posing options because the skin has to deform to get it to pose in any capacity. And then you have the issue of leaving it in a pose that deforms it too long will cause the vinyl to wrinkle and take heat and care to work the creasing out when undone.
3. The plastic joints are REALLY stiff. I mean I guess that's good for holding poses but it makes it really hard to position without messing up some other part of the pose you worked on.
4. There's no neck movability. I mean, in all fairness some of my resin dolls have this same issue but there really is so limited mobility here.
I can't be the only one with these issues. Is this just some of the cons of an AP that you choose to work with anyway for the sake of your enjoyment or am I missing something? I'm not bad mouthing APs at all! I just..don't think I was prepared for this world and I don't think APs are for me if these are the cons everyone faces and I hate saying that because I love the proportions, I love the style, I love the community and I genuinely love this doll but I just can't get this to work with my ownership style and needs. I really don't want to sell my girl but if I can't enjoy her because of all these pitfalls being such deal-breakers for me, I may just have to and that upsets me so much. The cons are just such dealbreakers for me that I'm so torn. I'm trying to get other insight from owners before I make any rash decisions. I'm trying to give this doll every chance I can before I try to part with it. Maybe I just like looking at APs more than owning one 😕 I guess that's not really a bad thing but..I don't know. Any insight anyone has to their own APs or the faults I've mentioned or advice you may even have is all welcome. Ultimately if my girl has to go to a better home, then she has to go to a better home.

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I can't offer any specific advice on AP as I don't own one (or any Obitsu), but I have Dollfie Dreams so I know vinyl in general. Reading your post it sounds to me like you are probably used to, comfortable and happy with how resin bodies pose and behave, and that's just quite different than vinyl. I understand that POV because I'm on the opposite side of it; I like how vinyl works and don't like resin at all.

However, hopefully there is something specific going on with your AP that's out of the ordinary that someone more knowledgeable about them can help you with. The leg issue sounds to me like something is wrong; the other issues like how the vinyl distorts with more extreme posing just sounds like how it is. I do know from handling an Obitsu body briefly that their joints can feel quite stiff--moreso than the Volks dolls. As for that aspect making poses hard to do, because something else changes while you're working on it, how are you posing? With vinyl it is important to move each joint by holding the parts in question as close to the joint as possible and bending it; for example to bend the elbow hold the forearm right below the elbow and upper arm right above it and bend the joint. That should adjust one joint without affecting others, and it's important to do it this way because it doesn't put unnecessary stress on the joints, which can cause them to crack.

Edited by cfx
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I'm sorry to hear your Emmy is having issues!

I'm by no means an AP expert, but I have one girl on an AP body and then 6 Obitsu girls total (they all use the same internal frame as AP).

First, go up and check the hips. You want to make sure the hip pegs are fully settled into their sockets. If they're not, the hip vinyl isn't as high into the hip as it should be, and then it's pushing down on the knee, and that could be the source of your knee issue. I say start with the hips, because that's the #1 issue with my girls, and if their hips aren't right, it causes all sorts of issues elsewhere.

Also, make sure the knee peg is all the way into the thigh socket. When the leg is straight, the vinyl should be quite tight against the knee cap. If there's any gapping, then the knee peg isn't in far enough.

As for the soft skin... Well, you bought a soft skin doll. You can't compare it to resin. It's like buying an apple and complaining it doesn't come apart into neat little sections like an orange. The Obitsu frame is incredibly well-designed and poses wonderfully -- my Obitsu girls are the best posers in the house, even better than my Fairyland girls (who are known for being excellent at posing).

It also sounds like you're trying to pose her like a resin doll -- which will never work. I think you probably need to spend quite a bit more time with her, learning how to pose vinyl, because it is totally different from posing resin. If you try to pose vinyl the same way you pose resin, you're setting yourself up for frustration!

For example, Obitsu has TWO joints in the neck, one to allow her to nod her head up and down, and one to allow her to tip her head side to side. They've even got a little joint in their shoulders that allows them to lift their shoulders into a "shrug" -- something no resin can do! So if you're struggling with neck mobility, it's likely you're struggling to find and move the joints that are there. That's something you're only going to learn through experience and practice -- and letting go of the mindset that she "should" move like a resin.

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  On 11/5/2019 at 5:00 AM, akaisha0 said:

Needing advice.

I'm really trying to decide what to do here. I got my first AP a few months ago (an Emmy second hand) and..I've wanted an AP for so long but I come from the resin world and I don't think I'm adjusting to vinyl very well. I really was intent that I would be the forever home of this girl but I'm struggling with enjoying her the way I do my resin dolls.

1. Her legs won't stop falling off. I mean the lower leg? The shin? I will be extremely careful in posing her and trying to be so gentle and there goes the leg. Reattaching it means I have to keep unstuffing her thighs and restuffing once the leg is attached and hoping it doesn't fall off again. it's just more effort than I feel it's worth. I've even tried shoving the peg in more so the vinyl sits of the knee cap more than it probably should and still it falls off. It's a snug fit, I don't think the issue is due to being loose, it's just that the peg itself is way too short for this thigh. As far as I know the previous owner didn't change out any parts though so it's just bad design I guess? I don't know what I'm missing here.
2. I get the soft skin is meant to make it easier to pose by deforming itself but..again, I come from the world of resin where because there is no give; posing relies on a well jointed and designed body which I feel AP lacks entirely. If you like nude display you are limited on posing options because the skin has to deform to get it to pose in any capacity. And then you have the issue of leaving it in a pose that deforms it too long will cause the vinyl to wrinkle and take heat and care to work the creasing out when undone.
3. The plastic joints are REALLY stiff. I mean I guess that's good for holding poses but it makes it really hard to position without messing up some other part of the pose you worked on.
4. There's no neck movability. I mean, in all fairness some of my resin dolls have this same issue but there really is so limited mobility here.
I can't be the only one with these issues. Is this just some of the cons of an AP that you choose to work with anyway for the sake of your enjoyment or am I missing something? I'm not bad mouthing APs at all! I just..don't think I was prepared for this world and I don't think APs are for me if these are the cons everyone faces and I hate saying that because I love the proportions, I love the style, I love the community and I genuinely love this doll but I just can't get this to work with my ownership style and needs. I really don't want to sell my girl but if I can't enjoy her because of all these pitfalls being such deal-breakers for me, I may just have to and that upsets me so much. The cons are just such dealbreakers for me that I'm so torn. I'm trying to get other insight from owners before I make any rash decisions. I'm trying to give this doll every chance I can before I try to part with it. Maybe I just like looking at APs more than owning one 😕 I guess that's not really a bad thing but..I don't know. Any insight anyone has to their own APs or the faults I've mentioned or advice you may even have is all welcome. Ultimately if my girl has to go to a better home, then she has to go to a better home.


I'm really sorry to read your concern.

I'm no expert here, but I own Marie, my first Pink Drops and my first doll ever, I bought a custom Risa second hand and I'm 2 arms away from building my third Angel Philia, this time from scratch.

1) I've seen falling legs sometime, in yt video too. It's not normal at all. The peg in the upper leg don't make enough friction and the knee, with the rest of the leg, falls off. I think this is a tolerance problem, the peg is smaller in diameter than normal, fraction of mm, and so when it's inserted in the upper leg cilinder it doesn't make a good connection.

You can try adding a round of cellophan to increase the thickness of the peg. Not too much or you'll end with a bigger peg that will break its seat.

Or maybe the cilinder is cracked? Anyway, I don't find necessary the stuffing matter. I've let her without stuffing for months, I've only recently stuffed everything 'cause in the box Marie tend to deform after a while. Not anymore.


2)I really don't find a issue with soft skin. If it deform after days of bending, I simply heat her for 2 minutes and she's good as new.


3)If the joint are so stiff, you can loose them using the screw that determine how stiff they are. K-2 has shown how to disassemble a joint for stiffing, the same actions can be done to obtain the reverse and loose them.


4)AP don't have the more posable neck, but lateral and frontal bending is possible. Then there is the extra joint at the top of the neck where the head insert to bend more. I found its movability preatty satisfactory.


I'm sorry, I have never seen a resin doll in person, so I can't relate and I can't make parallel, but in owning an AP I don't feel like I'm working with some issue and accept them for the sake of enjoying.

To me the issue are others, like the difficult to change/moving eyes, the risk of staining, the cracking shoulders seats and the difficult to find alternative heads. But I'm fine with them too.

Edited by Testament


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Thank you everyone for your advice! I will look into these options a little more before I make a final decision on her <3

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@akaisha0 - Regarding the lower leg falling off, my soft-skin Sayo (purchased new) also appeared to have upper leg bones (the plastic rod between the thigh socket and knee joint) that were slightly too short, causing the hip vinyl to either deform or overlap the knee joint slightly. I extended the leg bones a centimeter or two at the knee joint and that solved the problem. The knee joint will still hold the bone firmly, even when it isn't fully inserted, whereas the thigh socket tends to be more slippery.

BTW, there's a removable plastic tensioning collar that fits over the split thigh socket. You can sometimes get more tension on the leg bone by sliding that collar down a few centimeters toward the knee, but you need to remove the leg assembly from the hip joint to access it, and reinstalling the leg properly is one of the more difficult AP assembly tasks. I suggest researching that procedure before removing the legs.

I display my soft skin girls scantily clad more often than not, and the only area that I've had trouble with in terms of deformation is the lower back/butt, which tends to turn concave. I just stuff a firm block of foam over the lower spine and the vinyl holds its shape perfectly. You need to either work within the range of the soft vinyl's natural shape or stuff it where it deforms, but be prepared for a little trial and error before you get it dialed-in. Once you have it just right, you'll never need to mess with it again.


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