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VMF50 & Angel Philia Discussion Thread (nsfw, doll nudity)

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Well, how about that. The pre-order for the "girl with the painful-feeling ham mouth" sold out at FaithZs, though, from the wording of the ad, it was probably a limited trial run. Still, who would have guessed? She wasn't exactly greeted with open arms in this thread.


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Well, how about that. The pre-order for the "girl with the painful-feeling ham mouth" sold out at FaithZs, though, from the wording of the ad, it was probably a limited trial run. Still, who would have guessed? She wasn't exactly greeted with open arms in this thread.


Actually on our facebook group for ap and vmf this girl got a lot of love, and it seems like many members preordering her.

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Well ok I'm glad they made sales for her

Really I was not a fan of that ham mouth at all

I'm somewhat surprised, but to each their own right?

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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Really I was not a fan of that ham mouth at all

I'm somewhat surprised, but to each their own right?


I was never a big fan of all the tongues hanging out.


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Really I was not a fan of that ham mouth at all

I'm somewhat surprised, but to each their own right?


I was never a big fan of all the tongues hanging out.

I've got some soft spot for just one of the open mouth sclupt and its type N, cos i think its the only open mouth sculpt so far that can passed as a singing sculpt after seeing it with custom face up hha but thats it, im kinda glad the new girl got some love eventho im not interested with the sculpt, cos thats mean it will trigger ap to create more new head sculpt, but my fave will always be type J, H and L.

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I've got some soft spot for just one of the open mouth sculpt and its type N, cos i think its the only open mouth sculpt so far that can passed as a singing sculpt after seeing it with custom face up hha but that's it, im kinda glad the new girl got some love even tho i'm not interested with the sculpt, cos that means it will trigger AP to create more new head sculpt, but my fave will always be type J, H and L.

Ahhhh, the Type J!

And yes AP, make more sculpts!


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I was never a big fan of all the tongues hanging out.


I can certainly see why they're an acquired (or not) taste. I'm still struggling with the type-Os (Help the poor thing! She choking!) but the 'smile'-modified version (e.g. Tsugumi) is definitely growing on me. OTOH, I adore the type-Ks! Marina was my introduction to the world of BJDs, and I swear, I laugh out loud every time I see her adorable face.

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I'm lurking around this topic for quite a while now, and considering getting a Rin in the next few weeks (or days).

But before I take the plunge, I would like to see what people can do with here.

I do like the mold but not sure about the original faceup.

Even if she's out for almost a year (I think), I can't find any owner picture of her, except K-2's one.

Is she not that popular compared to other type j ?

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I'm lurking around this topic for quite a while now, and considering getting a Rin in the next few weeks (or days).

But before I take the plunge, I would like to see what people can do with here.

I do like the mold but not sure about the original faceup.

Even if she's out for almost a year (I think), I can't find any owner picture of her, except K-2's one.

Is she not that popular compared to other type j ?

A possible reason for Rin being seemingly less popular is that she followed shortly after Ran, a Type J with a similar face-up. Ran also had the popular H Type bust/torso/thigh parts and Rin was on the slimmer Type F/C bust/torso parts.

An ordering period has just recently opened for a new Type J, Shizuka. She has a darker, goth-ish style face up and Type H body parts.



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Oh right, I've seen her, but I'm not found of her goth style, and white skin.

About that, on official pictures, her skin seems way whiter than Rin, which also seems a little bit whiter than others (let's say Kurumi for example). But all of them get their skin color described as "whitey".

So I was wondering, are they all the same color in real ? Or this color variation is part of their make up?


About the eyes size, is 16mm the only size that can fit or is it possible to go a little bit around like ~14-18mm ?


So many questions

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Aside from minor manufacturing variations, I'm pretty sure that all current "whitey" parts are the same color, the apparent differences being attributable to the blushing and faceup colors, as you surmised.


The AP dolls in my experience can use 12mm, 14mm, or 16mm eyes. It all depends on how large you want the iris in relation to the eye holes. I haven't tried any 18mm eyes, but I think you'd end up with an oversize iris with no sclera (white) showing around the edges (if they fit at all).

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Rin use 16mm and her eyes are already big enough IMO ^^ But 14mm may looks good on her.

Did anyone already try animetic style eyes on Eri (or similar mold with big eyes hole) ?


I've made my decision, and took the last Rin on Faithz Now, I just need to find a wig, and some high heels. I've already a closet full of DD clothes, i hope at least one of them will fit her...


Speaking of wigs, I've also a few of them in DD size (8~9"). I know vmf50 is more like 7~8", but if I add a silicone wig cap to it, will it fit correctly and still look nice, without being too loose ?

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Oh right, I've seen her, but I'm not fond of her goth style, and white skin.

About that, on official pictures, her skin seems way whiter than Rin, which also seems a little bit whiter than others (let's say Kurumi for example). But all of them get their skin color described as "whitey".

So I was wondering, are they all the same color in real ? Or this color variation is part of their make up?

"Whitey" or white skin is the standard Obitsu skin tone. All Obitsu manufactured bodies (Azone, AP, RAP, Visuadoll, VMF50, Parabox, etc.) use this color as their default. Obitsu briefly made a "super white" which was similar to Volks white. But since the color for Shizuka was listed a whitey, the common translation for their standard white skin, I'm guessing she is just a standard white skin. The bleached white appearance is probably from the photo processing/lighting and the contrast with the much darker make up.


About the eyes size, is 16mm the only size that can fit or is it possible to go a little bit around like ~14-18mm ?

The built in eye pockets on the Type J head a sized for 16mm eyes. Other eye sizes will work. Iris size to actual eye hole size is a matter of individual taste. You will just have to use eye putty to hold in smaller sizes or make slits in the eye pockets to accommodate the larger sizes.


So many questions

This is the place to ask 'em.


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Thank you K-2 and Corvus


I'm a little bit confused about what shoes size I should get.

I've read that MSD shoes should fit nicely overall.

But also that AP high heel feet, which seems a little bit bigger than Obitsu high heel and AP flat, will need an inner length of 6.2 to 6.5cm.

Assuming both of these statements are true, since DD feet are also 6.5cm, I should be able to use DD sized shoes, right?


It seems like many, if not all, official pictures of AP has eyelashes on them. I don't see anything about it in the doll description, so are they always included?

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I'm a little bit confused about what shoes size I should get.

I've read that MSD shoes should fit nicely overall.

But also that AP high heel feet, which seems a little bit bigger than Obitsu high heel and AP flat, will need an inner length of 6.2 to 6.5cm.

Obitsu 50cm feet are a little tricky. The flat feet have a heel to toe length of 6cm, while the heel feet are 6.3cm if you measure following the contour of the bottom of the feet. Some MSD shoes will fit, but you will need to check for an inner length of about 6.2cm to about 6.5cm for the flat feet and 6.3cm or larger for the heel feet. Some longer shoes will fit with the help of socks or stuffing in the toes.


Assuming both of these statements are true, since DD feet are also 6.5cm, I should be able to use DD sized shoes, right?

DD shoes will fit both styles of AP feet. Most will fit better with a pair of socks or hose of some kind to snug them up. The DD High Heels fit both types of AP feet and are a bargain.



It seems like many, if not all, official pictures of AP has eyelashes on them. I don't see anything about it in the doll description, so are they always included?

The realistic face sculpts have eyelashes installed. Most of the anime style sculpts have them painted on.


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Ok, I think I'm all set.

Rin is on her way.

A few Leeke wigs are coming too.

Found a pair of AP high heels boots on Mandarake.

And ordered a couple of Mako eyes.


I also wanted to get at least one official AP set for her, but found nothing nice on Mandarake nor YAJ...


Now, the long waiting game begin

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Yeah, I've a bunch of their stuff for DD. Unfortunately, they don't have much for 50cm as they used to, and most of their release/restock are for DD only now.

There is also AddamsTown with similar interesting stuff, but sadly I don't think they sell anywhere else than in doll convention anymore, and their clothes are like impossible to find in second hand market.

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She's here \o/




I was not sure about her face up at first, but she is way more gorgeous in real!

Her eyes are a little bit darker for my taste, but I was expecting that and already ordered a new pair.

Unfortunately, I've learned (after ordering) that MakoEyes currently takes 2 months to fulfill orders... Hope they worth it.


I've already upgraded her bust to a G-type I was using on my DD, but it may be a little bit bigger than I expected on her. So I think I'll fallback to a C2 (or C3 maybe?), if they come back in stock at some point.

I was a little bit surprised than she doesn't come with the new soft skin thigh/shin part, especially since all other parts are. Not a big deal if I keep the G bust, I may also need to upgrade the lower parts for a little curvier type, like G or H. All option parts use the new soft skin now, right ?

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