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VMF50 & Angel Philia Discussion Thread (nsfw, doll nudity)

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Her wig finally arrived today! The lighting this time of evening is terrible, so I'll have to get some better shots another time.


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  On 2/25/2022 at 12:52 AM, sugarbeta said:


Purple lipstick! Is that an official color, or dyed? If the latter, I'm super impressed because it looks perfect.


Dyed, I brought it like that off Instagram.

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Finally had a chance to take a picture of all the busts  I've somehow accumulated (apart from the busts on the girls)20220301_165753.jpg.4f878f99c852e6362278aa94ea67d3b3.jpg

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Woah, that's a boobs avalance!

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Looking to trade this tan N head for a different tan head. Not looking for open mouths. She has some imperfections, so looking to trade for blank/or another head that could use some love.


(USA only please) 


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Also wanting to sell my super whitey Mona girl. She's got no box and missing some body blushing on one nipple. A few faint stains too. I haven't tried removing as I've been so flat out with the move. Does have her coa. Will take better photos hopefully tomorrow. 

Looking at $470 usd plus shipping atm.

May consider short layaways. 


She's a cutie but I don't need two of this sculpt and really want to down size my collection 😇 




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  On 2/26/2022 at 4:13 AM, chef_mai said:

I've been wanting to ask for a while, but what is the softness level for AP parts?

I know that the ones explicitly marked as "soft" are so soft that they recommend some internal reinforcement, but what about the normal ones? Are they soft like the older Obitsu busts/torsos or semi-rigid like all the post-2019-Obitsu parts?

I just got my Dollypop parts in, and they are softer and thinner than Obitsu's old soft parts. With the thighs now soft, I'm now really interested in getting my doll's arms and shins also converted to soft-ish now, and it seems that AP's the way to go here.

Since nobody answered this and I was changing Alice’s outfit earlier, I got out my spare AP parts to check.

I only have hand parts, heel feet, a C torso and thighs, but they’re all normal type and not Soft Skin.

The hands, thighs and feet are the same firmness as the stock Obitsu 48, but the torso is much softer and has larger holes at the hips which make it easier to get on and off the skeleton. I’m not sure how it compares to Dollypop, though.

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  On 3/2/2022 at 3:24 AM, ragnamuffin said:

Since nobody answered this and I was changing Alice’s outfit earlier, I got out my spare AP parts to check.

I only have hand parts, heel feet, a C torso and thighs, but they’re all normal type and not Soft Skin.

The hands, thighs and feet are the same firmness as the stock Obitsu 48, but the torso is much softer and has larger holes at the hips which make it easier to get on and off the skeleton. I’m not sure how it compares to Dollypop, though.

Dollypop soft vinyl is somewhat thinner and softer than the old Obitsu soft vinyl, but I don't think it's as soft as the parts that AP brands as soft skin. The thighs deform a little while sitting. I just posted a pic of the vinyl thicknesses in my Dollypop topic.

The arms restocked just today, so I nabbed them. Turns out the shins are hard vinyl, so I see no point of getting those.

I'm now pretty piqued by the soft skin parts for my WIP second doll after tierparkzone described it to me, but the selection's pretty overwhelming. 

It's seeing this level of flexibility that's caught my eye... even my Dollypop setup can't do this (the knee joint detaches). Not that this is the pose I specifically want, but even right now, I have not been able to get any of my dolls to get into a seiza pose that's to my satisfaction.

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  On 3/2/2022 at 9:37 AM, chef_mai said:

Dollypop soft vinyl is somewhat thinner and softer than the old Obitsu soft vinyl, but I don't think it's as soft as the parts that AP brands as soft skin. The thighs deform a little while sitting. I just posted a pic of the vinyl thicknesses in my Dollypop topic.

To add on to what I wrote earlier (since ‘softer’ is vague and subjective), I think the vinyl of the normal type AP torso is thinner than the standard Obitsu torso (I didn’t compare because Alice is still in her bodysuit but I seem to recall that it was when I tried it on her), and by ‘softer’ I mean the body is squishy and you can feel the skeleton through it if you push into it, but I don’t think it will deform like the Soft Skin.

The interesting thing is that the vinyl is firmer at the hips and gets squishier towards the stomach.

I regret not picking up the Soft Skin parts when I could, but I’d read a lot of negative press about them on 5ch that made me hesitate. Apparently a lot of Japanese doll owners aren’t too crazy about them.

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  On 3/2/2022 at 10:15 AM, ragnamuffin said:

I’d read a lot of negative press about them on 5ch that made me hesitate. Apparently a lot of Japanese doll owners aren’t too crazy about them.

That's interesting. What's the common complaint?

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  On 3/2/2022 at 10:17 AM, chef_mai said:

That's interesting. What's the common complaint?

The usual complaints about the parts getting deformed easily and the body looking emaciated, and that stuffing it is a pain. A lot of it is just complaining for the sake of it or grossly exaggerating, e.g. a few of them were saying the thin vinyl is just scrap parts Tommy repurposed into body parts and that they’re a scam 🥴

They also complained a lot about the Soft Skin on Marika (RAP) looking awful around the ribs. I can kinda see it.


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  On 3/1/2022 at 10:00 PM, zaada said:

Finally had a chance to take a picture of all the busts  I've somehow accumulated (apart from the busts on the girls)20220301_165753.jpg.4f878f99c852e6362278aa94ea67d3b3.jpg

Booba collection is A+!

(I just wish they had more chests that were a good medium between "actually kinda flat" and "big but with giant nipples that threaten to poke holes in any tops they wear"...like I'd enjoy having more big bazonga gals around but I live with my parents so I would prefer them to look somewhat decent when I'm not taking risque pics of them...)

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  On 3/2/2022 at 3:58 PM, monkeypizzasonic said:

Booba collection is A+!

(I just wish they had more chests that were a good medium between "actually kinda flat" and "big but with giant nipples that threaten to poke holes in any tops they wear"...like I'd enjoy having more big bazonga gals around but I live with my parents so I would prefer them to look somewhat decent when I'm not taking risque pics of them...)

The azone bottom left is probably a good medium in that regard, but definitely a shame that AP don't do more themselves. 

They could definitely improve their business practices as a whole. Ie more stand alone heads, more fashion that isn't just skimpy 😂 and actually sell directly overseas to avoid the ridiculous faith z mark up

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listed my Mona if anyone is interested 🤗



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  On 2/22/2022 at 5:32 AM, POMNYAN said:

Ahhh this is a long shot but anyone willing to trade a soft ap body for a tan vmf50 hard one?? ;; or I'm willing to trade just the hard thighs, breast plate, and torso for soft torso and thighs ;;

I have a spare soft thigh in tan if you need, albeit have a stain on the front.  I haven't tried benzoyl to remove as I had another spare pair. It might come out  or could put a tattoo or something over ? Idk let me know if you're still looking 


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  On 3/2/2022 at 4:38 PM, zaada said:

They could definitely improve their business practices as a whole. Ie more stand alone heads, more fashion that isn't just skimpy 😂 and actually sell directly overseas to avoid the ridiculous faith z mark up

I feel that with the skimpy fashion, especially. Already resigned to sewing my AP girls their own garments since almost all the AP clothes are either skimpy or too modern for my styling tastes. Especially with the hips & busts posing such a sizing problem for default outfits. Hell, I ordered an elastic nightgown specifically so it'd fit over the bust of my current AP lass and it won't even stretch far enough. Both of my girls have additional type G bust options, so I'm debating tailoring the clothes to those busts, so the gowns can be shared between. And probably including some sort of padding so the nipples don't protrude so ostentatiously through said garments. That, or sand the nipples down, which I would rather not do.

  On 3/2/2022 at 3:58 PM, monkeypizzasonic said:

(I just wish they had more chests that were a good medium between "actually kinda flat" and "big but with giant nipples that threaten to poke holes in any tops they wear"...like I'd enjoy having more big bazonga gals around but I live with my parents so I would prefer them to look somewhat decent when I'm not taking risque pics of them...)

I wasn't sure at first if I would swap the bust on my current girl, she was ordered as Manami & came with a type C5 bust which, while still arguably quite stylized, I had thought would potentially make for a good 'reasonable' middle between flat & full. When looking at it dead-on it would appear so, but the bust itself ends up almost entirely flat across the torso if you look from the side, just due to the styling. It also sits very tight on the skeleton, which accentuates it a lot. I'm fond of C3, though - My other lass will wear that bust. I think just due to it sitting more naturally it ends up the best 'middle ground' between the flat & (usually) cartoonishly perky.

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Sold my Kumi today to buy the Riko 😵 I plan on using the sun tan body with her.  I really like Kumi and was thinking of having her and Riko but I need to save 😂😂😂 


Also managed to build my tan doll from parts, now just need a head 🥲 also deciding on the bust. Which do you prefer in regards to looking best for the b torso ? Won't be using this head  








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Also shout out to my partner for buying me the our generation heals on wheels set. She's mobile until I deal with trying to attach her feet 


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  On 3/2/2022 at 9:14 PM, zaada said:

Sold my Kumi today to buy the Riko 😵 I plan on using the sun tan body with her.  I really like Kumi and was thinking of having her and Riko but I need to save 😂😂😂 


Also managed to build my tan doll from parts, now just need a head 🥲 also deciding on the bust. Which do you prefer in regards to looking best for the b torso ? Won't be using this head  








I think the third or fourth bust looks best.

Edited by Maia
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  On 3/2/2022 at 10:57 PM, zaada said:

Also shout out to my partner for buying me the our generation heals on wheels set. She's mobile until I deal with trying to attach her feet 


Dang the crutches are too small 😆


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  On 3/2/2022 at 4:38 PM, zaada said:

The azone bottom left is probably a good medium in that regard, but definitely a shame that AP don't do more themselves. 

If that Azone is the standard AZO2-G bust, that puts things in perspective. I'd argue that the bust in the lower right would classify as middle ground... stuff that will fill out but otherwise readily fit into most DDP/O50 clothes. It looks similar to the Dollypop 50L I have. 

Just outta curiosity, what is the bust circumference on the H and C5? 

There's pretty significant gapping with the first and last choices. It won't show up in clothing, but I've had experiences where the gaps are enough that clothing gets caught in the gap and can shear over time from that.

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Everyone, I'm happy to see all the action here lately and the pics are great but can we please not do sales listings here?  Those need to be in the marketplace.  You can make a sales post there and link to it from this thread but please don't make any more sales here.  It breaks up all the great info we have here.

Thank you!




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I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  On 3/2/2022 at 11:06 PM, chef_mai said:

Just outta curiosity, what is the bust circumference on the H and C5? 

I got info from FaithZ about this. For all that's talked about the markup (which is very true), I've been impressed by the thoroughness and promptness of their responses.

For regular H all around. (I'm surprised it measures to 20cm because it looks so flat in the pics.)

Bust: 20cm
Hips: 23.5cm
Thighs: 15.5cm (similar to what tierparkzone measured before)

C-5 is 21cm bust.

They also read my mind well and said that between H vs. H2, the way the leg opening is carved extra high allows for much more flexible posing, so squatting like this can be done. I also notice that the legs can actually bend fully inwards maybe due to the extra soft material, something mine cannot do.


I've seen this design before, and it reminds me a lot of what Azone does with the "Emotion" line of PureNeemo bodies. They have much larger openings that let the legs bend upwards significantly more.


(One pitfall though is that I imagine that flexibility is probably best achieved in a skirt. I've noticed that in shorts, especially denim shorts, Mai is significantly less flexible.)

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  On 3/3/2022 at 6:45 AM, chef_mai said:

They also read my mind well and said that between H vs. H2, the way the leg opening is carved extra high allows for much more flexible posing, so squatting like this can be done. I also notice that the legs can actually bend fully inwards maybe due to the extra soft material, something mine cannot do.



Yes, the softness of the thighs makes way for the hardness of the shins for a flawless "compenetration".



Changing to H2 allows for incredible range of motion of the upper leg, while sacrificing aesthetics, so it's best if the gap is covered with proper clothing. As you rightly point out, with pants it's more problematic.



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