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VMF50 & Angel Philia Discussion Thread (nsfw, doll nudity)

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  baldylox said:

As for this:




Ummm, what? I find that totally hilarious but also completely weird. Breast positioning on that poor girl is just..... wow. This makes me wonder tho, are her breasts movable/positionable? Now THAT would be a cool action feature! LOL "




O.K., so this might be tmi, but as someone who is busty, sometimes when you lay down that happens. I can't imagine that's what they were thinking in the long run, but that's what I immediately thought of!

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  gothikgrrl said:
O.K., so this might be tmi, but as someone who is busty, sometimes when you lay down that happens. I can't imagine that's what they were thinking in the long run, but that's what I immediately thought of!



Hee hee, I gotcha. As someone who used to be married to a busty woman, I know that lying down does make real breats lay like this at times. I just think that if that is what was intended, they should have had her on a bed or at least laying on her back or something to make the effect look nicer. Having her standing up is more comical than anything tho as is clearly seen here. And I think they knew this too because of the panties being there. Yeah they may cover up the nips but they also add comic effect.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:
  gothikgrrl said:
O.K., so this might be tmi, but as someone who is busty, sometimes when you lay down that happens. I can't imagine that's what they were thinking in the long run, but that's what I immediately thought of!



Hee hee, I gotcha. As someone who used to be married to a busty woman, I know that lying down does make real breats lay like this at times. I just think that if that is what was intended, they should have had her on a bed or at least laying on her back or something to make the effect look nicer. Having her standing up is more comical than anything tho as is clearly seen here. And I think they knew this too because of the panties being there. Yeah they may cover up the nips but they also add comic effect.





The bust could also be for those pretty comical "boob bounce" animations that are sometimes used when female characters are running. Can't find a good example picture right now, but those who have seen some fan-service/hentai animes with busty character should know what I mean.

Corellia(DD Marya), Sirius(DDS Sirius), Luka(DDdy OOB N-04), Alessa(DDdy Sakura Honya Head) Genma(Azone Kanojo)

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  Bloodflower said:
The bust could also be for those pretty comical "boob bounce" animations that are sometimes used when female characters are running. Can't find a good example picture right now, but those who have seen some fan-service/hentai animes with busty character should know what I mean.


Ha! Now that makes lots of sense too! I didn't even think about that, good call! I know EXACTLY what you mean about the boob bounce in anime.


  Jezrah said:
I just assumed it was for use with tentacle stands and such.


LOL! I've never seen one of those and I sure don't want to!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  gothikgrrl said:
O.K., I have to ask about the "proxy" you will need for shopping at these sites. I like the PinkDrops girl as well, but am not sure how to shop on the Japanese sites.


in case it's helpful to you or anyone, the Pink Drops girl is called ミリア which translates into Miria or Milia... i was lazy before and didn't bother reading the kana on the auction titles because they always spell so many of the keywords in english: Pink Drops, RealArtProject and VMF50 etc but they spell her actual name in Japanese.


this is kind of off topic but i'll leave it here in case any other people come into the thread with the same question. if anyone else is reading my posts for info, then you can skip this next part if you already know everything you need to know about proxy services:


DollfieDreams.com probably already has a thread about proxy services somewhere, because a lot of people here already use them to buy DDs, Obitsu, as well as clothing and accessories that can't be found outside of Japanese-only websites.

they are basically what you guessed they are, they help you shop on sites that are normally available in Japanese only or that would only ship to Japanese/Asian countries even if you could speak and read Japanese.


i use a proxy called Shopping Mall Japan but there are several other popular proxies that many people use. Google something like "Japanese shopping service" and you'll probably get a list of the top sites.


i've never tried a different proxy because i'm pretty happy with using SMJ (they have really good customer service, completely fluent in english and really polite). if saving the most money possible is very important to you when buying though, you should research other proxies because some of them may charge less than SMJ.


any proxy site that is reliable should have a page where they explain their fees, this is the one for SMJ:




most proxies require you to deposit money with them to have an account, and this determines how much you can bid, i.e the amount you are allowed to bid is [deposit amount]X[number] and there is a variable based on how you pay the deposit:




so if you find other sites that seem reputable, compare them to these 2 pages and you may see differences in how much it would cost you to use them. i didn't do a lot of research into which proxy is the cheapest because i didn't know much about them. i chose SMJ because i heard a lot of people give them good recommendations & they always lived up to that reputation so far. that doesn't mean alternative proxies may not provide cheaper services that compare favorably so if you have the patience to research some alternatives you might prefer to use a different one to the one i use.


the cost of buying an item once you pay your account deposit on SMJ is usually [item price] + [winning auction fee] + [multiple shipping fees]


a good service will explain why they charge the different kind of fees on their own website. some of the fees are so that the business can make profit. other fees are to cover things like shipping. you usually have to pay multiple shipping fees because the Japanese sellers won't usually send an item outside the country like i said. so it has to get sent to the proxy HQ within Japan before being sent on internationally. sometimes there are exceptions.


i was really nervous about using a proxy service when i got my account for the first time, and i know it sounds very confusing, but once you understand how it works it becomes very simple and easy to use.


the obvious issue is that the extra fees can add up really fast and become expensive, but if they didn't work like this then the services wouldn't be able to make enough money to stay in business. you get what you pay for.


since you mentioned Den of Angels, if you have marketplace access there, there are a few people selling VMF50s sometimes (mods allow it). i bought a VMF50 Kana from the DoA MP recently. another alternative place to check is figure.FM - i think i have seen VMF50s for sale there too.

*i should probably add this last part to the FAQ since it is relevant*

Another question I have is can you just purchase the heads? I also prefer a bustier body and would like to get some of the dolls heads and put them on different bodies


people don't usually split the heads and bodies for sale on their own. it's quite rare but i have seen it sometimes. it's not that you can't head swap them (you can), it's that head swapping appears to be not as quick and simple as swapping a BJD or DD head. VMF50 heads are kept in place with nuts and bolts, you have to unscrew them to take them off, then screw them back in to put them on.


if there is a really simple quick way to swap a head that i don't know about, someone should correct me please. i have never done a head swap on my own dolls, all my information comes from the internet and looking at the inside of my own VMF50 doll heads.


just remember this rule and it should help a lot: a VMF50 head (and the body) is internally constructed to be basically identical to an Obitsu 50cm head & body (there are some minor variations sometimes but they are not enough to cause major problems), so any tutorial about Obitsu 50cm dolls can be applied to VMF50/ Pink Drops/ Angel Philia dolls most of the time.


for as long as the dolls use the Obitsu skeleton this should hold true. it is the inside skeleton that you deal with when swapping parts, and all parts have to be in reasonably proportionate scale to an Obitsu 50 or else they wouldn't fit the skeleton. a really busty chest for your doll is still made to the same scale as a really flat chest.


you might want to read what i wrote in my last post about matching skin tones if you want to swap anything, because not all the dolls have the same skin tone, and some have the same base skin tone but need their body blushing removed to make the skin tone match since many dolls are unevenly blushed from head to toe in different shades of blush.


i will see if i can find some information about the measurements of Pink Drops and Angel Philia dolls. if you want to know the measurements of VMF50 dolls, then i added that information to the FAQ in the OP recently.

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pic post because i was checking Mandarake today and i realized that some more dolls i saw last year floating around YJA were not fan-modded dolls (as i thought at the time) but actually a collaboration between "Real Art Project" and Yamato/VMF50. they were released prior to Yamato rebranding itself as Arcadia and are sometimes called "Dollcore".


so, Pink Drops Miria is not the only RAP doll after all. RAP's official site is here: http://realartproject.x.fc2.com/


another edit- i also realized they have an official store! it's here: http://realartproject.cart.fc2.com/


all the RAP dolls have much more extreme/weird/lewd faces than the VMF50 dolls which were being released at the time, which is why i glossed over them before as i didn't think they were officially affiliated with Yamato in any way (i also missed any official advertising about it)


the doll for sale on Mandarake is "Dollcore Girl #3, Sayaka" - if you want to try and grab her she's up there @ 50,000 JPY - http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1208130.html


owner picture of her from http://pdoll.blog39.fc2.com/blog-entry-440.html (NSFW images at the source)




and what appears to be an official image of her from http://azoneakiba.blog45.fc2.com/blog-category-16.html




both blogs also have pictures of "Dollcore Girl #4, Romina"






i know i have seen pictures of the dolls who might be Girls #1 and #2, so i'll edit them into this post as soon as i find them.


edit 1: here is "Dollcore Girl #1, Karura"






and "Dollcore Girl #2, Ramia" who appears very similar to Pink Drops Miria, but with some differences:






i don't think there was ever a DG#5, but it looks like Yamato let RAP make Pink Drops Miria while they reformed as Arcadia & Angel Philia?


another edit: looks like only 2 days ago, RAP released the 2nd Pink Drops girl. this means that RAP is probably going to continue to release VMF50-type dolls in tandem with Arcadia's Angel Philia girls.


the new doll is "Pink Drops Girl #2, Marina




(i didn't censor the pic, i chose it because it is higher resolution than the uncensored pictures on RAP's website)


she's available in their store @ 43,000 JPY: http://realartproject.cart.fc2.com/ca2/90/p-r-s/

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Thank you so much leitan!! Just the information I needed!!

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I completely agree, it's more comic than anything else. And you are right about the panties LOL. It's a fine line between sexy and ridiculous

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pic post. **these pictures are not mine**


i noticed one of my Japanese flickr contacts just posted a bunch of photos from a recent Arcadia Doll Show, so here are a few of them - more pics are on his flickr stream:



DollShow37-DSC_5156 by taitan-no, on Flickr



DollShow37-DSC_5145 by taitan-no, on Flickr



DollShow37-DSC_5141 by taitan-no, on Flickr



DollShow37-DSC_5138 by taitan-no, on Flickr



DollShow37-DSC_5133 by taitan-no, on Flickr



DollShow37-DSC_5130 by taitan-no, on Flickr



DollShow37-DSC_5129 by taitan-no, on Flickr

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Thanks so much for these pics! There are some very lovely girls in these! But I have a question, are the girls in the following pics all the same head?


  leitan said:


DollShow37-DSC_5141 by taitan-no, on Flickr





DollShow37-DSC_5133 by taitan-no, on Flickr



DollShow37-DSC_5130 by taitan-no, on Flickr



DollShow37-DSC_5129 by taitan-no, on Flickr



They look like the same heads to me but I'm not sure. I also like the outfits they have on.... the girl in the second pic has some really great shorts and of course an awesome eyepatch. And the third one has a super sexy outfit on, I'd like that for a few of my girls to wear.


Thanks again for posting these, they were nice to see.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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eyepatch girl is my favorite! love her outfit.


i *think* you are right about them all being the same sculpts *except* for the one with the eyepatch; i found another picture of her where her eyepatch is partially removed and you can see that she appears to be a VMF50 Miko (edit- i said Mako, i meant Miko... i think Mako & Miko have the same sculpt but different bodies):




i went to the Angel Philia blog and it seems they have their own commentary about the dolls on show. i noticed all the other 3 same sculpts are referred to as the "bijin na Entry Girls-san" (which seems like a very redundant title but what do i know?)... i can't seem to find any individual names for them.


the only differences are the skintone and body types so i think it's safe to say they are all the same sculpt. i have never seen this sculpt before and the only place i can find it is in pictures from this very recent show and on a few official AP pages. so it's probably a safe guess to say it's an upcoming AP sculpt for a new series of dolls.


i also checked out Angel Philia's Wonder! account (it's here: http://thewonder.it/item_cases/2611) and found some more official pictures of the new sculpt:






there are fullsize pics and also some other interesting pictures of dolls that appear to be variants on existing prototypes up on their Wonder! page so check it out if you're interested.

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I discovered these beauties recently and I am totally in love , they are soo sexy, only knew a "standard" wmf50 those sold in hlj page and similars

I need a Liza flagship girl and Marina Pink Drops (I lose her pre-order recently) and now will be impossible found one

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Leitan, thanks for the extra info and link! That site had some really nice photos. And I agree with you, the eyepatch girl is my fave too, nice outfit style and a super sexy body. If I could ever catch a break on bills and car issues, I'd like to try getting one of these girls eventually.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  Galhound said:
I discovered these beauties recently and I am totally in love , they are soo sexy, only knew a "standard" wmf50 those sold in hlj page and similars

I need a Liza flagship girl and Marina Pink Drops (I lose her pre-order recently) and now will be impossible found one


i would not worry about missing out on Liza and Marina as long as you have access to YJA. i am checking YJA nearly every single day right now as there are some girls i am hunting too and i can tell you that there are several unsold auctions for Pink Drops #1 (Miria) up all the time. likewise, if you cannot buy Liza directly, i am sure she will turn up on YJA eventually.


when the company sells the dolls directly, just like with Dollfie Dreams, they're bought out by scalpers as often as by people who genuinely want them. there are also collectors who just get bored or have to sell for other reasons. in my experience, new dolls always show up on YJA and sometimes Mandarake a few months after their initial release. even old VMF50s like Ami and Eri are up on YJA a lot right now as well as some of the Dollcore girls (i'm thinking about bidding on Romina right now...)


if you really want to get them, my best advice is to keep checking YJA and any other JP sites. it's unlikely they will never be resold. also, Yamato/Arcadia has done re-runs and re-releases of some of their dolls in the past - the only reason i have my VMF50 Sayo is because they did a 2nd release of her officially. so it is also good advice to check their official site store and blog if possible.


  baldylox said:
Leitan, thanks for the extra info and link! That site had some really nice photos. And I agree with you, the eyepatch girl is my fave too, nice outfit style and a super sexy body. If I could ever catch a break on bills and car issues, I'd like to try getting one of these girls eventually.





it does, doesn't it?! i really hope you're able to get one you really like eventually since i know you're a huge fan of them! here's to paying off your bills!


also, as i stated before, i believe Eyepatch Girl is a VMF50 Miko, in case you want to make note of it.

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  leitan said:
i would not worry about missing out on Liza and Marina as long as you have access to YJA. i am checking YJA nearly every single day right now as there are some girls i am hunting too and i can tell you that there are several unsold auctions for Pink Drops #1 (Miria) up all the time. likewise, if you cannot buy Liza directly, i am sure she will turn up on YJA eventually.


when the company sells the dolls directly, just like with Dollfie Dreams, they're bought out by scalpers as often as by people who genuinely want them. there are also collectors who just get bored or have to sell for other reasons. in my experience, new dolls always show up on YJA and sometimes Mandarake a few months after their initial release. even old VMF50s like Ami and Eri are up on YJA a lot right now as well as some of the Dollcore girls (i'm thinking about bidding on Romina right now...)


if you really want to get them, my best advice is to keep checking YJA and any other JP sites. it's unlikely they will never be resold. also, Yamato/Arcadia has done re-runs and re-releases of some of their dolls in the past - the only reason i have my VMF50 Sayo is because they did a 2nd release of her officially. so it is also good advice to check their official site store and blog if possible.


Thanks a lot for your advice


I think that the sending of Liza and Marina should begin this month or the next, since one week ago I am checking every day Yahoo Japan (through Noppin dealer) and Mandarake

I saw some Mirias and Romina ,but until the next month will be impossible for me buy one


In the end , do you have bought Romina? had two and one has disappeared

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you're welcome, and i hope you get the dolls you want!


the Romina auction i was planning on bidding on yesterday had been renewed 3x... i was taking some time to think about whether i want to spend on her which is why i hadn't bid the first few times... anyway, i was going to bid on it this time but i forgot to check on it early, and someone else had bought her out OTL


i know there is another auction for her up right now, but that auction doesn't have any pictures of the doll, just the box... it makes me a bit wary of bidding on that one. i like to see at least ONE picture...hmmm...


random pictures then! one of my flickr contacts posted pictures of his Pink Drops Miria this morning. go to his flickr stream to see more:



魅莉阿_05 by starlam, on Flickr

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I checked the feedback of the Romina´s seller, and he has several positive votes, I hope that finally add this beauty to your family


Wow I love Miria too , she is absolutely sexy ,but I prefer the Liza´s "innocence"

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i hadn't thought to look at the seller feedback since i was so turned off by the lack of a doll picture, but that's kind of reassuring so...hmm.... i'll think about that auction more before time's up. the price is pretty average for Romina...


the thing about Romina that makes me just a little hesitant is that she's basically just a modified Kana (who i already own) but she started to grow on me after looking at pictures of her. i like the silly sexface with the tongue sticking out (i have a strong feeling that i want to buy more dolls that don't have blank or neutral expressions at the moment) and i think she'd be fun to photograph. i also really like Dollcore Karura but i can't find any auctions or sales for her at all.


i noticed a sale of Pink Drops Marina while checking YJA just now, here's the link since you said you wanted her:




like i said, i'm sure there will be a lot more Marina sales appearing soon.

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Kana is really beautiful but her expression is really different to Romina, the extreme expression to Romina face is really sexy . I am agree that will be really funny take photos to her XD

Karura is very similar , but the Romina´s body is so voluptuous , personally, I prefer her


About Marina ,I checked the yahoo auction but in this moment it is impossible for me to buy it ,until the next month, I hope that more Marinas appears in this date ,after all, the estimate of arrival is in late June

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Dose anyone have any info on this vmf50 Head & Body AMI Type? I want to know what type of body she has l found her at hobby link japan.


baldylox l like the picture that you posted. I wonder if hobby link japan well sell these girls.

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Janeway, the FAQ has been updated to include all the measurements of the orginal VMF50 line girls that i could find. it is a fairly safe bet (i mean, i'm making an educated guess here) to say that the blank AMI body on HLJ right now probably has the same proportions as the actual VMF50 complete doll who is also called AMI.


Ami's measurements should be as follows:


Type F Body

Bust: 19.5cm, Waist: 12.1cm, Hip: 21.7cm, Thigh: 14.2cm


you can look @ the front page FAQ now if you want to know about the measurements of other VMFs... i have not updated it to include Dollcore, Pink Drops or Angel Philia yet, but i will when possible.

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leitan thanks l had to ask because HLJ didn't say what typ of body she had and for and that price now l want it lol.

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O.K., so here's a totally newbie question, what is the general exchange from yen to dollar? What is, say, a 50,000 yen doll going to cost in US dollars? I checked out your link to the proxy site and really want to plan to get one of these dolls pretty soon, but I often have a hard time getting the dollar break down to stick in my head, and my converter only works occassionaly.

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Just now 1 USD ~ 100 JPY, easy to do the first calculations.

So it's ~500$ plus handling&shipping, proxy fees, maybe Paypal fees, maybe customs etc.

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